Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

Because we’ve been over the is and over this
Nice dodge........Pelosi is the Queen of the House......................believe me, she was involved, one way or another.

You miss her explanation of why she couldn't possibly have been involved that day?
It is comical...............CYA at its best.
Nice dodge........Pelosi is the Queen of the House......................believe me, she was involved, one way or another.

You miss her explanation of why she couldn't possibly have been involved that day?
It is comical...............CYA at its best.
Believe you?

Believe you?

Because I'm the guy who 99% of the time points out your posts are based on falsehoods............ :biggrin:

I can see your point.................butthurt isn't any fun.
Because I'm the guy who 99% of the time points out your posts are based on falsehoods............ :biggrin:

I can see your point.................butthurt isn't any fun.

You’re as fucked up as Elektra
Jane L. Campbell, president of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, told CNN "the Speaker of the House does not oversee security of the U.S. Capitol, nor does this official oversee the Capitol Police Board."

also one of the 3 members of capitol police board was appointed by Trump --> Brett Blanton
Please, CNN?
Fiction based on fact, and this is where the confusion lies, the U.S Capitol is not the Capitol building or the Capitol grounds. I have never stated Pelosi oversees the US Capitol security. Pelosi oversees the security of the Capitol building and grounds. Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, oversees security by establishing committees that the Speaker oversees. The Capitol Police Board also has as one of its four members, the House Sergeant at Arms.

The House Sergeant at Arms reports directly to the Speaker of the House, to warn of such things as an imminent danger. Then the Speaker of the House can call and Emergency recess.

The Speaker of the House also receives daily security briefings.

The Capitol building falls under the Jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch of Government.

You’re as fucked up as Elektra
Please, I am much more than that, and you know it.
That said, Delldude is right, Pelosi ran the show, by law, rules and precedent.
Are you not concerned at all, that this all stinks of something other than an insurrection?
All those people, they could of reduced the Capitol to toothpicks. It is a miracle nobody got trampled to death.
Jane L. Campbell, president of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, told CNN "the Speaker of the House does not oversee security of the U.S. Capitol, nor does this official oversee the Capitol Police Board."

also one of the 3 members of capitol police board was appointed by Trump --> Brett Blanton
This question comes down to Jurisdiction. Where the D.C. Metro Police Jurisdiction ends, and that of the Legislative Branch begins. I addressed this siting the law and map in post #215 and #216
Jane L. Campbell, president of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, told CNN "the Speaker of the House does not oversee security of the U.S. Capitol, nor does this official oversee the Capitol Police Board."
Post #215

§193a. United States Capitol Grounds; area comprising; jurisdiction

The United States Capitol Grounds shall comprise all squares, reservations, streets, roadways, walks, and other areas as defined on a map entitled "Map showing areas comprising United States Capitol Grounds", dated June 25, 1946, approved by the Architect of the Capitol and recorded in the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia in book 127, page 8, including all additions added thereto by law subsequent to June 25, 1946, and the jurisdiction and control over the United States Capitol Grounds, vested prior to July 31, 1946 by law in the Architect of the Capitol, is extended to the entire area of the United States Capitol Grounds, and the Architect of the Capitol shall be responsible for the maintenance and improvement thereof, including those streets and roadways in said United States Capitol Grounds as shown on said map as being under the jurisdiction and control of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, except that the Mayor of the District of Columbia shall be responsible for the maintenance and improvement of those portions of the following streets which are situated between the curblines thereof: Constitution Avenue from Second Street Northeast to Third Street Northwest, First Street from D Street N.E. to D Street S.E., D Street from First Street S.E. to Canal Street S.W., and First Street from the north side of Louisiana Avenue to the intersection of C Street and Canal Street S.W., Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest from First Street Northwest to Third Street Northwest, Maryland Avenue Southwest from First Street Southwest to Third Street Southwest, Second Street Northeast from F Street Northeast to C Street Southeast; C Street Southeast from Second Street Southeast to First Street Southeast; that portion of Maryland Avenue Northeast from Second Street Northeast to First Street Northeast; that portion of New Jersey Avenue Northwest from D Street Northwest to Louisiana Avenue; that portion of Second Street Southwest from the north curb of D Street to the south curb of Virginia Avenue Southwest; that portion of Virginia Avenue Southwest from the east curb of Second Street Southwest to the west curb of Third Street Southwest; that portion of Third Street Southwest from the south curb of Virginia Avenue Southwest to the north curb of D Street Southwest; that portion of D Street Southwest from the west curb of Third Street Southwest to the east curb of Second Street Southwest; that portion of Canal Street Southwest, including sidewalks and traffic islands, from the south curb of Independence Avenue Southwest to the west curb of South Capitol Street: Provided, That the Mayor of the District of Columbia shall be permitted to enter any part of said United States Capitol Grounds for the purpose of repairing or maintaining or, subject to the approval of the Architect of the Capitol, for the purpose of constructing or altering, any utility service of the District of Columbia government.

