July 4th, 1776 and the Fear of Freedom

Liberal scum wonder how the US has so many criminals and a lot of them in jail, well we have an open border with Mexico that allows anyone on this planet to come into the US then we have liberal scum like you that protect those scumbags that are in this country illegally.

Nevermind the large population of American Hispanics and blacks in this country that leads to a violent society. We have LA and NYC where that violent culture is glorified in rap/hip-hop music and movies.

How many blacks and Hispanics live in Russia, China, England, France, Canada, Japan, etc compared to the US? How many of those countries have the music and movie industries comparable to the US?

Shut the fuck up with your comparisons of the US prison system compared to other countries especially China where they lock people up for "political crimes."
If you find yourself wondering why the Land of the Free has more prison inmates in 2014 that any other country on the planet, and that a staggering disproportion of today's inmates are the descendants of slaves, Dr Gerald Horne might help you understand why:

"GERALD HORNE: We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a counterrevolution.

"That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th, 1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition.

"This perception was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772 which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.

"That’s the short answer."

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

The long answer extends to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and beyond.
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.

More blather from the school of cultural Marxism, the unremitting depravity of the morally and intellectually bankrupt left. . . .
Naturally your ilk gravitate towards a defense of slavery.
Why is that?
Damn it, I wouldn't rob this liquor store, but my great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave. I hear ya man, what else is someone to do when their great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave? It's inevitable, not even their fault really. We should apologize and pay them off.

Here's one suggestion to get past the past, stop obsessing on the past and move forward...
Here's another suggestion for all our rhymes-with-rich posters:
Stop spending more on private prison construction than on education.
That's moving forward.
It's inevitable.

Don't put criminals in prison, send them to school! Yeah, that'll deter crime. Let's make them sign up for nothing but math classes, that'll show them.
Send 'em to Business School.
Slavery had profit margins of as much as 1600% to 1700%.
Must be a few good capitalists today who would sell their children for that return.
Wouldn't you?
I'm more alarmed by the masses outside of jail that are completely dependent upon govt. Dependence day.

Actually prison is a liberal utopia. Everyone has free food, room and board, cloths, health care, and every day is a gay pride day.
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If you find yourself wondering why the Land of the Free has more prison inmates in 2014 that any other country on the planet, and that a staggering disproportion of today's inmates are the descendants of slaves, Dr Gerald Horne might help you understand why:

"GERALD HORNE: We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a counterrevolution.

"That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th, 1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition.

"This perception was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772 which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.

"That’s the short answer."

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

The long answer extends to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and beyond.
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.

You feel guilty, I am going to have fun today...
Liberal scum wonder how the US has so many criminals and a lot of them in jail, well we have an open border with Mexico that allows anyone on this planet to come into the US then we have liberal scum like you that protect those scumbags that are in this country illegally.

Nevermind the large population of American Hispanics and blacks in this country that leads to a violent society. We have LA and NYC where that violent culture is glorified in rap/hip-hop music and movies.

How many blacks and Hispanics live in Russia, China, England, France, Canada, Japan, etc compared to the US? How many of those countries have the music and movie industries comparable to the US?

Shut the fuck up with your comparisons of the US prison system compared to other countries especially China where they lock people up for "political crimes."
You know the Big Problem with 1776?

"...(T)here is little doubt that 1776 represented a step forward with regard to the triumph over monarchy. The problem with 1776 was that it went on to establish what I refer to as the first apartheid state... 1776, in many ways, was analogous to Unilateral Declaration of Independence in the country then known as Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, in November 1965.

"UDI, Unilateral Declaration of Independence, was in many ways an attempt to forestall decolonization. 1776, in many ways, was an attempt to forestall the abolition of slavery. That attempt succeeded until the experiment crashed and burned in 1861 with the U.S. Civil War, the bloodiest conflict, to this point, the United States has ever been involved in."

Now, you do!:lol:

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!
In the mind of Progressives, a day celebrating peronsal freedom is a sad day. This is because our personal freedom is the cause of all that is wrong with the world. We eat too much, live in houses that are too big, use too much energy, emit too many carbon emissions, drink biggie sodas, and don't share enough of our money.

And the list goes on and on. That's why they continually and habitually favor centralized government control over every aspect of our lives. The only hope is to retard our personal freedoms as much as possible.
Shitstain....name a country run by blacks or Hispanics that equals or is superior to the US. :eusa_whistle:

Liberal scum wonder how the US has so many criminals and a lot of them in jail, well we have an open border with Mexico that allows anyone on this planet to come into the US then we have liberal scum like you that protect those scumbags that are in this country illegally.

Nevermind the large population of American Hispanics and blacks in this country that leads to a violent society. We have LA and NYC where that violent culture is glorified in rap/hip-hop music and movies.

How many blacks and Hispanics live in Russia, China, England, France, Canada, Japan, etc compared to the US? How many of those countries have the music and movie industries comparable to the US?

Shut the fuck up with your comparisons of the US prison system compared to other countries especially China where they lock people up for "political crimes."
You know the Big Problem with 1776?

