Joe Biden Finds It An Honor To Serve America For More Than Fifty Years

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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Umm I know that it seems like it's been that long Joe but in reality it's only been four years. Also the economy isn't the greatest it's been and you never served this country a single day in office. However, us true American patriots send our farewells and gratitude towards you for getting Trump re-elected.

Umm I know that it seems like it's been that long Joe but in reality it's only been four years. Also the economy isn't the greatest it's been and you never served this country a single day in office. However, us true American patriots send our farewells and gratitude towards you for getting Trump re-elected.

Well, to be fair, he was elected to office in something like, 1973. It can be argued that he is including all of that as service to America, though there are many, many Americans who would question the value his service has provided.
Umm I know that it seems like it's been that long Joe but in reality it's only been four years. Also the economy isn't the greatest it's been and you never served this country a single day in office. However, us true American patriots send our farewells and gratitude towards you for getting Trump re-elected.

Joe Biden is the poster child for term limits. Nuff said.
Umm I know that it seems like it's been that long Joe but in reality it's only been four years. Also the economy isn't the greatest it's been and you never served this country a single day in office. However, us true American patriots send our farewells and gratitude towards you for getting Trump re-elected.

He didn’t serve America. He served billionaires and big corporations, as nearly all in politics do.
On the plus side hopefully he'll find a good retirement home to go to.
Dogs serve this country much better than he ever did.
I remember thinking his career is done when he lied repeatedly in the 1988 campaign. Then the fucker gets re-elected senator again and again, then VP, and then potus.

If that doesn’t tell every American we live in a failed state run by psychopaths, nothing does.

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