(July 31, 1946, ch. 707, §1, 60 Stat. 718 ; 1967 Reorg. Plan No. 3, §401, eff. Nov. 3, 1967, 32 F.R. 11669, 81 Stat. 951; Pub. L. 90–108, §1(a), Oct. 20, 1967, 81 Stat. 275 ;
Pub. L. 93–198, title IV, §421, title VII, §739(g)(7), Dec. 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 789 , 829; Pub. L. 96–432, §2, Oct. 10, 1980, 94 Stat. 1852 .)
Jane L. Campbell, president of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, told CNN "the Speaker of the House does not oversee security of the U.S. Capitol, nor does this official oversee the Capitol Police Board."
Post # 216
also one of the 3 members of capitol police board was appointed by Trump --> Brett Blanton
Technically it is four members, the Capitol Police Chief is a member although is a subservient position.

The Architect of the Capitol is also a member, as you say, appointed by the President of the United States.
The Architect of the Capitol would inform the President, or a designee of the President to issues or concerns brought to the Presidents attention by the Architect of the Capitol.

The gives The House, The Senate, The President, a direct contact to the Capitol Police, through the Capitol Police Board.
Again the Speaker of the House { 3rd in line to the Presidency }
commands the Highest Authority when it comes to the Capitol.
The President commands the highest authority when it comes to
making the call as far as stopping use of the Death Penalty
or Pardoning people,even career Felons.
A Potus can and does call out the National Guard in times
of an Emergency.January 6th was Not an Emergency until
the Riots got out of control.
Trump as Potus wrote letters to both Speaker Pelosi and
Mayor Bowser a few days prior to January 6th " Requesting "
both Woman work together and see that the Guard is called
out PRIOR to January 6th as a precautionary measure.
That detail in the Trump letters was never brought-up
in the Faux Select " Insurrection " Committe with all the hours
it was used.
Nor was the words uttered by Potus Trump
" Go Peacefully and Patriotically and make your
voices heard ".
The command line is the CP board, then the Secy of the Army, then the Prez. that's it. "Go peacefully" was mentioned in fleeting, once, Phrases with 'fight' in them were said, forcefully, 20 times.

Gen Kellogg was Pence's staff, so that's what he says.

To be clear on 6 Jan/NG. Pg 199 of my book, "On 3 Jan the President asked the Def Dept to deploy NG troops" into DC for J6 contingencies. ...

Later in the tweet, he grants Congress permission to release the sworn testimony.

Okay, Congress should consider releasing Kellogg’s testimony to the public for further clarity. Kellogg says he was present with the VP when Trump made that request to the Defense Department. Did Trump contact DoD again to make sure his orders were going to be carried out? Doesn't look like it. But the DoD should have informed congress, both Speaker and Sen. Majority leaders. But we do know this: While there were discussions and inquiries about National Guard response in the days leading up to January 6, Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops (or 10k) on that specific day. Speaker Pelosi was not contacted about deploying the National Guard prior to the rally, and the Pentagon has previously stated that there is no record of such a request for 10,000 troops

The command line is the CP board, then the Secy of the Army, then the Prez. that's it. "Go peacefully" was mentioned in fleeting, once, Phrases with 'fight' in them were said, forcefully, 20 times.
No such thing as, "command line". It is the chain of command.

The Capitol Police Board, or CP board as you are calling them does not have a chain of command that includes the Secretary of the Army. The Architect of the Capitol that is a member of the board may be required to report to the Secretary of the Army, at the President of the United States discretion. That is the only thing you can be referring to.

The Capitol Police Board is part of the Legislative Branch of Government. Not one member is considered to be an employee of the Executive Branch of Government.

