Jonathan Pryce again playing argentinian, pope Francis after Peron: ROLES


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Nazi agent Jonathan Pryce again playing argentinian, this time not Peron but pope Francis: Roles
1. Main role, same as all popes since 1958, is suicide bomber: destroy the Catholic Church from within.
At the end of the show "Francis" pushes the role to the limits by fully detonating himself.
After a staged arrest and stripped of title, in parallel to Obama, Pope Francis will confess the most sophisticated comspiracy in the History of Religion and of Pedophilia.

2. Mockery of christianity
"Pope: Abbas in an angel of peace" illustrates rather this agenda than the "Destruction of Israel" agenda.

3.Divert from and deny genocide, past, present and future
a)- Pope says never again, recalling 'horrific' WWII atomic bombings = diverting from the ongoing horrots of World War III: pilots of "US lead coalition of 25 nations" carrying on genocide, from sunnis in Syria and Iraq and touaregs in Mali alias Azawad to christians in South Sudan and Central Africa.
b)- "Pope: 'Powers' did nil when Jews were taken to Auschwitz" = diverting from the fact that the holocaust was possible because nazi puppet govs of USA and UK were part of the operation.
c)- Armenian genocide: question the unquestionable packaged as black is white.
"Pope Francis uses 'genocide' to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks": this is how illuminati media serves another episode in the series of denying the genocide of armenians by the Ottoman empire.
The fake pope's message is to:
- question the genocide: "... widely considered", or in other words stating that the armenian genocide is NOT an undeniable fact.
- promote the nazi puppets of the turkish government and thus implcitly deny the armenian genocide.

4. Destruction of Israel

5. Disarm US citizens
While pretending to denouunce he states the real agenda while again mocking christianity: if you manufacture weapons then you're can't be a christian".

6. Otherwise Mock human cattle unable to add 1 + 1
This ranges from "protector of forests" to "critic of capitalism"

Aug 9, 2015 - Pope says never again, recalling 'horrific' WWII atomic bombings
Pope says never again recalling horrific WWII atomic bombings - Yahoo News

June 21, 2015 - "Pope: 'Powers' did nil when Jews were taken to Auschwitz"
Health News Articles Healthy Living - ABC News
Pope Francis denounces 'great powers' for turning blind eye to genocide
He highlighted mass killings of Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, the systematic murders of Christians in gulags under the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin, and the executions of one million Armenians by Turkish Ottomans in the first few decades of the 20th century. He also cited extensive persecution of Roma and homosexuals.
“It makes me think of ... people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit of distrust doesn’t it?” he said to applause,

Why do lluminati desperately try to exterminate the Jews?
Because it's the ONLY UNDENIABLE way to prove the Bible wrong
The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible Why illuminati try to exterminate Jews

Catholic Church Destruction the illuminati script Fake Pope Francis Roles
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Few questions for anyone who can answer:
Is this supposed to be the last Pope or the next one?
What was the Vatican position on the military action in Iraq?
Because if they say never again then surely they have to support the U.S. act of saving Kurds from acts of Genocide. Especially since Kurds are also Morning Star worshipers.
Few questions for anyone who can answer:
Is this supposed to be the last Pope or the next one?

After the BIG BANG was postponed several times, it finally starts with a reversed Bible script: resurrection before crucifixion alias cruci-fiction.

Obama Biden alias Osama Bi(nla)den presidency comes to an end after Osama Bin Laden's resurrection.
Biden is played by Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, Obama by an ethnic indonesian with neither black nor white blood.
Forged birth certificate to conceal he's Kenyan is only one among an endless array of "crimes" that Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation will "confess".
The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible Transvestite Michelle Obama Homosexual Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation

Osama Bin Laden and missing Malaysian Airlines plane ascend from an Indian Ocean of discrepancies.
Reduced remake of 11 September:
From 4 fake planes in 2001 to to 1 fake plane at Jerusalem.
End Times Prophet Osama Bin Laden resurrects next to missing Boeing 777
Obama's very last video as Osama in or near an Afghanistan cave claims the "attack", as explained 2011 by Last Prophet.
Obamessiah the false prophet created by the illuminati to play the ultimate suicide bomber OBAMA s VERY LAST VIDEO as Osama in Afghanistan cave about to be released - see note from March 2014

What follows Obama Bin Laden's resurrection, crucified to a Boeing 777.
Who will be arrested and / or stripped - Obama/Hitlery parallel to Francis/Benedict:
- Obama arrested confesses the most sophisticated conspiracy ever in Politics;
- Pope Francis alias actor Jonathan Pryce arrested, confesses the most sophisticated conspiracy ever in Religion.
- Pope Benedict, officially "one of the last survivors of Hitler's army", restarts playing last pope before Vatican closes doors for good.

