Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

This is excellent! Turn off the sound (music) so that you can read the tract picture by picture - if it moves to fast just click the arrow and stop and read each set to the end then click arrow to begin reading again. The message in this tract is very clear. Who is Satan's Master? Jesus Christ! That's who!!

I hear the jesuits have been spotted making their way to upstate south carolina , last seen near greenville :ack-1:

Do not ever forget the Jesuits dressed in SS Nazi uniforms and led the way in torturing your people, raping your women, doing satanic experiments on your children - yes - your Jewish Brethren - and that Hitler so highly regarded them he used their blueprint to annihilate 6 1/2 million Jews - in fact - Mein Kampf was written by a Jesuit priest and then handed to Hitler - how are you liking those Jesuits now, Guno? Hitler praised the Jesuits by name - even telling the Jesuit - Himmler that he was his very own Ignatius Loyola!

Still cheering them on and laughing about it or no?

If you are - shame on you - I'll stand in your place in standing up for the six and one half million Jews that were slaughtered by them - and you can in your utter ignorance - keep cheering on your brethrens' executioners, Guno.

Yes they are christians Jeri , just like you
I hear the jesuits have been spotted making their way to upstate south carolina , last seen near greenville :ack-1:

Do not ever forget the Jesuits dressed in SS Nazi uniforms and led the way in torturing your people, raping your women, doing satanic experiments on your children - yes - your Jewish Brethren - and that Hitler so highly regarded them he used their blueprint to annihilate 6 1/2 million Jews - in fact - Mein Kampf was written by a Jesuit priest and then handed to Hitler - how are you liking those Jesuits now, Guno? Hitler praised the Jesuits by name - even telling the Jesuit - Himmler that he was his very own Ignatius Loyola!

Still cheering them on and laughing about it or no?

If you are - shame on you - I'll stand in your place in standing up for the six and one half million Jews that were slaughtered by them - and you can in your utter ignorance - keep cheering on your brethrens' executioners, Guno.

Yes they are christians Jeri , just like you

Inwardly I am a Jew but while I'm in this body you can call me a Believer in Yeshua HaMachiah - a Christian - However! On the matter of Jesuits being Christians? ha! No, Guno. They are not Christians. No Christian would take part in or remain part of a religion that slaughtered Jews as the Vatican ordered done in their WWII Catholic Inquistion against Jews and Protestant Christians (we were next).

Do not think for a moment the Vatican has ceased from their plans. They have not. And what shall I think of you? Laughing and making jokes about the Jesuits - one might even get the idea you are standing in the gap for their evil / protecting them - and yet the Jesuits have the blood of 6 1/2 million Jewish men, women and children on their hands. As a Jew, how do you reconcile that, Guno? Do you not care at all?

I do. So perhaps my being a Jew inwardly is greater than your being a Jew outwardly (yet not inwardly as the Scriptures point out) because while you are only a Jew (in the flesh) so long as you walk this earth - I remain a Jew eternally.

So yes, maybe that is why this is something that matters greatly to me whereas for you? It does not appear to be so.
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On the matter of who is a Jew - on this earth - was Ruth the great grandmother of King David? Yes? But Ruth was a Moabite - from Baal worship ancestry. Not the house of David. A gentile. That is who Ruth was. She was a Gentile who married Boaz who was a Jew and from Boaz came the house of David. Through Boaz. Not Ruth.

Messianic Jews agree with me on the matter but for what reason the tradition has been to say it comes from the woman and not the man? Perhaps it comes from the bitter dispute with Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah. I cannot say. All I can tell you is that scientifically it is the male whose blood is the childs - not the woman. And with that - it was the blood of God - which determined the fatherhood of Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. God is His Father - not Joseph.
Jews say traditionally that being a Jew comes through the mother.

Culturally and religiously, that's good enough.

