Janet Jackson Sides With Trump: Kamala Is Not Black

Even the fact checker is an idiot. Her father is Jamaican but HIS mother was white. So assuming Harris' grandfather was 100% African (true Jamaicans were eradicated long ago and essentially replaced by african slaves), that would only make her father 50% black. As to the mother, India is considered a caucasian race, their roots being arya-iranian. So that makes Harris AT BEST, 25% black African and 75% white caucasian.
Sure but Trump is a 100% douchebag. And that everyone agrees upon.
She probably heard Kamala's father is white from the Russian disinformation campaign for Trump they are doing on the internet to sow discord among us.

I've seen a picture of Kamala's father and he is a Black man....

I've seen a picture too, and he's not black. Look at that goober to the right of him in this picture: Now he's definitely "black."

Even the high-yellow girl on the left is blacker than he was.

Now let me ask you this? Are people from India considered "black"? Are Native Americans considered "black"?

you saw a picture of Maya's dad (Kampala's younger sister) but Kamala has a different dad who is white. We are telling you the truth.

YOU are spreading trash. Her father is black, Kamala and Maya are full blooded sisters, the same father...Donald Harris.....whose great great slave owned grandmother was raped by her Irish slave owner...has the slave rapists white blood in him... a mixture of races

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I've seen a picture too, and he's not black. Look at that goober to the right of him in this picture: Now he's definitely "black."

Even the high-yellow girl on the left is blacker than he was.

Now let me ask you this? Are people from India considered "black"? Are Native Americans considered "black"?

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You do realize of course that skin pigmentation in black people decreases with age, right?

I've seen a picture too, and he's not black. Look at that goober to the right of him in this picture: Now he's definitely "black."

Even the high-yellow girl on the left is blacker than he was.

Now let me ask you this? Are people from India considered "black"? Are Native Americans considered "black"?

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you see him old pale, and gray haired....

Jamaican blacks are mostly lighter skinned blacks because they have a lot of mixed race there.

Donald Harris's great grandmother, was a slave owned by the biggest slave owner in the region. She was impregnated,raped, by her slave owner...so Harris's white blood is known to have come from a plantation slave owner....among other mixed blacks the family married and mixed with...

Tricky part is all they ever say about Kamala's dad is that he is from Jamaica, but they never mention his race.

Just because you are from Africa does not mean you are black.
I would have brought this up a long time ago but i didn't think forurm members are mature enough to understand it. I mean, when they say her xxx was black and her xxx was Indian and her xxx was Jamaican you can see that they don't know what they are talking about.
Harris was black yesterday C4all..... ;) ~S~
And she's black today, plus South Asian Indian?

Do you think her father is white in the family tree photo where he is holding Kamala as a baby? She seems much lighter than him.

Is he a mixture of Caucasian and Black? yes he is from a distant relative that is known., as most Jamaican Blacks are lighter skinned black which indicates mixing of races. (Black, as a race)

Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Is ‘Not Black,’ Predicts ‘Mayhem’ for 2024 Election​

Ashley Iasimone
Sat, September 21, 2024, 9:59 PM CDT

Janet Jackson questioned Kamala Harris’ race in an interview published by The Guardian on Saturday (Sept. 21).

The interview touched upon the singer’s Together Again Tour, how she’s recorded “a lot of music that’s just sitting on the shelf,” and being a parent. It also shifted to the topic of the upcoming U.S. election, with the reporter noting Americans could elect their first Black, female president: democratic nominee Harris.

“Well, you know what they supposedly said?” Jackson chimed in. “She’s not Black — that’s what I heard, that she’s Indian.”

Added Jackson, “Her father’s white, that’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days. I was told that they discovered her father was white.”

She didn’t elaborate on where she’d heard this information, which is false.

Harris is both Black and Indian. Her father, Donald J. Harris, came to the U.S. from Jamaica. Her mother, the late Shyamala Gopalan, came to the U.S. from India. They both moved to the U.S. to study at the University of California, Berkeley, which is where they met in 1962.

The Guardian approached the topic again with Jackson, asking if she thinks America is ready for a president who is a woman of color.

“I don’t know,” Jackson said. “Honestly, I don’t want to answer that because I really truthfully don’t know. I think either way it goes is going to be mayhem.”
Janet isn't nasty.

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