Joe Biden Interferes In State Election Laws


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said
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Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
It was MLB's decision which Biden said he supports. That is not pressuring them and it is not interfearing with state government
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
How? By quoting the LAW?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
How? By quoting the LAW?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
Since when has committing a crime because somebody else did it been a valid excuse?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
How? By quoting the LAW?
Is that supposed to be an answer?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
How? By quoting the LAW?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
Since when has committing a crime because somebody else did it been a valid excuse?
What the hell are you blathering about?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said
Here is the relevant paragraph from the first link "The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. "

Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said
Here is the relevant paragraph from the first link "The Elections Clause is the primary source of constitutional authority to regulate elections for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Clause directs and empowers states to determine the “Times, Places, and Manner” of congressional elections, subject to Congress’s authority to “make or alter” state regulations. "

And thatg supports the premis of your OP? How exactly?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
How? By quoting the LAW?
Is that supposed to be an answer?
It is THEE answer. Trump was quoting VOTING LAW. Not trying to CHANGE the fuckin' Law. Because of COVID ,SecStates and Democrat Governors CHANGED the Law without consulting with State Legislators. The only people who have the RIGHT to change such laws. So blow it.
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said

Oh my gosh...rightists are suddenly pretending to care about state's rights! :lol: Either that or they've been asleep for the past for years.

So where were you when Trump was attempting to interfere in Georgia's election?

How did Biden pressure the MLB?
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said

Oh my gosh...rightists are suddenly pretending to care about state's rights! :lol: Either that or they've been asleep for the past for years.

So where were you when Trump was attempting to interfere in Georgia's election?

How did Biden pressure the MLB?

Funny. I don't see any evidence that Conservatives don't care about states rights.
Actually, I have never met Donald Trump and have no influence over him.
The decision to move the All Star Game came right after Biden's speech blasting Georgia. Do you actually think the two are not related? After Biden's speech, Coca Cola, also based in Atlanta, condemned the Georgia law.
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said

Oh my gosh...rightists are suddenly pretending to care about state's rights! :lol: Either that or they've been asleep for the past for years.

So where were you when Trump was attempting to interfere in Georgia's election?

How did Biden pressure the MLB?

Funny. I don't see any evidence that Conservatives don't care about states rights.
Actually, I have never met Donald Trump and have no influence over him.
The decision to move the All Star Game came right after Biden's speech blasting Georgia. Do you actually think the two are not related? After Biden's speech, Coca Cola, also based in Atlanta, condemned the Georgia law.

I think the two are unrelated.

This is a market decision and huge decisions like that are not made on the basis of one speech blasting a law. This law has been coming around the bend for some time and I'm sure the planning for the change of venue has been in the works for some time.
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said

Well, I'm sure if it's proven to be "racist" then it comes under the Federal government's authority.

The states can't start slavery up and tell the feds to feck off.
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.

Here is exactly what he said

Oh my gosh...rightists are suddenly pretending to care about state's rights! :lol: Either that or they've been asleep for the past for years.

So where were you when Trump was attempting to interfere in Georgia's election?

How did Biden pressure the MLB?

Funny. I don't see any evidence that Conservatives don't care about states rights.
Actually, I have never met Donald Trump and have no influence over him.
The decision to move the All Star Game came right after Biden's speech blasting Georgia. Do you actually think the two are not related? After Biden's speech, Coca Cola, also based in Atlanta, condemned the Georgia law.

I think the two are unrelated.

This is a market decision and huge decisions like that are not made on the basis of one speech blasting a law. This law has been coming around the bend for some time and I'm sure the planning for the change of venue has been in the works for some time.
Did you hear about Joe Biden calling a state of Georgia election law"racist"??? I guess he forgot the part of the Constitution that says the President has no jurisdiction over state law or state elections. The Supreme Ct said that several times.

The doctrine is called "Separation of Powers." It is explained right here

Jojo did more than just complain. He pressured Major League Baseball to move the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. Personally, I intend to boycott that game for 2021.
Where does the Constitution say that the President can't excercise his right to free speech inorder to criticize actions being taken by a state? Trump bad mouthed states all the time, including on their election laws. And unlike Biden, Trump tried to acually interfear. Where was your hypocritical ass then?
How? By quoting the LAW?
Is that supposed to be an answer?
It is THEE answer. Trump was quoting VOTING LAW. Not trying to CHANGE the fuckin' Law. Because of COVID ,SecStates and Democrat Governors CHANGED the Law without consulting with State Legislators. The only people who have the RIGHT to change such laws. So blow it.
Bottom line is that Trump tried to change the outcome of the election. Deal with it.
A President has the right to express his views in these matters.

And he is right about Georgia's racist voting laws.

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