Not when it isn't coming through the bloodline it isn't. There was a reason for the decision to say it was not of Abraham but of Sarah (determining who is Jewish) and it could have been for that reason alone that they opted to say it is of the woman but as we see that Davids great grandmother Ruth was Gentile Moabite - and that Boaz was her Jewish husband and Davids great grandfather - it is clear it is through the father. Take it up with God and His Word. I'm just telling him what the bible has to say about it.
I'm well aware of what the internet has to say about it. It is the traditional teaching. And your point is? What?
The "internet" is only a medium, not the message.

The Jews have always decided the traditional determination of Jewishness, not you.

Other alternatives to the lineage of Jesus is possible. I gave one. However, the point is unimportant. Because Jesus was the son of God and Mary, the lineage really matters not.
The Jews do not decide who is a Jew and who isn't. The Word of God defines that, science has defined, proven and established precisely what the Word of God says on the matter (bloodline came through Father- the mothers blood never comes into contact with the baby while in the womb) and furthermore, the lineage is most definitely of importance because it proves that Jesus Christ blood was from His heavenly Father - he had the blood of His father in his veins. The perfect blood that was able to wash away our sins and not just cover them as was the case with the sacrifice of animals - as the Jews had done prior to Christ dying on the cross for our sins.

Goodnight, Jake.
Give it up, Jeremiah.

You are preaching your opinion, nothing more, and that is in conflict with it is in fact real and true.

Have a good night.
Let's try this again. Jeremiah, you are not God's voice.

Jews say traditionally that being a Jew comes through the mother. Culturally and religiously, that's good enough. Boaz was a Jew, and if his male children by Ruth married Jewish women, their children traditionally would be Jews.

These sites will help you understand.

Why Is Jewishness Passed Down Through the Mother - Celebrating Jewish Womanhood

Judaism 101 Who Is a Jew

You speak emphatically about matters you don't understand.

She has been shown that but is is to ignorant to understand and wants to make her own rules up, that is why we Jews laugh at ignorant people like that
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Let's try this again. Jeremiah, you are not God's voice.

Jews say traditionally that being a Jew comes through the mother. Culturally and religiously, that's good enough. Boaz was a Jew, and if his male children by Ruth married Jewish women, their children traditionally would be Jews.

These sites will help you understand.

Why Is Jewishness Passed Down Through the Mother - Celebrating Jewish Womanhood

Judaism 101 Who Is a Jew

You speak emphatically about matters you don't understand.

She has been shown that but is is to ignorant to understand and wants to make her own rules up, that is why we Jews laugh at ignorant people like that

I've given you facts from the Torah and had you ever read it you'd understand the significance of Ruth having been a Moabite Gentile and Boaz a Jew while insisting that the birthright comes through the mother! King David got his Jewish lineage from Boaz - his great grandfather -not his great grandmother - Ruth - had he received it from Ruth he would be a Gentile even as the 12 tribes of Israel would have been Gentiles! THINK!
Give it up, Jeremiah.

You are preaching your opinion, nothing more, and that is in conflict with it is in fact real and true.

Have a good night.

Jake, if you ever read a Bible you'll learn what I have told you is true.. Messianic Jews agree with me. (because their eyes have been opened to the truth - their understanding of the Scriptures has been opened - the Holy Spirit is the author and the revelator of all Scripture) The bloodline comes from the father. I know full well it has been taught that it is the mother but that is not possible. It is not possible according to Scripture and that is what we go by - The Scriptures. Not the opinion or good idea of man!
Neither you nor Messianic Jews nor Jack Chick have any more authority to make pronouncements in God's name than does the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Scripture does not say what you want it to say.

And the Scripture, even the KVJ used by the penetecostals, is not authoritative.

You act every bit as arrogant as any Jesuit theologian.

I wish you the best and beginning this night will add your needs to our prayer circle.
Neither you nor Messianic Jews nor Jack Chick have any more authority to make pronouncements in God's name than does the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Scripture does not say what you want it to say.

And the Scripture, even the KVJ used by the penetecostals, is not authoritative.

You act every bit as arrogant as any Jesuit theologian.

I wish you the best and beginning this night will add your needs to our prayer circle.

