July 4th, 1776 and the Fear of Freedom

Oh, and if you want to prevent your minds from being utterly corrupted, and your digestive system to work well, I would suggest you put an utter dipshit like georgephilip on ignore like I did.

Let me know when a liberal acknowledges the facts or tries to refute the facts I stated.

I will now be expecting irrelevant fallacies and nonstop hyperbole attacks now that I have kicked square in the nuts.

Such is the way.....every day here.

Well, it's the way anywhere liberals aren't kept in cages, not just here.
Oh, and if you want to prevent your minds from being utterly corrupted, and your digestive system to work well, I would suggest you put an utter dipshit like georgephilip on ignore like I did.

Let me know when a liberal acknowledges the facts or tries to refute the facts I stated.

I will now be expecting irrelevant fallacies and nonstop hyperbole attacks now that I have kicked square in the nuts.

Such is the way.....every day here.

Well, it's the way anywhere liberals aren't kept in cages, not just here.

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Here we go again with liberals reminding us of slavery that ended in 1865. Then again there is slavery today, not that any liberal would care.

Cause they don't. Especially hypocrites like georgephilip.

Yeah, those sweat shops in Vietnam or China etc with deplorable working conditions.

I wonder if Tiger Woods or any those types would ever turn down the millions in endorsements they make off of the backs of those in those factories.

Pretty different when the shoe is on the other foot isn't it? Ignorance certainly is bliss. Now watch folks how the liberals will deny there are deplorable working conditions or that those conditions do not come close to the working conditions of slavery in this country.

Too bad liberals are so uneducated about how the transatlantic slave trade started. I think they think blacks were never ever ever slave owners, and the only slave owners through out history were all white.

I could swear they think that. You ever see any of them discuss any black slave owners or discuss the facts in regards to how the transatlantic slave trade started?

I think they think whites showed up the shores of west Africa with nets and of course.......GUNS!!!!!!!

Honestly, I think they are that stupid and that simplistic. If not, then why don't they ever discuss the truth about slavery then, and how slavery exists now and how we are all living in the same ignorance this country lived in prior to 1865?

Oh and on another sobering note for starry eyed hypocritical liberals who think they just know it all....

Your ignorance never fails to impress.
Where did you get the idea Anthony Johnson was the first slave owner in America

"The first 19 or so Africans arrived ashore near the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, brought by Dutch traders who had seized them from a captured Spanish slave ship. The Spanish usually baptized slaves in Africa before embarking them. As English law considered baptized Christians exempt from slavery, these Africans joined about 1,000 English indentured servants already in the colony. Like Anthony Johnson, who arrived in 1621 as an indentured servant, some Africans achieved freedom and became property owners."

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What color was the judge in the Casor case?
Oh, and if you want to prevent your minds from being utterly corrupted, and your digestive system to work well, I would suggest you put an utter dipshit like georgephilip on ignore like I did.

Let me know when a liberal acknowledges the facts or tries to refute the facts I stated.

I will now be expecting irrelevant fallacies and nonstop hyperbole attacks now that I have kicked square in the nuts.

Such is the way.....every day here.

Well, it's the way anywhere liberals aren't kept in cages, not just here.


Why do holidays turn the "Two Minutes Hate" into a 24 hour event? And yes, Orwell was writing of the USSR.
Here we go again with liberals reminding us of slavery that ended in 1865. Then again there is slavery today, not that any liberal would care.

Cause they don't. Especially hypocrites like georgephilip.

Yeah, those sweat shops in Vietnam or China etc with deplorable working conditions.

I wonder if Tiger Woods or any those types would ever turn down the millions in endorsements they make off of the backs of those in those factories.

Pretty different when the shoe is on the other foot isn't it? Ignorance certainly is bliss. Now watch folks how the liberals will deny there are deplorable working conditions or that those conditions do not come close to the working conditions of slavery in this country.

Too bad liberals are so uneducated about how the transatlantic slave trade started. I think they think blacks were never ever ever slave owners, and the only slave owners through out history were all white.

I could swear they think that. You ever see any of them discuss any black slave owners or discuss the facts in regards to how the transatlantic slave trade started?

I think they think whites showed up the shores of west Africa with nets and of course.......GUNS!!!!!!!