"...(T)here is little doubt that 1776 represented a step forward with regard to the triumph over monarchy. The problem with 1776 was that it went on to establish what I refer to as the first apartheid state... 1776, in many ways, was analogous to Unilateral Declaration of Independence in the country then known as Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, in November 1965.

"UDI, Unilateral Declaration of Independence, was in many ways an attempt to forestall decolonization. 1776, in many ways, was an attempt to forestall the abolition of slavery. That attempt succeeded until the experiment crashed and burned in 1861 with the U.S. Civil War, the bloodiest conflict, to this point, the United States has ever been involved in."

Now, you do!:lol:

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!
To partisan hacks; liberal and Conservative; and Teaper subversives....Independence Day is a day to whine and bitch about race, Meheeicans, the evil blackie, gay rights...and every other decisive issue out there while pointing their fingers at each other, calling them UN-AMERICAN. I guess to these assholes, that is what America is all about - the freedom to be filled with hate, ignorance, and the lack of respect for your fellow American.

God Bless America...it is about more than your pathetic hate politics.
Liberal scum wonder how the US has so many criminals and a lot of them in jail, well we have an open border with Mexico that allows anyone on this planet to come into the US then we have liberal scum like you that protect those scumbags that are in this country illegally.

Nevermind the large population of American Hispanics and blacks in this country that leads to a violent society. We have LA and NYC where that violent culture is glorified in rap/hip-hop music and movies.

How many blacks and Hispanics live in Russia, China, England, France, Canada, Japan, etc compared to the US? How many of those countries have the music and movie industries comparable to the US?

Shut the fuck up with your comparisons of the US prison system compared to other countries especially China where they lock people up for "political crimes."
You know the Big Problem with 1776?

"...(T)here is little doubt that 1776 represented a step forward with regard to the triumph over monarchy. The problem with 1776 was that it went on to establish what I refer to as the first apartheid state... 1776, in many ways, was analogous to Unilateral Declaration of Independence in the country then known as Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, in November 1965.

"UDI, Unilateral Declaration of Independence, was in many ways an attempt to forestall decolonization. 1776, in many ways, was an attempt to forestall the abolition of slavery. That attempt succeeded until the experiment crashed and burned in 1861 with the U.S. Civil War, the bloodiest conflict, to this point, the United States has ever been involved in."

Now, you do!:lol:

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

So the United States 150 years ago is comparable to South Africa 20 years ago.

Liberals are like my wife, you never get over ANYTHING...
Shitstain....name a country run by blacks or Hispanics that equals or is superior to the US. :eusa_whistle:

Liberal scum wonder how the US has so many criminals and a lot of them in jail, well we have an open border with Mexico that allows anyone on this planet to come into the US then we have liberal scum like you that protect those scumbags that are in this country illegally.

Nevermind the large population of American Hispanics and blacks in this country that leads to a violent society. We have LA and NYC where that violent culture is glorified in rap/hip-hop music and movies.

How many blacks and Hispanics live in Russia, China, England, France, Canada, Japan, etc compared to the US? How many of those countries have the music and movie industries comparable to the US?

Shut the fuck up with your comparisons of the US prison system compared to other countries especially China where they lock people up for "political crimes."
You know the Big Problem with 1776?

"...(T)here is little doubt that 1776 represented a step forward with regard to the triumph over monarchy. The problem with 1776 was that it went on to establish what I refer to as the first apartheid state... 1776, in many ways, was analogous to Unilateral Declaration of Independence in the country then known as Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, in November 1965.

"UDI, Unilateral Declaration of Independence, was in many ways an attempt to forestall decolonization. 1776, in many ways, was an attempt to forestall the abolition of slavery. That attempt succeeded until the experiment crashed and burned in 1861 with the U.S. Civil War, the bloodiest conflict, to this point, the United States has ever been involved in."

Now, you do!:lol:

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

How about you name a country that is superior to the US...period. I guess your hate blinds you to the fact that diversity and a nation that prides itself of being a 'melting pot' is one of the main reasons the United States of America is so great.
To partisan hacks; liberal and Conservative; and Teaper subversives....Independence Day is a day to whine and bitch about race, Meheeicans, the evil blackie, gay rights...and every other decisive issue out there while pointing their fingers at each other, calling them UN-AMERICAN. I guess to these assholes, that is what America is all about - the freedom to be filled with hate, ignorance, and the lack of respect for your fellow American.

God Bless America...it is about more than your pathetic hate politics.

And that's your declaration that you're against hate politics? Didn't think that post through, did you?

To partisan hacks; liberal and Conservative; and Teaper subversives....Independence Day is a day to whine and bitch about race, Meheeicans, the evil blackie, gay rights...and every other decisive issue out there while pointing their fingers at each other, calling them UN-AMERICAN. I guess to these assholes, that is what America is all about - the freedom to be filled with hate, ignorance, and the lack of respect for your fellow American.

God Bless America...it is about more than your pathetic hate politics.

And that's your declaration that you're against hate politics? Didn't think that post through, did you?