Your accusations against me are untrue. I want to warn you, Jake, that you should not be participating in prayer circles as it is something that originated with Wicca / witchcraft. It is an occult practice and no church that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ should be using prayer circles.

Michelle Obama Uses Voudon Witchcraft Phrase Urges Prayer Circles

Christians should not be pray in circles. Instead, pray that the saints of God will pray to him and deliberately refrain from employing the occult methodology of a prayer circle (clasping hands and forming a circle to pray.) Christians must not copy witches, who pray for the purpose of commanding evil spirits to enter the center of the circle to do their bidding.


Therefore Christians must reject the methodology witches use to do this very thing. Ask God if the imitation of the way witches pray pleases him. In view of the fact that the purpose of prayer circles is to command devils to enter the circle and carry out the witches' assignments, I am sure his answer is "No."

It is the practitioners of Wicca who ask to “keep the spirits clean around us” to “the Goddess”.
Jeri, you do follow a cult, and I caution you to turn to Jesus in prayer, for you are following a Jack Chick non-Christian path.

I want you to follow Jesus Christ, Jeri, not Jack Jerk. Enjoying heroes in fiction is not satanic. That we enjoy baseball does not make as communists like the Cubans who enjoy baseball.

Prayer circles are indeed Christian, and they will continue. While you worry about Wicca, and I will worship Jesus.
I just showed you that they are of pagan origin, Jake. You should not do it. You can disregard the warning if you wish - I cannot make you listen.
Neither you nor Messianic Jews nor Jack Chick have any more authority to make pronouncements in God's name than does the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Scripture does not say what you want it to say.

And the Scripture, even the KVJ used by the penetecostals, is not authoritative.

You act every bit as arrogant as any Jesuit theologian.

I wish you the best and beginning this night will add your needs to our prayer circle.

Your accusations against me are untrue. I want to warn you, Jake, that you should not be participating in prayer circles as it is something that originated with Wicca / witchcraft. It is an occult practice and no church that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ should be using prayer circles.

Michelle Obama Uses Voudon Witchcraft Phrase Urges Prayer Circles

Christians should not be pray in circles. Instead, pray that the saints of God will pray to him and deliberately refrain from employing the occult methodology of a prayer circle (clasping hands and forming a circle to pray.) Christians must not copy witches, who pray for the purpose of commanding evil spirits to enter the center of the circle to do their bidding.


Therefore Christians must reject the methodology witches use to do this very thing. Ask God if the imitation of the way witches pray pleases him. In view of the fact that the purpose of prayer circles is to command devils to enter the circle and carry out the witches' assignments, I am sure his answer is "No."

It is the practitioners of Wicca who ask to “keep the spirits clean around us” to “the Goddess”.
Jerri has turned her so-called "religious" thread into a political hack hit piece. Quelle surprise NOT!!!

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Give it up, Jeremiah.

You are preaching your opinion, nothing more, and that is in conflict with it is in fact real and true.

Have a good night.

Jake, if you ever read a Bible you'll learn what I have told you is true.. Messianic Jews agree with me. (because their eyes have been opened to the truth - their understanding of the Scriptures has been opened - the Holy Spirit is the author and the revelator of all Scripture) The bloodline comes from the father. I know full well it has been taught that it is the mother but that is not possible. It is not possible according to Scripture and that is what we go by - The Scriptures. Not the opinion or good idea of man!
Messianic Jews

They are not Jews then, it a cult made up by christians

These cults calling themselves Messianic Jews operating in Israel and around the world are non-Jewish and actually violently hateful toward Jews. They sometimes try to disguise it with a Pro-Israel veneer but give them 5 minutes and they begin ranting about Pharisees and the Synagogue of Satan, Kabbalistic Satanism and really unleashing a vile torrent of filth.

These phony cults which call themselves Messianic have phony Jewish synagogues and come with fake Rabbis who have no Jewish ancestry or roots and are funded by fundamentalist christian outfits they're mostly made up of Christians pretending to be Jews.

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