James Comey concedes he may have been responsible for Trump's election win in 2016, and the sustained, years long nightmare that continues today.

We do. The end goal was to open an investigation days before the election.


Hillary's end goal was to commit felonies days before the election, so as usual you make stupid points. She also committed felonies as SoS. She was part of an organized crime syndicate for most of her life.

Amen! It's about time that he fesses up to the truth and reality of what he did. What he did was evil. What he did to Hillary Clinton was unconscionable. He can never make up for his atrocity. For a tall man - he should feel really small. I curse his name on a regular basis. What do you think?

What he did to Hillary Clinton was unconscionable.

I agree, he should have charged her with a crime.
I curse his name on a regular basis. What do you think?
I think you are an idiot who is stupid enough to only link without quoting from the link making a piss poor opinion piece.

A link with a insult as commentary. Low intelligence Democrats.

And I got a nice little bridge in Florida you can buy for cheap
Right jackass. Look at polls before Comey opened that investigation and after.

They rarely change that much that quickly, especially that late in the campaign season
Right jackass. Look at polls before Comey opened that investigation and after.

They rarely change that much that quickly, especially that late in the campaign season
No candidate ever gets 99% of the vote, dumbass leftard

Amen! It's about time that he fesses up to the truth and reality of what he did. What he did was evil. What he did to Hillary Clinton was unconscionable. He can never make up for his atrocity. For a tall man - he should feel really small. I curse his name on a regular basis. What do you think?

It's only been a nightmare for the establishment, as Trump can't be bought or controlled.

For middle class people who get up every day and go to work - it's been a breath of fresh air.

Amen! It's about time that he fesses up to the truth and reality of what he did. What he did was evil. What he did to Hillary Clinton was unconscionable. He can never make up for his atrocity. For a tall man - he should feel really small. I curse his name on a regular basis. What do you think?

LOL. Wait a minute, I thought Trump colluded with Russia? Now it's Comey's fault?
You're penalized for excessive use of stupid memes. 20 minutes in the penalty box. You should be grateful I'm a nice guy, Trump would give you a lot more.

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