It is not my fault it went WAY over your head. Keep on hating...it is the American way...right?
Teapers...no class, using Independence Day to spew their hate. I guess that's because they are pushing for another revolution.
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Given we actually uphold most of our laws compared to many countries and we have more minorities in our country than other countries....it's common sense we have a large criminal population in jail and on the streets....
Why would you think minorities are more prone to crime than you are?
To partisan hacks; liberal and Conservative; and Teaper subversives....Independence Day is a day to whine and bitch about race, Meheeicans, the evil blackie, gay rights...and every other decisive issue out there while pointing their fingers at each other, calling them UN-AMERICAN. I guess to these assholes, that is what America is all about - the freedom to be filled with hate, ignorance, and the lack of respect for your fellow American.

God Bless America...it is about more than your pathetic hate politics.

Who talks the most about race? It seems to me left winged groups like the NAACP do.

Who talks about gay rights? It seems to me that left wingers who think government should be in the marriage business do.

Who says that the GOP needs to reach out to Hispanics? It seems to me that left wingers do.

I would much prefer politicians to simply reach out to Americans and do what is best for Americans.

But I digress.
To partisan hacks; liberal and Conservative; and Teaper subversives....Independence Day is a day to whine and bitch about race, Meheeicans, the evil blackie, gay rights...and every other decisive issue out there while pointing their fingers at each other, calling them UN-AMERICAN. I guess to these assholes, that is what America is all about - the freedom to be filled with hate, ignorance, and the lack of respect for your fellow American.

God Bless America...it is about more than your pathetic hate politics.

And that's your declaration that you're against hate politics? Didn't think that post through, did you?


It is not my fault it went WAY over your head. Keep on hating...it is the American way...right?
Teapers...no class, using Independence Day to spew their hate. I guess that's because they are pushing for another revolution.

I don't know about the American way, but it's certainly the liberal way. It's not my head this conversation is going over. You sure hate those tea partiers, don't you? I'm not even a tea partier, I'm a libertarian, and you hate me too.

Don't you hate how tea partiers don't realize that people are different, they aren't all the same? They're all like that, aren't they?
To partisan hacks; liberal and Conservative; and Teaper subversives....Independence Day is a day to whine and bitch about race, Meheeicans, the evil blackie, gay rights...and every other decisive issue out there while pointing their fingers at each other, calling them UN-AMERICAN. I guess to these assholes, that is what America is all about - the freedom to be filled with hate, ignorance, and the lack of respect for your fellow American.

God Bless America...it is about more than your pathetic hate politics.

Who talks the most about race? It seems to me left winged groups like the NAACP do.

Who talks about gay rights? It seems to me that left wingers who think government should be in the marriage business do.

Who says that the GOP needs to reach out to Hispanics? It seems to me that left wingers do.

I would much prefer politicians to simply reach out to Americans and do what is best for Americans.

But I digress.

LOL, that is the problem...a Teaper brings up race then blames and points their fingers at anyone who disagrees with them...claiming liberals and blacks always bring up race. What nonsense. All you have to do is look at this forum and who is posting what.
Why is race so important to Teapers? Why are Teapers so motivated to destroy the GOP by playing the hate politics card?
Shitstain....name a country run by blacks or Hispanics that equals or is superior to the US. :eusa_whistle:

You know the Big Problem with 1776?

"...(T)here is little doubt that 1776 represented a step forward with regard to the triumph over monarchy. The problem with 1776 was that it went on to establish what I refer to as the first apartheid state... 1776, in many ways, was analogous to Unilateral Declaration of Independence in the country then known as Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, in November 1965.

"UDI, Unilateral Declaration of Independence, was in many ways an attempt to forestall decolonization. 1776, in many ways, was an attempt to forestall the abolition of slavery. That attempt succeeded until the experiment crashed and burned in 1861 with the U.S. Civil War, the bloodiest conflict, to this point, the United States has ever been involved in."

Now, you do!:lol:

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

How about you name a country that is superior to the US...period. I guess your hate blinds you to the fact that diversity and a nation that prides itself of being a 'melting pot' is one of the main reasons the United States of America is so great.
American "greatness" relied on slavery and genocide to fulfill its manifest destiny. This thread simply points out the claim that July 4th, 1776 wasn't necessarily a progressive step forward for humanity, but was also a conservative counterrevolution by American colonialists to protect their system of slavery; think of it as the 18th century version of materialism, racism, and militarism.
And that's your declaration that you're against hate politics? Didn't think that post through, did you?


It is not my fault it went WAY over your head. Keep on hating...it is the American way...right?
Teapers...no class, using Independence Day to spew their hate. I guess that's because they are pushing for another revolution.

I don't know about the American way, but it's certainly the liberal way. It's not my head this conversation is going over. You sure hate those tea partiers, don't you? I'm not even a tea partier, I'm a libertarian, and you hate me too.

Don't you hate how tea partiers don't realize that people are different, they aren't all the same? They're all like that, aren't they?

Actually, Teapers LOVE diversity. If it weren't for diversity, who else could they blame all of the ills of this great nation on?

As for Libertarians, I will never understand why you are so sympathetic to the Teapers. They have molested your belief system and use you to spew their hate.

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