Joe Biden's biggest accomplishment in his first 100 Days.

His greatest accomplishment has been to draw compassionate attention to dementia.

Anyone who has experienced dementia in a loved one knows how heartbreaking it is.

Some patients even get confused about using the bathroom.

I never call Mr. Biden any mean names, for (a) I realize that it is not his fault that he is cognitively impaired, and (b) "his" policies are -- in reality -- the brainchildren of his woke caregivers (AKA "advisers").
He has better approval numbers at this point than your cult leader did.....and from what I was told, that should be impossible because the cult leader guy has the best ratings ever and had truck parades and stuff
He has better approval numbers at this point than your cult leader did.....and from what I was told, that should be impossible because the cult leader guy has the best ratings ever and had truck parades and stuff

Wonder how long that will last?? Once the voters get a gander of the bull shit he has planned I'd bet he couldn't get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.
He has better approval numbers at this point than your cult leader did.....and from what I was told, that should be impossible because the cult leader guy has the best ratings ever and had truck parades and stuff

So popular in your mind is a success huh? You can't grasp the polls are geared toward a pre-determined outcome?

How come?
His greatest accomplishment has been to draw compassionate attention to dementia.

Anyone who has experienced dementia in a loved one knows how heartbreaking it is.

Some patients even get confused about using the bathroom.

I never call Mr. Biden any mean names, for (a) I realize that it is not his fault that he is cognitively impaired, and (b) "his" policies are -- in reality -- the brainchildren of his woke caregivers (AKA "advisers").
OK, I'll be magnanimous and give you the last year--what about the other 46 useless years that this fool spent robbing the country? It does not excuse the moronic democrats that voted the idiot into office when they couldn't get him out of his basement to campaign either.
He has better approval numbers at this point than your cult leader did.....and from what I was told, that should be impossible because the cult leader guy has the best ratings ever and had truck parades and stuff

So popular in your mind is a success huh? You can't grasp the polls are geared toward a pre-determined outcome?

How come?
Pedo Joe should be above 90% the way the press runs cover for him.

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