James Comey concedes he may have been responsible for Trump's election win in 2016, and the sustained, years long nightmare that continues today.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything moron?

Too stupid to figure out the simple stuff.

And you fucktards want to run the country?

I think not.

The only way you're going to run anything is straight into the ground.

As we can all painfully see, these last four years.

Too stupid to figure out the simple stuff.

And you fucktards want to run the country?

I think not.

The only way you're going to run anything is straight into the ground.

As we can all painfully see, these last four years.
Are you on drugs? You said something about no group has ever voted 99%.

What does your last post say about that?

What does it actually say about anything?

Amen! It's about time that he fesses up to the truth and reality of what he did. What he did was evil. What he did to Hillary Clinton was unconscionable. He can never make up for his atrocity. For a tall man - he should feel really small. I curse his name on a regular basis. What do you think?

The data shows he is probably right.

You can watch the polling narrow, right after his announcement.
Two things can be true at the same time jackass. She survived the Russian shit.
Comey sank her
Hillary wrote a book taking responsibility for her loss and yet the entire book was all about that it was someone else's fault that she lost, chapters and chapters of everyone but herself.
James Comey belongs in jail with about half his FBI, deep state regime. As far as Hillary is concerned, she should have been beaten even more badly. Her loss had nothing to do with Comey. She lost because she sucks. MAGA



You folks sure do get post in the past

Clinton last ran for President almost a decade ago

And she still wakes up every morning in a puddle of her own vodka infused vomit.
Knowing she was defeated by two political amateurs.
And she'll never be President.
Two for the price of one? LOL!

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