Joe Biden just said that Hillary Clinton had no idea what the f she was doing

She went for the pop vote and got it. The only reason she didn't win in MI, is some of the Pubs put up lots of money. Devos and Romney.
She went for the pop vote and got it. The only reason she didn't win in MI, is some of the Pubs put up lots of money. Devos and Romney.
The voters were paid to vote for Trump?

Cigarettes and beer?

A Happy meal at McDonald's?

Now I didn't say that, but yes the ads, signs on the hiways, the young repubs, all paid for by Devos and Romneys. He barely won the state, but he did. We have a Pub Gov and AG , but hopefully that will change in 2 years.
She went for the pop vote and got it. The only reason she didn't win in MI, is some of the Pubs put up lots of money. Devos and Romney.
Romney financed Trump..................................Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Ok you are hired for SNL, report to the studio ASAP
We'd have a really great President if she hadn't knifed Bernie. The real liberals couldn't stomach that, and stayed home Nov 8.
She well and truly deserves all the grief she feels. The ignomy of being whooped by a buffoon, who would have lost to Homer Simpson, if he was the challenger!
It's not only The Right that thinks she stinks.
We'd have a really great President if she hadn't knifed Bernie. The real liberals couldn't stomach that, and stayed home Nov 8.
She well and truly deserves all the grief she feels. The ignomy of being whooped by a buffoon, who would have lost to Homer Simpson, if he was the challenger!
It's not only The Right that thinks she stinks.
Bernie was and is a loser lush. All Bernie did was tell America that he was tired about hearing about Hillaries emails. Face it the guy has no balls, he had his chance and caved in
We'd have a really great President if she hadn't knifed Bernie.

Was that before or after Bernie got down on his hands and knees and stuck his tongue straight up her asshole?

Yeah a Bernie vs. Trump contest would have been interesting since getting a chance to see another McGovern fiasco would have brought back old times.
She went for the pop vote and got it. The only reason she didn't win in MI, is some of the Pubs put up lots of money. Devos and Romney.

Were you watching the same Election the rest of us were? Romney not only refused to endorse Trump but called him dangerous. A fake, and a fraud.

Campaign 2016: Mitt Romney: Donald Trump "a phony, a fraud" - CBS News

We know, because the Liberal pundits harped on it endlessly about how everyone hated Trump and had distanced themselves from him.

Look, I know it's hard to understand, but the reason the Democratic Party lost is because of people like me. People who had voted Democratic in the past, and would have again, except the party put forward the most corrupt and inept candidate we could find. Then to add injury to insult, cheated on the primary, and looked at the voters with disdain.

Now in the beginning I swore I would not vote for Hillary no matter what. I followed through with that promise obviously. After the shenanigans of the Primary and the campaign were exposed, I swore I would never vote for another Democrat until and unless they cleaned up the party and got rid of the corruptocrats who were ruining it for us all. I followed through on that promise by not voting for a single Democrat in any race. I will continue to follow through with that promise every election I have left in me.

It isn't enough that the Democrats have to suck less than the Republicans. They need to be better, and actually give a flying fuck about the people who vote for them, and support them.

Trump sucks, but the Democratic elites suck way more. Stop shitting on people who are your supporters, and stop telling them to just get over being screwed and belittling their concerns. People trying to find a good paying blue collar job don't want to be called racists because they don't like seeing their jobs leave to be done in Mexico.

Fuck it, I'm wasting my time. But know this. Republicans are liable to have a sixty vote Senate in two years. All because the Democratic Party would rather pitch fits than take a long look in the mirror.
till this day, Biden still remembers the day he was watching President Roosevelt speaking to the nation about ww2/Japan on TV in 1929.

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