Jan 6 Committee SUBORNED PERJURY.. Stunning Information of Closed-Door Testimony Revealed.

No shit.
The accusations just came out.

They've had over a week to produce that. They had the prime opportunity to release that evidence in conjunction with her testimony ON THAT VERY DAY in order to prove its veracity, yet they didn't.

So, where does that leave us? The committee has no proof Trump acted in the manner described.
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They've had over a week to produce that. They had the prime opportunity to release that evidence in conjunction with her testimony ON THAT VERY DAY in order to prove its veracity, yet they didn't.

So, where does that leave us? The committee has no proof Trump acted in the manner described.
They've had over a week to produce that. They had the prime opportunity to release that evidence in conjunction with her testimony ON THAT VERY DAY in order to prove its veracity, yet they didn't.

So, where does that leave us? The committee has no proof Trump acted in the manner described.
The only thing that needs to be proven is that Donald Trump was responsible for the seditious failed coup on democracy that led to the domestic terrorist insurgency on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

All the rest is just bait and switch distraction.
The only thing that needs to be proven is that Donald Trump was responsible for the seditious failed coup on democracy that led to the domestic terrorist insurgency on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

All the rest is just bait and switch distraction.
Kind of hard to do with NO EVIDENCE OF IT HAPPENING.... And making shit up isn't helping your cause...
The only thing that needs to be proven is that Donald Trump was responsible for the seditious failed coup on democracy that led to the domestic terrorist insurgency on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

All the rest is just bait and switch distraction.

Nothing can be proven simply because your biases and hatred demand it.
Dan Bongino, Ex-Secret Service Agent has gained information from the committee and from the witnesses who previously testified, under oath, that the Hutchinson testimony is provably false. What is stunning is they had this evidence, yet went with the story anyway. They knew it was false.

They also know the following is all "false" but they keep lying about it anyway....

1. that Co2 causes Earth climate change
2. that "islamic terrorists" did 911
3. that israel is our "ally"
4. that the 1/6 crowd was not CHOCK FULL OF LEFT WING HOMOS doing a HATE HOAX
Kind of hard to do with NO EVIDENCE OF IT HAPPENING.... And making shit up isn't helping your cause...

You still don't understand it's possible it didn't happen yet her testimony could still be truthful. Who knows why you think those two things are mutually exclusive?
The Secret Service officers Hutchinson claimed saw this behavior in Trump have now come out and told their stories as well. The picture that is becoming very sharp now, is of a committee hell bent on getting Donald Trump by any means necessary. IT turns out, the officers gave their testimony in closed session and the committee refused to release the transcripts until they were leaked.

This is our congress in action... Lying, fabricating, plotting....
Have the told it under oTh?
They also know the following is all "false" but they keep lying about it anyway....

1. that Co2 causes Earth climate change
2. that "islamic terrorists" did 911
3. that israel is our "ally"
4. that the 1/6 crowd was not CHOCK FULL OF LEFT WING HOMOS doing a HATE HOAX
NO Suprise from you... Never address the data and facts. Attack the individual... This is a clear example of nothing to contribute and no ability to understand the subject matter..

Did I miss anything?

Thanks for validating this woman as a complete liar, Faun.

You would not be here defending her if she wasn't lying...

I never said her testimony on that matter was validated. Or refuted.

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