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We are starting to see a mass push by the "MAGA media" and perhaps others that the solution to all of our problems as a country is "Jesus." OANN's Kara McKinney is openly pushing that notion, that really the only thing that "conservatives" and "Republicans" need is "Jesus." RAV's Morning Sunrise is always more about religion than news or policy. Charlie Kirk's Turning Point events are 70% religion, 30% policy. The solution to homosexual rape in public education is "Jesus." Maybe that was what "conservative" W was thinking when he teamed up with Ted Kennedy to piss $1 trillion down the public education rathole all while IGNORING VOUCHERS with a GOP controlled House and Senate...
The problem with that notion is that it fails in two major categories...
1. Religion by definition is not the slightest bit conservative. Religion is not fact, it is "faith" because it has no facts. It relies on mass misinformation mindlessly parroted by masses of mindless morons. That is the one condition necessary for religion to flourish. Any simple questioning and "evidence" blows up religion immediately. Religion supports BIG GOVERNMENT, since religious hierarchy is by definition totalitarian, and people are NEVER TO ASK QUESTIONS OR THINK, THEY ARE JUST TO PARROT, SHUT UP, AND THINK WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. That is 180 degrees from conservatism, which questions the "need" for every addition dollar of government spending. A great historical example of religion in American is Prohibition, which was passed by the mindless recital of "alcohol = bad." Eventually, the American people came to the CONSERVATIVE CONCLUSION that Al Capone was worse than Alcohol, and rightly so. There is nothing conservative about religion. For the GOP, nothing conservative has been done for America since the GOP ditched conservatism for SUB supported Zionist Fascism in 1998 - NOTHING. THAT is why the debt is up from $5.9 trillion when W took office to over $34 trillion today, and yes, that is also because SUBS DO NOT UNDERSTAND BASIC MATH.
2. While many Americans are really stupid, a majority of Americans do not believe that stars and figs are the same size, a level of idiocy required to take the biBULL seriously. To just define "conservative" and "Republican" as JUST CHRISTIAN is to essentially forfeit in a two party system. The demise of America that began in 1998 can be traced exactly to the takeover of the GOP by religion. When religion replaced fiscal conservatism and patriotism to America as the primary issue in 1998, the cause of true conservatism died with it. That GOP has since never done anything good, and by design. The politicians supported by the SUBS are NOT CONSERVATIVES, they are mostly Left Wing Zionist Fascist Jews pretending to be Christians. All the SUBS loved W 20 years ago, and swore he was "conservative" since Faux "News" called W that. And now they call W a RINO and eagerly vote for all W clones hyped by Faux = they learned NOTHING. The GOP cannot win if it is all about religion, and even if it does win, it is so loaded with left wing Zionist Fascist ZPF traitors, it doesn't do any good. Look at Trump's first term, where the GOP behind McConnell and Paul Ryan (now on Faux News' Board of Directors) BLOCKED THE FUNDING FOR THE WALL....
Revelation 6-13
And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind.
When Putin looked at us after 911 and screamed WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!
he already knew the answer. Russia bans religion for precisely that reason. The Russians all know 911 was a Zionist Fascist Fraud. Religion is what blinded Americans to that truth, and our country may never recover if the idiots still falling for that hoax keep voting solely for Zionist Fascist Traitors like W....
The problem with that notion is that it fails in two major categories...
1. Religion by definition is not the slightest bit conservative. Religion is not fact, it is "faith" because it has no facts. It relies on mass misinformation mindlessly parroted by masses of mindless morons. That is the one condition necessary for religion to flourish. Any simple questioning and "evidence" blows up religion immediately. Religion supports BIG GOVERNMENT, since religious hierarchy is by definition totalitarian, and people are NEVER TO ASK QUESTIONS OR THINK, THEY ARE JUST TO PARROT, SHUT UP, AND THINK WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. That is 180 degrees from conservatism, which questions the "need" for every addition dollar of government spending. A great historical example of religion in American is Prohibition, which was passed by the mindless recital of "alcohol = bad." Eventually, the American people came to the CONSERVATIVE CONCLUSION that Al Capone was worse than Alcohol, and rightly so. There is nothing conservative about religion. For the GOP, nothing conservative has been done for America since the GOP ditched conservatism for SUB supported Zionist Fascism in 1998 - NOTHING. THAT is why the debt is up from $5.9 trillion when W took office to over $34 trillion today, and yes, that is also because SUBS DO NOT UNDERSTAND BASIC MATH.
2. While many Americans are really stupid, a majority of Americans do not believe that stars and figs are the same size, a level of idiocy required to take the biBULL seriously. To just define "conservative" and "Republican" as JUST CHRISTIAN is to essentially forfeit in a two party system. The demise of America that began in 1998 can be traced exactly to the takeover of the GOP by religion. When religion replaced fiscal conservatism and patriotism to America as the primary issue in 1998, the cause of true conservatism died with it. That GOP has since never done anything good, and by design. The politicians supported by the SUBS are NOT CONSERVATIVES, they are mostly Left Wing Zionist Fascist Jews pretending to be Christians. All the SUBS loved W 20 years ago, and swore he was "conservative" since Faux "News" called W that. And now they call W a RINO and eagerly vote for all W clones hyped by Faux = they learned NOTHING. The GOP cannot win if it is all about religion, and even if it does win, it is so loaded with left wing Zionist Fascist ZPF traitors, it doesn't do any good. Look at Trump's first term, where the GOP behind McConnell and Paul Ryan (now on Faux News' Board of Directors) BLOCKED THE FUNDING FOR THE WALL....
Revelation 6 | NKJV Bible | YouVersion
First Seal: The ConquerorNow #Is. 53:7; (John 1:29; Rev. 5:5–7, 12; 13:8)I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard #Rev. 4:7one of the four living creatures saying with a voice li
Revelation 6-13
And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind.
When Putin looked at us after 911 and screamed WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!
he already knew the answer. Russia bans religion for precisely that reason. The Russians all know 911 was a Zionist Fascist Fraud. Religion is what blinded Americans to that truth, and our country may never recover if the idiots still falling for that hoax keep voting solely for Zionist Fascist Traitors like W....