Janet Jackson Says Kamala Harris is Not Black

Yes she did. Just like that other white race hustler Rachel Dolezal. They are both sister alumnae of Howard University. Who would have thought that Harris and Dolezal, both race hustlers, are cut from the same racist cloth?

HBCU’s don’t seem to be worth the money spent. If that’s the best they can produce maybe we shouldn’t be funding them.
You do realize that all Black people are not the same, or live the same types of lives right?

Janet is a celebrity AND a superstar, the same thing could be said about HER due to her way of life providing her with privileges others don't have, including many, many white people. What do you think Encino, California was like back in the '70s when the Jackson's were rising stars? It wasn't the hood.

None of those privileges however make EITHER OF THEM less Black, geez.
That's right. Joe moved his kids from Gary to the white suburbs in Cali. But these racists think everybody black lives in a run down hood.
HBCU’s don’t seem to be worth the money spent. If that’s the best they can produce maybe we shouldn’t be funding them.
An ivy league schooL produced Trump.

An HBCU produced Martin Luther King. Perhaps you need to send your whte children to HBCU'S.
That's right. Joe moved his kids from Gary to the white suburbs in Cali. But these racists think everybody black lives in a run down hood.
The ones in the hood are voting democrat. The ones that aren’t and have something to live for will vote Republican. Even those in the hood that want out will vote Trump.
The ones in the hood are voting democrat. The ones that aren’t and have something to live for will vote Republican. Even those in the hood that want out will vote Trump.
90 plus percent will vote democrat. In the hood, out of the hood, in mansions, wherever. Only black fools will vote for Trump.
The numbers show the opposite as a percentage of population. You must have attended an HBCU.
The numbers show that whites commit the most crimes. Out of the number of people in the US population that commit crimes, whites have the highest number. 2 percent of the overall American population commits crimes. So your use of total population by race to measure something done by 2 percent of the American population creates an in accurate ssessment.
The numbers show that whites commit the most crimes. Out of the number of people in the US population that commit crimes, whites have the highest number. 2 percent of the overall American population commits crimes. So your use of total population by race to measure something done by 2 percent of the American population creates an in accurate ssessment.
Uh, there's a stat that measures per capita. Blacks far exceed in that. They even teach that in high school, you high school grad.
I don’t think so. The numbers aren’t looking like that.
The numbers are looking exactly like that. Rasmussen and brietbart are not accurate poling sources and asking 10 blacks who they will vote for and 3 say trump doesn't mean that 30 percent of all 30 million black voters wil be voting for trump. Trump will get between 3-3.5 million black votes out of that 30 million.

Finally, you don't seem to get the reality that if a poll shows that 20 percent say they will vote for trump, it means that 80 percent are sying they won't. In no sane world is 80 percent opposition a good thing or a show of support. So if Harris gets 80 percent of the black vote it means that Harris was overwhelmingly supported by blacks. You guys are hoping that trump can get 80 percent of blacks to hate him instead of 90 and think that's a great thing or that shows how blacks somehow see the light about the democratic party.

What all this really shows is that you racists only want to peel off enough blacks to get trump elected so that he can implement his white supremacist agenda. This is not about Trump doing anything for blacks. Therefore any black person who says they are voting for Trump is an idiot voting against their best interest and the best interest of the black community.

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