Despite what is true, facts, that we can all point out there is two pieces of documents we need that we will never get. That is the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol. There is also the Standard Operating Procedure the Capitol Police follow. Neither of those documents have been released to the public.
In short, you can not offer one link, quote, law, precedent, house rule, house practice, or office description that supports your ill-thought-out response to my excellent research that is linked and quoted directly from the government's websites.

Sorry, I did not mean to scare you away with the facts.

She's not on the org bord on the CP site.

Her authority over the SA is for some administrative and ceremonial issues, none include authority over the CP
The SA is one of three on other CP Board.
Pelosi does not appoint members to the Capitol Police Board.

The Command structure of the Capitol Police is Chief of CP, the CP Board

Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. House of Representatives
Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the U.S. Senate
Architect of the Capitol
Secy of the Army,
The President

Reread my comment until epiphany is achieved which says you are misreading those 'laws'. Link to text, not images.

I can link to numerous sources that explain that Pelosi has no command authority over CP. Just holler.

Quote the specific law that gives her command authority over the CP. You are just making shit up.
I responded to your post where you claim the command authority over the CP belongs to someone else. Can you quote the specific law?

Further, it is much more than a specific law. The following is needed;

Statutes (which are the laws and codes, finalized)
Precedents, which are extremely relevant and referenced by Congress
The House Rules
The House Practices
The Standard Operating Procedure of the Capitol Police (classified and not available)
The Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol (classified and not available)

Later I again, quote and link to the laws and precedents. The House rules and practices. They are all in my thread, linked and quoted. I can link and quote again, but I have other work I must attend to.

Until then, you need a specific law quoted? Then how about in kind, do what you request, and quote the specific law that validates your assertion that I am wrong. Either way I will return an answer, again.
I responded to your post where you claim the command authority over the CP belongs to someone else. Can you quote the specific law?

Further, it is much more than a specific law. The following is needed;

Statutes (which are the laws and codes, finalized)
Precedents, which are extremely relevant and referenced by Congress
The House Rules
The House Practices
The Standard Operating Procedure of the Capitol Police (classified and not available)
The Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol (classified and not available)

Later I again, quote and link to the laws and precedents. The House rules and practices. They are all in my thread, linked and quoted. I can link and quote again, but I have other work I must attend to.

Until then, you need a specific law quoted? Then how about in kind, do what you request, and quote the specific law that validates your assertion that I am wrong. Either way I will return an answer, again.
Very simply

Go find something that puts Pelosi or even the CP Board in the NG chain of command

You’ll show us how they can Request NG support, but that is NOT the chain of command
She's not on the org bord on the CP site.

The Command structure of the Capitol Police is Chief of CP, the CP Board

Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. House of Representatives
Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the U.S. Senate
Architect of the Capitol
Secy of the Army,
The President]
Your command structure is incomplete and misleading. It does not come from the Capitol Police website or any law, precedent, practice or house rule.

Here is the Capitol Police site. Notice it states Congressional oversight, that is the Speaker of the House and the committees the Speaker oversees.


The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. This oversight affords the Department the support and opportunity to continually ensure that the USCP meets the safety and security needs of the Congress, the staff, and the many visitors who come to the United States Capitol each day.
Very simply

Go find something that puts Pelosi or even the CP Board in the NG chain of command

You’ll show us how they can Request NG support, but that is NOT the chain of command
I never said Pelosi is in the National Guard chain of command. That is not the Speaker of the House's jurisdiction. The Capitol Building and grounds is the Speaker's jurisdiction.

The speaker, the legislative branch of government requests assistance from the executive branch which after receiving a request for assistance, then the president or whoever the president has delegated authority to can then deploy Federal Troops outside of the Executive branch's jurisdiction into the Legislative branches jurisdiction.
Reread my comment until epiphany is achieved which says you are misreading those 'laws'. Link to text, not images.
The image is the text. The image is linked to the text.

How about your links showing the chain of command, or the structure of the Capitol Police board.
Your post does not reflect the Capitol Police Board

Capitol Police Board

The Capitol Police Board oversees and supports the United States Capitol Police in its mission, and helps to advance coordination between the Department and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives and the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, in their law enforcement capacities, and the Congress. Consistent with this purpose, the Capitol Police Board establishes general goals and objectives covering its major functions and operations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations.

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