Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

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How strange you are, Guno. You defend Satanism and Satanists in North Carolina and elsewhere and yet they not only rape, murder and sacrifice children - they torture them and do all they can to create terror in them and when you've been told that Satanists are candidates for salvation - that they can be forgiven of their sins - you had nothing to say. Yet when it happens to be a Christian you fall to pieces and cannot accept that a person could be forgiven of the most awful of sins. Now with that said, only God knows a persons heart and if they are truly repentant.

For your information - Karl Marx could have been forgiven of his sins had he repented. Yet he didn't repent and off to hell he went.
Great news! The tract called, The Nervous Witch is back in print again!

English "The Nervous Witch"


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