- Putin flees to China, is replaced with openly nazi Navalny: remake in Moscow of the staged Kiev "Maidan revolution".
- Usain Bolt, fastest man ever and forever, falsely accused of doping and stripped of all titles, parallel script to Lance Armstrong, greatest cyclist ever, in the most sophisticated conspiracy ever in Sports.
- "evil jews" playing Federal Reserve leaders: Ben Shalom Bernanke alias Paul Krugman without toupee, Janet Yellen alias Martha Stewart and israeli citizen Stan Fischer alias an ethnic german who months earlier stopped officially playing Governor of the Bank of Israel: ALL arrested, confess the most sophisticated conspiracy ever in Finance.
- human cattle stripped of pensions and savings following controlled demolition of banks.
Who will be proclaimed
- Hitlery, alias Hillary Clinton alias Germany's first woman chancellor's half sister (both Hitler's daughters), proclaimed 44th US president, successor of GW Buh, first woman president of the US.

Supervised race war:
- default on social security payments;
- vigilante groups encouraged as reaction to rioting starving crowds;
- illuminati agents playing "black leaders" (Al Sharpton & Co) call blacks to arms;
- martial law in the USA, EU, Australia, Canada, thousands of extermination camps activated.

Compulsory vassassination - now as ebola, after it was renamed each time the script was postponed (avian flu, swine flu, etc).

While dozens of millions will be exterminated at stadiums, malls and large schools built recently for this purpose:
Hillary Clinton, House of Cards's inverted US flag Kevin Spacey's sister, breaks-up the US in 11 or 13 states.

What you just read: no need to mention that it exposes the final and most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of conspiracies.

Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war BIG BANG 2015 for dummies
Few questions for anyone who can answer:
Is this supposed to be the last Pope or the next one?

In Rome exists a plate of stone where the names of all popes are engraved. After Pope Francis there's place for another pope on this plate. Benedict XVI. installed a second plate. So the pope after Pope Francis will be engraved on the last position of this plate - and the pope who follows will be engraved on the first position of the next plate. And if this plate is full of names in some thousand years then we will install a third plate and so on. And if on all stones in the solar system are written down all names of all popes then an eyewink of the times of god will be over.

What was the Vatican position on the military action in Iraq?

A preemptive strike is not defense. The USA had no right to attack the Iraq. This was and is the position of nearly all big christian confessions in the world.

Because if they say never again then surely they have to support the U.S. act of saving Kurds from acts of Genocide. Especially since Kurds are also Morning Star worshipers.

I met some Kurds in my life. All Kurds I met were very reasonable and lovely people. I'm sure the politics of Turkey and the USA against Kurds is more than only wrong. Kurds are by the way Muslims, some are Christians. And Kurds are in danger to become victims of genocide. But may it be you are a western member of the godless terror organisation "IS"? This could explain why you are continously speaking nonsense about religion.

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7. Marketing illuminazi agents persecuting catholics, from China to Cuba, from Central African Republic to Iran.

10. Last but scripted as "not the least":
"Pope Francis arrested, confesses the most sophisticated conspiracy ever in the History of Religion and Pedophilia."
This is a suicide bomber parallel script to Obama (Politics) and Putin (several areas including Sports).
The list of crimes that Pope Francis will confess includes a long list of murders, same a Obama/Putin, all of them obviously fake deaths, to fulfill the commandment of endless deception.
Fake deaths that "pope Francis" will confess include his 7 months pregnant personal secretary, days after Scalia's fake death, one of the murders that Obama will confess to Oprah Winfrey on TV.
But not even this beats the "as close to himself as it gets" milestone to be set by Obama: "I strangled my own granny in her bed in Hawaii just before the 2008 election".

For fake deaths used in confessions of the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Politics, Religion, Pedophilia, Sports, Finance, start here:
Justice Scalia Russian anti-doping boss Fake deaths, Obama/Putin suicide bomber parallel script:
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts: Justice Scalia Russian anti-doping boss Fake deaths, Obama/Putin suicide bomber parallel scriptT
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3.Divert from and deny genocide, past, present and future
Lesbos: "Pope Francis" mocking ongoing genocide, one of Jonathan Pryce's main roles as "Holy Father"
12 March 2016 - Pope Francis announces he is set to visit Auschwitz.
Within one month, two related announcements, first Lesbos and days later Homosexuals.
Not only related to each other but both also to Auschwitz.
Explaining it for Lesbos will no longer make it necessary to explain it for homosexuals.