Honestly, I think they are that stupid and that simplistic. If not, then why don't they ever discuss the truth about slavery then, and how slavery exists now and how we are all living in the same ignorance this country lived in prior to 1865?

Oh and on another sobering note for starry eyed hypocritical liberals who think they just know it all....


You Teapers kill me. Blacks owning slaves is irrelevant and justifies institutionalized racism and your personal hate...how?

Remember...don't eat tacos around your teaper friends. It doesn't matter how many nonsense pictures you post...you will still be a wetback.
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.[/B]

Damn it, I wouldn't rob this liquor store, but my great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave. I hear ya man, what else is someone to do when their great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave? It's inevitable, not even their fault really. We should apologize and pay them off.

Here's one suggestion to get past the past, stop obsessing on the past and move forward...
Here's another suggestion for all our rhymes-with-rich posters:
Stop spending more on private prison construction than on education.
That's moving forward.
It's inevitable.
Well, it's the way anywhere liberals aren't kept in cages, not just here.


Why do holidays turn the "Two Minutes Hate" into a 24 hour event? And yes, Orwell was writing of the USSR.

I will never stop hating the double standards and the pathetic double talk from uneducated liberals who are brainwashed and brainwash others in their half baked truths along with their disdain for this country that provides them with every opportunity that no country has ever provided in the history of the world.

When you get a clue that there is not such thing as a utopia that the democrats continuously sell to the ignorant left wing base, and when you get a clue that freedom does not mean rights and privileges, but rather accountability and responsibility then you will have a clue how you are being used as pawns.

Until the day a dick like georgephilip understands that he understands very little, will be the day he understands a lot. Until that day we have to endure half baked ignorant left wing propaganda bullshit.

Why do holidays turn the "Two Minutes Hate" into a 24 hour event? And yes, Orwell was writing of the USSR.

I will never stop hating the double standards and the pathetic double talk from uneducated liberals who are brainwashed and brainwash others in their half baked truths along with their disdain for this country that provides them with every opportunity that no country has ever provided in the history of the world.

When you get a clue that there is not such thing as a utopia that the democrats continuously sell to the ignorant left wing base, and when you get a clue that freedom does not mean rights and privileges, but rather accountability and responsibility then you will have a clue how you are being used as pawns.

Until the day a dick like georgephilip understands that he understands very little, will be the day he understands a lot. Until that day we have to endure half baked ignorant left wing propaganda bullshit.

:lmao: You are pathetic.

Don't speak Spanish around your Teaper buddies...they might say that blacks owned slaves as a way to call you a wetback who is destroying America. Who knows, they might even make up some history about Pepe Lopez killing white people and raping white women...just to justify their hate of Spics!
Why do holidays turn the "Two Minutes Hate" into a 24 hour event? And yes, Orwell was writing of the USSR.

I will never stop hating the double standards and the pathetic double talk from uneducated liberals who are brainwashed and brainwash others in their half baked truths along with their disdain for this country that provides them with every opportunity that no country has ever provided in the history of the world.

When you get a clue that there is not such thing as a utopia that the democrats continuously sell to the ignorant left wing base, and when you get a clue that freedom does not mean rights and privileges, but rather accountability and responsibility then you will have a clue how you are being used as pawns.

Until the day a dick like georgephilip understands that he understands very little, will be the day he understands a lot. Until that day we have to endure half baked ignorant left wing propaganda bullshit.

:lmao: You are pathetic.

Don't speak Spanish around your Teaper buddies...they might say that blacks owned slaves as a way to call you a wetback who is destroying America. Who knows, they might even make up some history about Pepe Lopez killing white people and raping white women...just to justify their hate of Spics!

Blacks are just people, man. No better, no worse than anyone else. Just because you objectify them and spend your Saturdays dreaming of getting reamed in the ass by the skinny black guy doesn't mean you need to include us in your fantasies.

If you find yourself wondering why the Land of the Free has more prison inmates in 2014 that any other country on the planet, and that a staggering disproportion of today's inmates are the descendants of slaves, Dr Gerald Horne might help you understand why:

"GERALD HORNE: We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a counterrevolution.

"That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th, 1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition.

"This perception was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772 which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.

