Jerky Treat Deaths


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Jerky treat mystery: Nearly 600 pets dead; still no source, FDA says - NBC

I just flat don't understand how people can give their dogs the crap made in china. Or even here in the USA that is rawhide treats (a friends dog almost died 2 weeks ago from choking on the damn thing), pigs ears (full of bacteria), chicken bones (they splinter like needles) and various other "treats" that are going to wind up killing your beloved pet...ESPECIALLY if it is made in China!

They have not been able to attribute any dogs' deaths to the jerky. People say, "My dog ate this jerky and then died!" but there is no evidence that the dog actually died from the jerky.

I fed five dogs that Waggin' Train jerky on a regular basis for a few years and none of them got sick. They were getting it as a treat five days a week! No problems whatsoever. But when all this started up, I quit feeding it to them, it just made me too nervous. Now I use an American brand chicken jerky and it's not as good. I only give it as a very occasional treat, when they get their toenails trimmed every few weeks, because of all the hype about jerky I'm even a little leery of the jerky from America.

But what the FDA is saying is that there is no evidence showing that it's the jerky that's making the dogs sick!
I agree with you about the rawhide, Gracie. I NEVER give my dogs rawhide.

I give them bully sticks. I suppose there will be a problem with those next. At least the ones I get don't come from China!
i use purina cat and dog is safe and make my own treats......treats are not hard to make..and the dogs love them.....i would no more feed my dogs or cats anything made in china ......than i would give a child anything from china
Dog Food Products - Purina® Pro Plan®

This is what I plan to buy from now on. My vet says she only feeds her dogs Purina because of all the recalls throughout the years....only Purina has never been. IAMS has been recalled numerous times, along with other bullshit brands made who knows where. Just because my dogs never got sick on certain foods or treats doesn't mean they never will..which is why I keep my ears open on even Purina. But so far...never being recalled is a huge point in their favor.

The treats my dogs get is a slice of cheddar cheese cut in half. The size of a small doggy biscuit, which they never get any more since Moki can't chew hard stuff due to lack of back teeth. Besides...I eat the cheese too, lol.
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I hate the smell of the dog food treats so I take my daughter's dogs Keebler cheese and crackers or peanut butter and crackers. They love it and it isn't bad for them.
I never feed treats.

In fact I use my dogs dog food in obedience class.

I feed Blue Buffaloe and all my dogs love it. I had them on BB Wilderness but they were getting way to fat on it. More calories I think so I switched them back to regular BB and they are doing great.
We eventually went with an all natural diet for our dog. He was having very bad skin reactions and we tried every brand of food out there. We make him stew every week and put it in the fridge and he eats it every night. Beef or chicken, carrots, green beans, potatoes and some rice in a juicy broth. He gets occasional treats. Happy and healthy dog not eating that processed shit in bags anymore.
Smart move. All those skin issues will disappear.

BARF is really the best diet to feed. I may try it some day but I have four dogs so I'll have to see what it would cost me. LOL
Smart move. All those skin issues will disappear.

BARF is really the best diet to feed. I may try it some day but I have four dogs so I'll have to see what it would cost me. LOL

Indeed, he gets an occasionally hot lunch from one of the cats.:clap2:
The news has lit up recently over talk of poisonous dog treats entering the United States from China.

So far the mysterious outbreak has been responsible for infecting more than 3,600 dogs, taking the lives of 500 since January. It’s an outbreak that has veterinarians and scientists baffled, because after nearly 1,000 tests, it’s still unclear what ingredient in the treats is causing the outbreak. The only thing we do know is the exporter of the contaminated products is none other than China.

The United States has run into issues like this before.

For example, there’s the most recent instance of the USDA allowing Chinese-processed chicken to be shipped to the United States. Given China’s reputation of not exactly being known for sanitary, safe food-processing standards, many across the U.S. are up in arms about this recent turn of events, especially since the processing plants shipping the chicken to the United States aren’t bound by law to label the country of origin for each ingredient that might go into the processed chicken. This inevitably leaves U.S. consumers vulnerable just as our dogs are.

Scary, when you consider that for years independent researchers have been finding evidence of heavy metals, pesticides, PCBs or other toxic contaminants in the food we’re importing from China.

So why aren’t our leaders doing more to make sure that contaminated food from China doesn’t cross our dinner plates?

Read more Poisonous Chinese Imports Nothing New | Economy In Crisis
The news has lit up recently over talk of poisonous dog treats entering the United States from China.

