Janet Jackson Says Kamala Harris is Not Black

How would Janet know?

Because this is what she sid:

“She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian,” 58-year-old singer and actress Janet Jackson, sister of the late global superstar Michael Jackson, recently said of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, repeating the untrue assertion that the Vice President has misrepresented her race/ethnicity. “Her father’s white. That’s what I was told,” Jackson said in an interview with the Guardian that was published on Saturday.

So Janet doesn't know. But your sorry racist ass wants it to be so, therefore you accept this as some kind of knowledge. If this was about trump and somebody said that's what I heard or that's what I was told, you woudn't accept that as fact.
He is the result of only reding that alt right garbage. He really thinks that a lot of blacks will be voting for trump.
We don’t need a majority at this point
The numbers show that whites commit the most crimes. Out of the number of people in the US population that commit crimes, whites have the highest number. 2 percent of the overall American population commits crimes. So your use of total population by race to measure something done by 2 percent of the American population creates an in accurate ssessment.
per capita retard. Geezus you’re an idiot.
How would Janet know?

Because this is what she sid:

“She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian,” 58-year-old singer and actress Janet Jackson, sister of the late global superstar Michael Jackson, recently said of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, repeating the untrue assertion that the Vice President has misrepresented her race/ethnicity. “Her father’s white. That’s what I was told,” Jackson said in an interview with the Guardian that was published on Saturday.

So Janet doesn't know. But your sorry racist ass wants it to be so, therefore you accept this as some kind of knowledge. If this was about trump and somebody said that's what I heard or that's what I was told, you woudn't accept that as fact.
So was "The View" liberal hosts attacking Janet yesterday morning for spreading misinformation?
We don’t need a majority at this point

per capita retard. Geezus you’re an idiot.
Fuck per capita. The actual number of crimes committed show that your white asses commit the most crime. Period. You can't assume that if blacks had the same number of people as whites that black crime would multiply to 5 times what it is now. There are a lot of things that would change if the populations were equal. For example, wealth would be equal. But very dumb whites like you keep trying to use the discredited measure in order to deny the huge crime problem in the white community. So just buck up and face reality white boy, your asses commit the most crime.

You aren't going to get the number of blacks you need. Trump did nothing for blacks and a white supremcist can't tell me he did. Trump can tell you anything, and that is your problem.
You do realize that all Black people are not the same, or live the same types of lives right?

Janet is a celebrity AND a superstar, the same thing could be said about HER due to her way of life providing her with privileges others don't have, including many, many white people. What do you think Encino, California was like back in the '70s when the Jackson's were rising stars? It wasn't the hood.

None of those privileges however make EITHER OF THEM less Black, geez.
Nope, it was a nice middle class neighborhood, like Tarzana.

What Janet Jackson Did—and Didn’t—Say About Kamala Harris’ Race​

“She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian,” 58-year-old singer and actress Janet Jackson, sister of the late global superstar Michael Jackson, recently said of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, repeating the untrue assertion that the Vice President has misrepresented her race/ethnicity. “Her father’s white. That’s what I was told,” Jackson said in an interview with the Guardian that was published on Saturday.

Janet don't know and you guys should STFU. But you won't. Because you psychologically need for Harris not to be black, because the black woman beating the white supremacist fake god would just be devastating to you self hating bigots.
Just like Obama and Harris, they're not black, both are mixed race.
Fuck per capita. The actual number of crimes committed show that your white asses commit the most crime. Period. You can't assume that if blacks had the same number of people as whites that black crime would multiply to 5 times what it is now. There are a lot of things that would change if the populations were equal. For example, wealth would be equal. But very dumb whites like you keep trying to use the discredited measure in order to deny the huge crime problem in the white community. So just buck up and face reality white boy, your asses commit the most crime.

You aren't going to get the number of blacks you need. Trump did nothing for blacks and a white supremcist can't tell me he did. Trump can tell you anything, and that is your problem.
It's gotta be by capita for comparison.

You could have 10 black guys and 1 commits a crime (10%). You could have 30 white guys and 2 commits a crime (6.66%). So when someone argues a position, they choose the number that suits their argument. They could say 2 is 100% more than one, and that 2 is greater than 1 etc..

But statistics level the playing field by using per capita. So by all means pick a metric that supports your position, but everyone else uses per capita.

