Jay Carney failed


Feb 7, 2014
Jay Carney is a moron! I'm astonished at Obama's Administration. Imagine, that point-head Carney has claimed Russia organized the wiretapping of the conversation between Nuland and Pyatt. Although everybody understands that it was an EU vengeance for the permanent political rapes by Obama. Virtually, a prominent public official has confessed that the conversation is real and the USA actively supports Ukrainian opposition! There are no words fro that... It would be better if they financially supported the People of America instead of another spongers! However we must notice that it can be another chance for the EU to dirt Russia.

BTW, you can listen to the conversation here (youtube. com/watch?v=Amd4I0OtKkA)
Jay Carney is a moron! I'm astonished at Obama's Administration. Imagine, that point-head Carney has claimed Russia organized the wiretapping of the conversation between Nuland and Pyatt. Although everybody understands that it was an EU vengeance for the permanent political rapes by Obama. Virtually, a prominent public official has confessed that the conversation is real and the USA actively supports Ukrainian opposition! There are no words fro that... It would be better if they financially supported the People of America instead of another spongers! However we must notice that it can be another chance for the EU to dirt Russia.

BTW, you can listen to the conversation here (youtube. com/watch?v=Amd4I0OtKkA)

:lol: It IS a laugh watching him. But he sure is cute. I call him White House press secretary, Opie. That's who he reminds me of....a grown up Opie. I have to give him credit for keeping that job this long. It would have to be the most stressful job of all---covering up, with a serious face, for a corrupt administration.
Jay Carney evokes a reflexive visceral reaction in me every time I see him. Not quite as bad as the urge to snap David Axelrod's head off every time I see him, but close.

As for the conversation that was leaked, yes, the Russians probably leaked it. And of course we support the Ukrainian opposition. They favor the West over Russia. That does not mean we are behind the protests.

And Nuland is right. Fuck the EU. They are a pack of pussies. Their old habit of swallowing six yards of the USSR's cock dies hard.
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