Jan 6 Committee SUBORNED PERJURY.. Stunning Information of Closed-Door Testimony Revealed.

No... They had the sworn testimony prior to the "bombshell". This means what they did was on purpose and with malic. Were long past due diligence, were now into criminal misconduct.
They had a testimony, in which the steering wheel question didn't come up. How can you lie about the answer to a question that wasn't asked? CHECK YOUR OWN SOURCE. The reporter specified that.
Sorry, wacko....the Secret Service refuted it no matter what your tiny brain is telling you.
That is Fake News.
Ornato and Engel have both given their opinion of Huchinson's testimony to the press.
They have both been invited to testify (like Huchinson has) but so far neither has agreed to schedule a hearing.
This could be due to the fact that both men are proven liars and Trump "yes men" who will say anything to kiss Trump's ass.
FAR from your claim that the SS has (officially) "refuted" anything.
You should really be careful of that fake news!
It will rot your brain!

Sorry, wacko....the Secret Service refuted it no matter what your tiny brain is telling you.
It is HEARSAY.. you moron. She has no firsthand knowledge of anything. It is inadmissible in court. Doesn't matter if it's under oath or not... ITS GARBAGE!
Holy fuck!!!!
Bet you "gradiated' FIRST in your "English" class from the Trump U. correspondence course.

Hutchinson has FIRST HAND knowledge of what someone said.
They had a testimony, in which the steering wheel question didn't come up. How can you lie about the answer to a question that wasn't asked? CHECK YOUR OWN SOURCE. The reporter specified that.
let's see that testimony, I don't believe you. post the transcript of it.
I watched that big eared fool Kurtz on FOX news media buzz on Sunday talk like he believed that Trump attacked his secret service driver... what kind of fool falls for that in the face of the agents themselves refuting it?....
Let me be clear... anyone that for a second believes any agent would disobey a direct order from the president is a fool or suffers greatly from TDS.... that show should be cancelled off FOX today....
Maybe he and Cavuto can find a spot on CNN....
Trump did it.
Remember, in addition to being a pathological liar he is a FOOL!
Holy fuck!!!!
Bet you "gradiated' FIRST in your "English" class from the Trump U. correspondence course.

Hutchinson has FIRST HAND knowledge of what someone said.
hahahaahahahahahahhaha first hand knowledge of something she never saw, folks can't make it up where the demofks have fallen. holy shit.

heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another is now testimony that trumps first hand knowledge.
well we know that you can trust it if it came in from a friend who heard it from a friend, who heard it from another, that's for fking sure.
Sometimes you can sometimes you can't, since they are dealing with humans it is a crap shoot.
yep, and so what? He said he was going to be there in his speeches. Look at you stepping out. I'm laughing at you you know.
I'll tell you what. In the testimony Hutchinson said she heard Trump acknowledge his people were armed and that he wanted them to go to the Capitol. Specifically stating that he wanted the mags removed because " they weren't there to hurt him" This speaks to intent. The President of the United States was so sure that armed people were not there to hurt him that he wanted the Secret Service to forego basic safety measures.

What would have happened if Trump would have gone to the Capitol. It is very doubtful the Capitol Police would have stopped him. This would have made holding the line to allow lawmakers to get to safety all but impossible.
That is Fake News.
Ornato and Engel have both given their opinion of Huchinson's testimony to the press.
They have both been invited to testify (like Huchinson has) but so far neither has agreed to schedule a hearing.
This could be due to the fact that both men are proven liars and Trump "yes men" who will say anything to kiss Trump's ass.
FAR from your claim that the SS has (officially) "refuted" anything.
You should really be careful of that fake news!
It will rot your brain!
There are links to the SS agents that have refuted it so we can start posting those if you have someone there who can read them to you dimwit. From July 2 and after. You know, people who were actually there.....
let's see that testimony, I don't believe you. post the transcript of it.
The DOJ hasn't even have the transcripts atm. What makes you believe I would have access. I'm solely going by the link provided by the OP. So I don't really care if you believe me or not. I'm going by the available information.
I watched that big eared fool Kurtz on FOX news media buzz on Sunday talk like he believed that Trump attacked his secret service driver... what kind of fool falls for that in the face of the agents themselves refuting it?....
Let me be clear... anyone that for a second believes any agent would disobey a direct order from the president is a fool or suffers greatly from TDS.... that show should be cancelled off FOX today....
Maybe he and Cavuto can find a spot on CNN....

The agents involved have not refuted it.
The agents involved have not refuted it.
Shut up liar.... you have zero credibility here....

Two Secret Service agents are prepared to testify before Congress that then-President Donald Trump did not lunge at a steering wheel or assault them in an attempt to go to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot, a source close to the Secret Service tells Fox News.

Shut up liar.... you have zero credibility here....

Two Secret Service agents are prepared to testify before Congress that then-President Donald Trump did not lunge at a steering wheel or assault them in an attempt to go to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot, a source close to the Secret Service tells Fox News.


I challenged you to quote the agents, ya rambtard. Instead, you quoted an unnamed source.


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