Lesbos and Homosexuals: Pope Francis announcements within three days
"Homosexuals: Pope Francis: welcome to the church!" headlines Apr 9, 2016.
"Pope to visit Lesbos to 'shed light' on the migrant crisis " headlines Apr 6, 2016, "Daily Mail".
Followed by "Pope to pile pressure on EU leaders over their deportation deal with Turkey".

Truth in plain sight: Holocaust vs gassing syrians
Can you imagine illuminati media showing jewish children holding posters reading "we are killed silently", standing on railtracks with barbed wire on the background, shortly after the death trains started the "relocations" to Auschwitz's gas chambers?
It took almost 80 years, again in Europe, but the gassed, same as the children, are now mostly syrians.
Same as the preview in Syria, during the past years: children holding posters reading "Stop GASsad" after chemical attacks with barrel bombs dropped on schools and hospitals.

The light that "Pope Francis" sheds with his visit to Lesbos
A visit announced 3 days before "the gates of the Catholic Church are now wide open for homosexuals".
To make sure that the audience sees the light beyond the photos, it appears twice in the video under "Pope to visit Lesbos to 'shed light' on the migrant crisis".

Video goes one step beyond the photos, the penultimate step
"Greece: Refugee children fight barbed-wire with flowers and tears":
- article omits that this is not at Lesbos but rather at "Idomeni camp", the psy-op that followed the Calais camp.
- originally a Ruptly TV video, the logo "magically" stripped, to again erase the track leading to where it was really made. Side note: no problem, because one and the same entity, the illuminati, manages both media outlets.
- truth in plain sight about the ongoing genocide of refugees and migrants can only be pushed further with footage of gas chambers or ovens.

6 April 2016 - Pope Francis will travel to the Greek island of Lesbos on the frontline of Europe's refugee crisis next week as a controversial EU accord to send migrants back to Turkey stalled.
The trip by the pope, who will be accompanied by the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church, is likely to pile pressure on EU leaders already facing criticism over the controversial deal struck last month.
'The Greek government will welcome Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew as valuable defenders of support to refugees,' a government source in Athens said, adding the trip would happen on April 14 or 15.
'Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will go with (them) to the island of Lesbos,' a tourist hub that has been transformed into a major gateway for new arrivals seeking a better life in Europe.
Pope Francis to visit Lesbos as deportation deal with Turkey falters

Video "Greece: Refugee children fight barbed-wire with flowers and tears in Idomeni"
Apr 5, 2016 - Ruptly TV
0:21 - children hold a poster "we ae killed silently", pushed at 0:40 to adding the illuminati eye over the map of Syria, repeeated at 0:56
0:27 - children sit on railtracks, in position ready to be executed
0:35 tank on railtracks, behind barbed wire, repeated at 1:11
1:33: final image: "Human rights don't apply here"

Easter 2015: Jonathan Pryce alias Pope "washes and kisses feet of Muslim refugees, says ‘We are brothers" - to get this satanic mockery:
Mar 4, 2016 - Ongoing genocide of refugees in extermination camps in Europe: psy-ops from Calais, France to Idomeni, Greece: the main difference.
Psy-op series "camps of sub-human swines", served as "camps of migrants and refugees"
What two episodes tell about the genocide timeline: Calais vs Idomeni.
Hoaxes of End Times - for an audience reduced to cattle: Psy-op migrants refugees Calais to Idomeni camps
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"Pope Francis" mocking ongoing genocide, one of Jonathan Pryce's main roles as "Holy Father"
Explaining it for Lesbos will no longer make it necessary to explain it for homosexuals.
The ultimate reverse script starts with a sudden inversion just before the BIG BANG, launched with Obama's staged arrest.
Some of the scripts that will be suddenly inverted: see the first and third one:
1. Multiracial society and open borders becomes manhunt for aliens and non-whites
3. "Gay marriage legalized" becomes manhunt for homosexuals.
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever

More from extended revised source:
Milestone video: perceived by human cattle as black is white
One week later: barely over 2,000 views, 15 likes and 121 dislikes. Make no mistake: the other 120 disliked it for the opposite reason as Last Prophet.
In other words: not because it mocks an ongoing genocide but because they perceived it as "propaganda to let migrants come in".
In other words: for the same reason explaining most of the 15 likes.

Auschwitz before Lesbos and Homos: Satanic Trilogy of genocidal announcements by "Holy Father".
A milestone for truth in plain sight about an ongoing genocide set together with the Lesbos act.
Catholic Church Destruction, the illuminati script: Auschwitz Lesbos Homos genocidal announcements by fake Holy Father
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