Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

Given the size of the crowd, the fact is the crowd did not riot.

It is also clear, there was no way possible for the National Guard to be deployed. Logistics, how do you get through a crowd that size.

A crowd that size comes with traffic that size, another impossibility for the National Guard to overcome.

To control a crowd that size, you must plan ahead.

Of course, people claim that Congress and the entire government just did not know it would be that big. Bullshit.

The government knew no other president in history drew crowds as large as Trump. At best Nancy Pelosi could say she was watching CNN when she should of been reading the intelligence reports.

Intel failed, then they should of watched the traffic reports. A crowd that size created a traffic nightmare.

There is no way Nancy Pelosi and every person involved in any way shape or form did not know the most popular modern president would not draw a crowd of 100's of thousands.
Everything you provided has absolutely no basis on the daily ops at both houses...........it is only guide lines for the people who are charged with defending both house and the DC metro areas.
DC Metro? I have posted no laws, rules, or precedents that mentions DC Metro.

Pelosi does not right the laws DC Metro follows
Given the size of the crowd, the fact is the crowd did not riot.

It is also clear, there was no way possible for the National Guard to be deployed. Logistics, how do you get through a crowd that size.

A crowd that size comes with traffic that size, another impossibility for the National Guard to overcome.

To control a crowd that size, you must plan ahead.

Of course, people claim that Congress and the entire government just did not know it would be that big. Bullshit.

The government knew no other president in history drew crowds as large as Trump. At best Nancy Pelosi could say she was watching CNN when she should of been reading the intelligence reports.

Intel failed, then they should of watched the traffic reports. A crowd that size created a traffic nightmare.

There is no way Nancy Pelosi and every person involved in any way shape or form did not know the most popular modern president would not draw a crowd of 100's of thousands.

Your post is 100% adulterated bullshit.
Given the size of the crowd, the fact is the crowd did not riot.

It is also clear, there was no way possible for the National Guard to be deployed. Logistics, how do you get through a crowd that size.

A crowd that size comes with traffic that size, another impossibility for the National Guard to overcome.

To control a crowd that size, you must plan ahead.

Of course, people claim that Congress and the entire government just did not know it would be that big. Bullshit.

The government knew no other president in history drew crowds as large as Trump. At best Nancy Pelosi could say she was watching CNN when she should of been reading the intelligence reports.

Intel failed, then they should of watched the traffic reports. A crowd that size created a traffic nightmare.

There is no way Nancy Pelosi and every person involved in any way shape or form did not know the most popular modern president would not draw a crowd of 100's of thousands.
Plus there's abject precedent.Notably AND Historically.
Trump's day of Inauguration.The huge mass of Protestors
and some with unbeliavable name recognition like Madonna.
The very instant while Trump was being sworn-in the Washington
Post ran a headline about Impeachment.
Over 200 arrested that day.Cops attacked.
In contrast during Biden's swearing-in the cite was
roped,fenced off.There was iron/steel barriers put up
with concertina wire to ensure nobody attempted to enter
the Capitol grounds.Citizens were not permitted to
visit with their representatives { Elected officials }.
Howz Them Potatoes.
Show where the Speaker can directly request federal troops.

The president can but Trump didn't.
Already did, law and precedent. Again faun, you show one of two things. Your belief is fascism where the president has ultimate power and there are not three branches of government. Or, faun you show the inability to comprehend what you read. In response to you I have posted the precedent that shows the Speaker has exercised that power.

It is nothing short of radicicolous to make the claim that the speaker of the house is not in charge of the security of the house as well as the Capitol building.
I have experience in deadly crowds. It is a miracle nobody was killed. It was reckless for the Capitol police to even be there.

Somebody was killed.

That aside, at some point the DCNG did arrive and did help clear out the crowd.
Already did, law and precedent. Again faun, you show one of two things. Your belief is fascism where the president has ultimate power and there are not three branches of government. Or, faun you show the inability to comprehend what you read. In response to you I have posted the precedent that shows the Speaker has exercised that power.

It is nothing short of radicicolous to make the claim that the speaker of the house is not in charge of the security of the house as well as the Capitol building.

No, you didn't show any such thing. You showed LBJ activated the Guard.

There's nothing anywhere stating the Speaker is in charge of security of the Capitol. There are two chambers.
It was especially reckless for the Capitol Police to FIRE FLASH GRENADES into the crowd outside that WERE NOT RIOTING.
Reckless, or PLANNED?

That's just one of the tools law enforcement uses to disperse crowds.
No, you didn't show any such thing. You showed LBJ activated the Guard.
There's nothing anywhere stating the Speaker is in charge of security of the Capitol. There are two chambers.
You have showed nothing at all in this thread other than contradictions. Here, a Speaker of the House states it is his Responsibility to protect the Capitol building and it's grounds.

Further, there is an Emergency Plant to Protect the Capitol. When will Congress release that document.


You have showed nothing at all in this thread other than contradictions. Here, a Speaker of the House states it is his Responsibility to protect the Capitol building and it's grounds.

Further, there is an Emergency Plant to Protect the Capitol. When will Congress release that document.

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That's the opinion of a single Congressman. For it to be true, there would have to be a law or a rule stipulating such. And there is none.

That agrees with me that LBJ activated the Guard.

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