Knife deaths in the UK are 0.06 per 100,000 population and 0.8 per 100,000 in the US. So as folk scream, "Look at the knife crime in the UK because you don't have guns", I show them the link on knife deaths per capita and the idiots shut up.
The one thing we can all say is Trump has made politics fun again. Oh Lord...

Well that tells us something about Janet Jackson


The accuracy of Gateway Pundit reporting...

"In an interview with the Guardian, the youngest child of the Jackson family shared, “She’s not black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian.”

Jackson added, “Her father’s white. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days.”

“I was told that they discovered her father was white,” added Jackson"

Janet is factually wrong and misinformed... Ironically, it is publications like Gateway Pundit that does a lot of the misinforming as well...
So this is Gateway Pundit taking a bow for misinformation in America.
And so while Taylor Swfts opinion doesn't matter this singers does.

Harris is black and Indian.
Taylor Swift has no experience being black. I don’t really need some white girl telling me what it means to be black
Janet’s right insofar that Harris has no connection culturally to the American black experience, and is a racial changeling, trimming her ethnicity to match whichever target demographic she’s pandering to.
She was raised in privileged white wealthy enclaves, miles away from the everyday black experience.
She lived in an apartment for over 10 years.
It's gotta be by capita for comparison.

You could have 10 black guys and 1 commits a crime (10%). You could have 30 white guys and 2 commits a crime (6.66%). So when someone argues a position, they choose the number that suits their argument. They could say 2 is 100% more than one, and that 2 is greater than 1 etc..

But statistics level the playing field by using per capita. So by all means pick a metric that supports your position, but everyone else uses per capita.

Knife deaths in the UK are 0.06 per 100,000 population and 0.8 per 100,000 in the US. So as folk scream, "Look at the knife crime in the UK because you don't have guns", I show them the link on knife deaths per capita and the idiots shut up.
Any comparision of Black v White had to consider economic and other factors...

Truth is that Black communities have been discriminated against for centuries... That takes a toll, poverty, opportunity, cultural.... This is facts... Just looking at housing, how do we think there is black areas? How did they all get a house in the one area... Internationally this is considered a disaster, French did it to Arabs in Paris and paid the price for it too...
Government policy of housing poor people together (it doesn't matter what race) creates Ghettos. Ghettos have both problems in living in them and the perception when you try and get out.

Now contrast that with Housing policy for a lot of Western Europe. If you build an private estate in mainland Europe, generally 30% of the housing has to be sold to lower income and social/disabilities. Yep, multiple social classes living with each other, not perfect but it creates far lower crime. And yes this sounds scary but it actually works...
It's gotta be by capita for comparison.

You could have 10 black guys and 1 commits a crime (10%). You could have 30 white guys and 2 commits a crime (6.66%). So when someone argues a position, they choose the number that suits their argument. They could say 2 is 100% more than one, and that 2 is greater than 1 etc..

But statistics level the playing field by using per capita. So by all means pick a metric that supports your position, but everyone else uses per capita.

Knife deaths in the UK are 0.06 per 100,000 population and 0.8 per 100,000 in the US. So as folk scream, "Look at the knife crime in the UK because you don't have guns", I show them the link on knife deaths per capita and the idiots shut up.
Any comparision of Black v White had to consider economic and other factors...

Truth is that Black communities have been discriminated against for centuries... That takes a toll, poverty, opportunity, cultural.... This is facts... Just looking at housing, how do we think there is black areas? How did they all get a house in the one area... Internationally this is considered a disaster, French did it to Arabs in Paris and paid the price for it too...
Government policy of housing poor people together (it doesn't matter what race) creates Ghettos. Ghettos have b oth problems in living in them and the perception when you try and get out.
Any comparision of Black v White had to consider economic and other factors...

Truth is that Black communities have been discriminated against for centuries... That takes a toll, poverty, opportunity, cultural.... This is facts... Just looking at housing, how do we think there is black areas? How did they all get a house in the one area... Internationally this is considered a disaster, French did it to Arabs in Paris and paid the price for it too...
Government policy of housing poor people together (it doesn't matter what race) creates Ghettos. Ghettos have both problems in living in them and the perception when you try and get out.

Now contrast that with Housing policy for a lot of Western Europe. If you build a private estate in mainland Europe, generally 30% of the housing has to be sold to lower income and social/disabilities. Yep, multiple social classes living with each other, not perfect but it creates far lower crime. And yes this sounds scary but it actually works...
Nope. It just destroys the middle class.

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