Jobs. Jobs everywhere! - Jan Jobs increases by 350k due to Bidenomics

Massive gain in jobs has employment rate far above Trump & repubtards wildest dream.
Stop with the lies. Fewer people are struggling to pay their bills. More employees are doing the shopping for their customers, bagging and bringing the items to their vehicles as they drive up. Or they are delivering the items to their homes. So there are fewer people available to man the traditional registers. High wage has little to do with how many cashiers there are. Improved technology & customers are spending more on services is what drove the change.
The improved technology has allowed Stores to do away with cashiers, Kiss! Instead of having ten they have two. That was a move made by the Private Sector in response to impending minimum wage rates that are absurd. Poor people aren't having other people shop for them or deliver items to their like that cost extra...they're struggling just to put groceries on the table! If that's what YOU see happening? Then obviously you're in one of those nifty liberal bubbles insulated from all of the "poor folks"!
The improved technology has allowed Stores to do away with cashiers, Kiss! Instead of having ten they have two. That was a move made by the Private Sector in response to impending minimum wage rates that are absurd. Poor people aren't having other people shop for them or deliver items to their like that cost extra...they're struggling just to put groceries on the table! If that's what YOU see happening? Then obviously you're in one of those nifty liberal bubbles insulated from all of the "poor folks"!
I can't shop in Walmart without bumping into a dozen of their personal shoppers picking items from shelves and organizing them into square carts of stacked blue baskets they wheel through the store as they shop for their customers.

Poor neighborhoods and my poor tenants have those Walmart delivery bags on their porch's all time. Not too mention many more Amazon boxes.

There are help wanted signs everywhere offering unskilled workers $20/hr. People have the opportunity to pay their way without struggling.

The economy created over 14 million jobs since Biden took office. That's a record far above every president in history. The unemployment rate has remained below 4% for over 2 years as inflation has fallen by two-thirds. Workers’ paychecks and household wealth are higher now than they were before the pandemic, after adjusting for inflation.
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I can't shop in Walmart without bumping into a dozen of their personal shoppers picking items from shelves and organizing them into square carts of stacked blue baskets they wheel through the store as they shop for their customers.

Poor neighborhoods and my poor tenants have those Walmart delivery bags on their porch's all time. Not too mention many more Amazon boxes.

There are help wanted signs everywhere offering unskilled workers $20/hr. People have the opportunity to pay their way without struggling.

The economy created over 14 million jobs since Biden took office. That's a record far above every president in history. The unemployment rate has remained below 4% for over 2 years as inflation has fallen by two-thirds. Workers’ paychecks and household wealth are higher now than they were before the pandemic, after adjusting for inflation.
Oh for god's many times do we have to hear the amazing numbers of jobs that Joe Biden has supposedly created? The truth is that the majority of those jobs were simply people coming back to jobs that existed before the Covid shut downs! Joe Biden had nothing to do with that. Worker's paychecks are NOT higher now than they were before the pandemic adjusted for inflation! That's a flat out lie.
Oh for god's many times do we have to hear the amazing numbers of jobs that Joe Biden has supposedly created? The truth is that the majority of those jobs were simply people coming back to jobs that existed before the Covid shut downs! Joe Biden had nothing to do with that. Worker's paychecks are NOT higher now than they were before the pandemic adjusted for inflation! That's a flat out lie.
The jobs numbers are triple verified by private business, employer fed filings & government survey. You however spew flat out lies.
Wages are actually up 22% since 2019. Gone from $917 to $1121. Everything else I typed is correct too. How do you dispute this? Curious, when you replied I was wrong what data set did you use to determine that? Did it just come out of your ass or did you do even 10 seconds of research?

View attachment 897900
I hate to be a nitpicker...but...

At best, that is only a $29 per month increase. You forgot to adjust for Inflation. Also, this number does not take into account the double-digit increase in taxes in most locations. After taxes, there was almost certainly a loss in net income. Heck, even just jumping one or two tax brackets on the income tax curve would erase that meager amount and then some.

2019 Average Weekly Wage vs Inflation.png
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The jobs numbers are triple verified by private business, employer fed filings & government survey. You however spew flat out lies.
How does that refute my point that the majority of the jobs that Joe Biden claims to have "created" were simply jobs that were shut down during the Covid lockdowns and those jobs returned after the lockdowns ended?
How does that refute my point that the majority of the jobs that Joe Biden claims to have "created" were simply jobs that were shut down during the Covid lockdowns and those jobs returned after the lockdowns ended?
They are not simply jobs that were shut down during the Covid. Those jobs returned from May to October 2020. By December 2020 Trump was again losing 243,000 jobs a month.

Under Biden, workers didn't return as cashiers, because now they had better jobs as personal shoppers & delivery drivers. Office workers didn't return because they had construction workers build offices at their homes. Waitress became caregivers when schools & rest-homes closed. Construction work exploded everywhere to support all those changes. Infrastructure is rapidly being built for solar & wind energy to charge electric vehicles. AI, chip, battery & robot plants are rapidly being built here in the USA. US oil drilling & processing exploded making US the worlds largest producer & exporter of petroleum, gas & energy. US mining, manufacturing, education & healthcare growth. Manufacturing investment reached historic highs!!!
The train has left the station folks. We are on the greatest economic rise of our generation. Jobs everywhere, wages rising faster than prices, consumer confidence on a rocket ship to the moon. My thoughts and prayer go out to right wing doomsday hopefuls everywhere.

In addition to Jobs everywhere the consumer confidence levels are higher than they’ve been in 3 years.

US Uni Of Mich. Sentiment Jan F: 79.0 (est 78.9; prev 78.8)- Sentiment Jan F: 81.9 (est 83.5; prev 83.3)- Sentiment Jan F: 77.1 (est 76.0; prev 75.9)- 1 Yr Inflation Jan F: 2.9% (est 2.9%; prev 2.9%)- 5-10 Yr Inflation Jan F: 2.9% (est 2.8%; prev 2.8%)

To be revised downward usual
Old Thread: Hello Samofvt. There have been no replies in this thread for 120 days.
Content in this thread may no longer be relevant.
Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.
Old thread. New thread. Whatever. Same sh*t, different **y.

The chart does not show anything. If they are talking about homelessness, I may agree. But "Earnings hourly, weekly, or monthly as available" means the numbers were picked out of thin air.

And which "national CPI" are they using to "deflate" the numbers? If the CPI is used, it traditionally involves INFLATING the numbers from prior years to current years.

The only thing this chart proves is that we have a problem.
And as far as "real private construction for Mfg": There is no such thing. And even if it were a real thing, the numbers do not align with reality.
Old thread. New thread. Whatever. Same sh*t, different **y.

The chart does not show anything. If they are talking about homelessness, I may agree. But "Earnings hourly, weekly, or monthly as available" means the numbers were picked out of thin air.

And which "national CPI" are they using to "deflate" the numbers? If the CPI is used, it traditionally involves INFLATING the numbers from prior years to current years.

The only thing this chart proves is that we have a problem.
And as far as "real private construction for Mfg": There is no such thing. And even if it were a real thing, the numbers do not align with reality.
Indeed, the numbers issued by the Bureau if Labor Statistics confirms what you've opined.

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