"That’s the short answer."

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

The long answer extends to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and beyond.
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.

More blather from the school of cultural Marxism, the unremitting depravity of the morally and intellectually bankrupt left. . . .
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.[/B]

Damn it, I wouldn't rob this liquor store, but my great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave. I hear ya man, what else is someone to do when their great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave? It's inevitable, not even their fault really. We should apologize and pay them off.

Here's one suggestion to get past the past, stop obsessing on the past and move forward...
Here's another suggestion for all our rhymes-with-rich posters:
Stop spending more on private prison construction than on education.
That's moving forward.
It's inevitable.

Don't put criminals in prison, send them to school! Yeah, that'll deter crime. Let's make them sign up for nothing but math classes, that'll show them.
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.[/B]

Damn it, I wouldn't rob this liquor store, but my great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave. I hear ya man, what else is someone to do when their great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave? It's inevitable, not even their fault really. We should apologize and pay them off.

Here's one suggestion to get past the past, stop obsessing on the past and move forward...
Here's another suggestion for all our rhymes-with-rich posters:
Stop spending more on private prison construction than on education.
That's moving forward.
It's inevitable.

The Criminal Punishment Code made more prisons necessary in Florida. Every felony you can get the max; private prisons are favored here. Some remain half built, but taxpayers paid, nonetheless.
Make no mistake about what this is. . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq6Gctxe81E]Political Correctness: The Control of Thought and Speech - YouTube[/ame]

Call it out and counter it at every turn.
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Given we actually uphold most of our laws compared to many countries and we have more minorities in our country than other countries....it's common sense we have a large criminal population in jail and on the streets....
Damn it, I wouldn't rob this liquor store, but my great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave. I hear ya man, what else is someone to do when their great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave? It's inevitable, not even their fault really. We should apologize and pay them off.

Here's one suggestion to get past the past, stop obsessing on the past and move forward...
Here's another suggestion for all our rhymes-with-rich posters:
Stop spending more on private prison construction than on education.
That's moving forward.
It's inevitable.

The Criminal Punishment Code made more prisons necessary in Florida. Every felony you can get the max; private prisons are favored here. Some remain half built, but taxpayers paid, nonetheless.
Private prisons or private schools, it's a toss up some years which will earn the 1% bigger dividends. Even though current incarceration rates deprive individuals convicted of non-violent crimes of their liberty and is disproportionately affecting people of color, private prison companies freely admit their business model depends on locking up more and more people. Maybe we should start will all the 1% criminals on Wall Street?
Damn it, I wouldn't rob this liquor store, but my great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave. I hear ya man, what else is someone to do when their great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave? It's inevitable, not even their fault really. We should apologize and pay them off.

Here's one suggestion to get past the past, stop obsessing on the past and move forward...
Here's another suggestion for all our rhymes-with-rich posters:
Stop spending more on private prison construction than on education.
That's moving forward.
It's inevitable.

The Criminal Punishment Code made more prisons necessary in Florida. Every felony you can get the max; private prisons are favored here. Some remain half built, but taxpayers paid, nonetheless.

It's interesting that as more prisons were built and more criminals were kept there, the overall murder and violent crime rates have plummeted.

Seems like two random, unrelated facts, don't you think? I don't see how there could be any cause and effect relationship between those. What do you think?
Here's another suggestion for all our rhymes-with-rich posters:
Stop spending more on private prison construction than on education.
That's moving forward.
It's inevitable.

The Criminal Punishment Code made more prisons necessary in Florida. Every felony you can get the max; private prisons are favored here. Some remain half built, but taxpayers paid, nonetheless.
Private prisons or private schools, it's a toss up some years which will earn the 1% bigger dividends. Even though current incarceration rates deprive individuals convicted of non-violent crimes of their liberty and is disproportionately affecting people of color, private prison companies freely admit their business model depends on locking up more and more people. Maybe we should start will all the 1% criminals on Wall Street?

OK, well if you're referring to people who not only committed non-violent, but in fact victimless drug "crimes," then I'm totally on your side. We need to legalize drugs and let them out of jail and keep the violent criminals there.

Still no idea what that has to do with slavery though.

And your accusation of history of genocide is just bizarre.

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