Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

The election was stolen! Over 60 court challenges and audits proved it! Court cases in front of Trump appointed judges and audits by right wing partisan hacks proved it!

Oh wait...
No court accepted to hear evidence.
"nO STaNdInG", remember THAT?
GTFOH!!!!! :eusa_hand:
The "coup" was the STOLEN ELECTION.

So your only source for what that is -- is you.
No wonder you appear so crazy.
Have you not noticed, or paid attention, or comprehended, that this thread is full of the sources. Many links to the .gov websites you continue to pretend are not in this thread.

I have shown the laws, the precedents, the house practices, the house rules.

Not one of those will you acknowledge as being relevant.
Faun needs MediaMatters or CNN as a source or she/he thinks she/he can claim victory.

This thread makes it clear, there was no insurrection or coup attempt. It also makes it clear the crowd gathered at the capitol did not become violent and riot.
Have you not noticed, or paid attention, or comprehended, that this thread is full of the sources. Many links to the .gov websites you continue to pretend are not in this thread.

I have shown the laws, the precedents, the house practices, the house rules.

Not one of those will you acknowledge as being relevant.
Faun needs MediaMatters or CNN as a source or she/he thinks she/he can claim victory.

This thread makes it clear, there was no insurrection or coup attempt. It also makes it clear the crowd gathered at the capitol did not become violent and riot.
Welcome to the Trumper alternate universe
Have you not noticed, or paid attention, or comprehended, that this thread is full of the sources. Many links to the .gov websites you continue to pretend are not in this thread.

I have shown the laws, the precedents, the house practices, the house rules.

Not one of those will you acknowledge as being relevant.
Faun needs MediaMatters or CNN as a source or she/he thinks she/he can claim victory.

This thread makes it clear, there was no insurrection or coup attempt. It also makes it clear the crowd gathered at the capitol did not become violent and riot.

You have not provided any source which describes what the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol was, or is. Your Google search found nothing about it other than your one link that you posted here which didn't say what was, or is.
You have not provided any source which describes what the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol was, or is. Your Google search found nothing about it other than your one link that you posted here which didn't say what was, or is.
Google? Google defines how our government operates?
Faun, you lose when you rely on Google. Google is not the arbiter of truth or fact. Google is 99% advertising for CNN and MSN.
Google? Google defines how our government operates?
Faun, you lose when you rely on Google. Google is not the arbiter of truth or fact. Google is 99% advertising for CNN and MSN.


Holyfuckingshit! You're even more senile than Biden.

Dumbfuck, I didn't search for "Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol" on google... YOU DID! :lmao:

Oh, that is easy, the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol is the emergency plan that the capitol police follow to protect the capitol.

View attachment 950331

Faun, you lose when you rely on Google.

Since YOU were the one to search on Google, I can only take that as an admission on your part that you lost this argument and this thread.

Holyfuckingshit! You're even more senile than Biden.
Dumbfuck, I didn't search for "Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol" on google... YOU DID! :lmao:
Since YOU were the one to search on Google, I can only take that as an admission on your part that you lost this argument and this thread.
How is that? I have already proved that the plan is followed and that nancy pelosi prevented the National Guard from being deployed. Just cause google does not say so, does not mean the law is thrown out the window.

Only idiots think google determines who is right or wrong.
How is that? I have already proved that the plan is followed and that nancy pelosi prevented the National Guard from being deployed. Just cause google does not say so, does not mean the law is thrown out the window.

Only idiots think google determines who is right or wrong.


You lost. You said so yourself...

Faun, you lose when you rely on Google.

Oh, that is easy, the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol is the emergency plan that the capitol police follow to protect the capitol.

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It is already established that the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol was used to authorize the National Guard.

Nope, you lost by your own words...

elektra: Faun, you lose when you rely on Google


And again, you also failed to produce a link about the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol. You're utterly incapable of showing what it was. How does this forum know if maybe that was a plan drafted by the Executive branch for protecting the Capitol? Or maybe it was a specific plan for protecting the Capitol during wartime? The fact is, you don't have a clue what it wasn't or if it's even still a thing; and you haven't posted a single link showing what it was. Yet that's st the core of your failed position.
Nope, you lost by your own words...

elektra: Faun, you lose when you rely on Google

And again, you also failed to produce a link about the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol. You're utterly incapable of showing what it was. How does this forum know if maybe that was a plan drafted by the Executive branch for protecting the Capitol? Or maybe it was a specific plan for protecting the Capitol during wartime? The fact is, you don't have a clue what it wasn't or if it's even still a thing; and you haven't posted a single link showing what it was. Yet that's st the core of your failed position.
You think google is better source than .gov sites.
And again, you also failed to produce a link about the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol. You're utterly incapable of showing what it was. How does this forum know if maybe that was a plan drafted by the Executive branch for protecting the Capitol?
That is funny How do we know?
The Legislative branch protects the Legislative branch. It is in the Laws, the Precedents, the House Rules, the House Practice.

It is what the Capitol police do, it is what the Capitol Police Board does.

All spelled out, linked to, and quoted in this thread.

Still having fun? Are you?
That is funny How do we know?
The Legislative branch protects the Legislative branch. It is in the Laws, the Precedents, the House Rules, the House Practice.

It is what the Capitol police do, it is what the Capitol Police Board does.

All spelled out, linked to, and quoted in this thread.

Still having fun? Are you?
He or she is here to bully people while hiding behind a corrupt governments skirt. Stating this is what the corrupt government and media say and that is it. Each has been caught repeatably in huge lies. They have no credibility. And he or she never had any.
Welcome to the Trumper alternate universe
They just keep trying to downplay the Insurrection. Over and over and over.

If Trump wins, maybe they can just have it stricken from all media and history books. A nice little authoritarian move. Maybe that would make them feel better.
They just keep trying to downplay the Insurrection. Over and over and over.

If Trump wins, maybe they can just have it stricken from all media and history books. A nice little authoritarian move. Maybe that would make them feel better.
There was no "The Insurrection".
That's just YOUR "The Narrative" that you constantly OVERPLAY.
Over, and over, and OVER.

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