Janet Jackson Says Kamala Harris is Not Black

You’re the one telling black people they have to vote based on their race. They had a black president and he didn’t do as much to help them as the white one did. They just aren’t that into voting for race above their own well being.
Wrong. And Obama did more for blacks than trump. Biden did more for blacks than trump. Had Obama done things just for blacks your punk ass and others like you would still be whining about Obama being a racist. Voting for trump is not voting for our well being white boy. Its amazing how dishonest you sorry SOBS really are.
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Janet’s right insofar that Harris has no connection culturally to the American black experience, and is a racial changeling, trimming her ethnicity to match whichever target demographic she’s pandering to.
She was raised in privileged white wealthy enclaves, miles away from the everyday black experience.
Harris attended an HBCU. Howard. In Washington D.C. A city that is mostly black. Everything you say here is wrong.
Dems have told so many lies more and more people are calling BS on them.
Yet it's the Republicans who are proven liars. Janet Jackson doesn't know anything about Harris. Her commentary was a bunch of "I believe" and "I was told." But you dishonest scabs will try using anything.
Wrong. And Obama did more for blacks than trump. Biden did more for blacks than trump. Had Obma done things just for blacks your punk ass and others like you would still be whining about Obama being a racist. Voting for trump is not voting for our well being white boy. Its amazing how dishonest you sorry SOBS really are.
Under Obie there was no progress, with Trump job opportunities grew as did wages. Bidumb brought them back to welfare. Of the three choices you better vote for Trump.

What Janet Jackson Did—and Didn’t—Say About Kamala Harris’ Race​

“She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian,” 58-year-old singer and actress Janet Jackson, sister of the late global superstar Michael Jackson, recently said of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, repeating the untrue assertion that the Vice President has misrepresented her race/ethnicity. “Her father’s white. That’s what I was told,” Jackson said in an interview with the Guardian that was published on Saturday.

Janet don't know and you guys should STFU. But you won't. Because you psychlogically need for Harris not to be black, because the black woman beating the white supremacist fake god would just be devastating to you self hating bigots.
Under Obie there was no progress, with Trump job opportunities grew as did wages. Bidumb brought them back to welfare. Of the three choices you better vote for Trump.
Incorrect. I know the truth white boy. That's why I'm voting for Harris.
hahahaha…and yet a shit-ton of REAL blacks have said she’s not black….Should we trust the purple hair woke white guilter or real blacks?
Is that you in the center of this image?
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Is this what you teach your kids? Then you wonder why blacks are kicking their litte white asses?
Janet’s right insofar that Harris has no connection culturally to the American black experience, and is a racial changeling, trimming her ethnicity to match whichever target demographic she’s pandering to.
She was raised in privileged white wealthy enclaves, miles away from the everyday black experience.
You do realize that all Black people are not the same, or live the same types of lives right?

Janet is a celebrity AND a superstar, the same thing could be said about HER due to her way of life providing her with privileges others don't have, including many, many white people. What do you think Encino, California was like back in the '70s when the Jackson's were rising stars? It wasn't the hood.

None of those privileges however make EITHER OF THEM less Black, geez.
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Harris attended an HBCU. Howard. In Washington D.C. A city that is mostly black. Everything you say here is wrong.
Yes she did. Just like that other white race hustler Rachel Dolezal. They are both sister alumnae of Howard University. Who would have thought that Harris and Dolezal, both race hustlers, are cut from the same racist cloth?

Blacks aren’t kicking anyone’s asses intellectually. And if that’s what you’re teaching them to fight instead of think there’s a solid reason there are so many in prison.
We kick yours every day. Here is why so many blacks are in prison white boy.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.
Yes she did. Just like that other white race hustler Rachel Dolezal. They are both sister alumnae of Howard University. Who would have thought that Harris and Dolezal, both race hustlers, are cut from the same racist cloth?


The only race hustler in this situation is Trump.
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Janet’s right insofar that Harris has no connection culturally to the American black experience, and is a racial changeling, trimming her ethnicity to match whichever target demographic she’s pandering to.
She was raised in privileged white wealthy enclaves, miles away from the everyday black experience.
What the fuck do you know about the black cultural experience?
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Racists under every rock with you. Can't imagine how you get through the day...

When you're a white Republican, you tend to discount racism with dismissive comments like the one you just made. And when you're a white Republican, you don't face racism, so you want to argue about how it doesn't exist wth those of us who do. These links prove there is racism in law enforcement. Not under rocks. You don't want to read the evidence so you make a dumb ass comment. You are trifling.

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