So far the mysterious outbreak has been responsible for infecting more than 3,600 dogs, taking the lives of 500 since January. It’s an outbreak that has veterinarians and scientists baffled, because after nearly 1,000 tests, it’s still unclear what ingredient in the treats is causing the outbreak. The only thing we do know is the exporter of the contaminated products is none other than China.

The United States has run into issues like this before.

For example, there’s the most recent instance of the USDA allowing Chinese-processed chicken to be shipped to the United States. Given China’s reputation of not exactly being known for sanitary, safe food-processing standards, many across the U.S. are up in arms about this recent turn of events, especially since the processing plants shipping the chicken to the United States aren’t bound by law to label the country of origin for each ingredient that might go into the processed chicken. This inevitably leaves U.S. consumers vulnerable just as our dogs are.

Scary, when you consider that for years independent researchers have been finding evidence of heavy metals, pesticides, PCBs or other toxic contaminants in the food we’re importing from China.

So why aren’t our leaders doing more to make sure that contaminated food from China doesn’t cross our dinner plates?

Read more Poisonous Chinese Imports Nothing New | Economy In Crisis

i dont buy anything for my hound made in China.....their last dog food fuck up was enough....
Dog and cat food really is the worst garbage. Meat meant for human consumption is hardly even looked at, never mind actually examined. The last I read, each carcass is given 3 seconds of examination by the inspector. Even if they had several times longer, its impossible for inspectors to actually examine every dead body on the assembly lie.

As bad as meat for humans is, animal food is literally the shit that is scraped up off the slaughterhouse floor. There are sites that discuss the real ingredients of various dog and cat foods.

Dogs are omnivores. They do very well on a homemade diet. I used to make my own dog food, varied ingredients and always included eggs from my own chickens.

Cats are true carnivores. They must have taurine, which is an amino acid.
Sorry, couldn't find a link, but it is on another website I drove by.

Pet Foods Face First-Ever FDA Rule 6 Years After Dog Treat Scare

By Michelle Fay Cortez - Oct 25, 2013 11:27 AM ET .

QUEUEQ..Pet and animal foods would for the first time have to meet uniform manufacturing, processing and packaging standards under rules proposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

While the FDA typically gets involved in investigating contaminated pet food that is already on the market, the new regulations are designed to prevent disease-causing bacteria and dangerous chemicals before the poisoning occurs. The rules are part of implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011, the biggest change to food oversight since 1938.

The safety of pet food has been in the spotlight in part because of imported jerky treats imported from China that have sickened 3,600 dogs and 10 cats, and killed 580, in the U.S. since 2007. The FDA has been unable to pinpoint the cause of the illness. The new rule, added to two others related to humans proposed this year, would ensure that foods brought into the U.S. from abroad meet FDA safety standards.

“Unlike safeguards already in place to protect human foods, there are currently no regulations governing the safe production of most animal foods,” said Daniel McChesney, director of the FDA’s office of surveillance and compliance at the Center for Veterinary Medicine. “There is no type of hazard analysis. This rule would change all that.”

Humans can get sick when they encounter contaminated food they are giving to their pets or livestock, the FDA said. When pet food tainted with bacteria is placed on kitchen counters, the germs can spread to meals prepared for the family. When an animal eats feed contaminated by a chemical, the meat or milk that comes from the animal can pass along the contaminant to people who consume it.

The proposed rule would govern manufacturing, processing, packing and holding of animal food and establish good manufacturing process for each step of production. It will also ensure that animals get enough nutrients from their regular food, an important issue since they generally are fed from a single source.

The proposal is subject to a 120-day comment period before taking effect, and may change based on the public input.
Dog and cat food really is the worst garbage. Meat meant for human consumption is hardly even looked at, never mind actually examined. The last I read, each carcass is given 3 seconds of examination by the inspector. Even if they had several times longer, its impossible for inspectors to actually examine every dead body on the assembly lie.

As bad as meat for humans is, animal food is literally the shit that is scraped up off the slaughterhouse floor. There are sites that discuss the real ingredients of various dog and cat foods.

Dogs are omnivores. They do very well on a homemade diet. I used to make my own dog food, varied ingredients and always included eggs from my own chickens.

Cats are true carnivores. They must have taurine, which is an amino acid.

Blue Buffalo for my dog.....if i can help it....
this was posted to my face book feeds today.


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