July 4th, 1776 and the Fear of Freedom

We jail more of our citizenry than communist China :)

I wonder how much higher that would be if they added the people held in administrative detention, most of them in China's extrajudicial system of re-education through labor.

If we would not jail the ones who had small amounts of marijuana, the numbers would be less.
Does the USSC hate Obama? Sure looks like it when they unanimously reject his ideas 13 times. How do you explain that?

I am not an Obama fan...I can't explain it. But your argument is nonsense...SCOTUS has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Just a parroted talking point spewed by ignorant Teapers who like to divert whenever their own starts to spew racist nonsense.

You lie when you claim the TP is racist. There are all kinds of people in the TP. What is your message to black people in the TP?

I claim there is a significant racist faction in the TP. I was offering to have a honest discussion about it...but the mods wouldn't allow it. It is shameful when Teapers have to be 'protected' from honest discussion by the powers that be.
Perhaps you're confused. Demanding accountabile government is hate now? Fascinating. Tell us how many times the USSC has unanimously rejected Obama.

You mean 1776 and his blaming blacks and hispanics for all the ills of the world? :lol:

Is that demanding accountable government?

Does the USSC hate Obama? Sure looks like it when they unanimously reject his ideas 13 times. How do you explain that?

No different than when they rejected Wilsons and FDR's and actually closed down one of FDR's Departments.
I am not an Obama fan...I can't explain it. But your argument is nonsense...SCOTUS has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Just a parroted talking point spewed by ignorant Teapers who like to divert whenever their own starts to spew racist nonsense.

You lie when you claim the TP is racist. There are all kinds of people in the TP. What is your message to black people in the TP?

I claim there is a significant racist faction in the TP. I was offering to have a honest discussion about it...but the mods wouldn't allow it. It is shameful when Teapers have to be 'protected' from honest discussion by the powers that be.

I'm here and I'll defend the TP from your charge. Go for it. Show me why you believe that there is a racist faction in the TP. Give us some names.
For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:

I am not an Obama fan...I can't explain it. But your argument is nonsense...SCOTUS has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Just a parroted talking point spewed by ignorant Teapers who like to divert whenever their own starts to spew racist nonsense.

You lie when you claim the TP is racist. There are all kinds of people in the TP. What is your message to black people in the TP?

I claim there is a significant racist faction in the TP. I was offering to have a honest discussion about it...but the mods wouldn't allow it. It is shameful when Teapers have to be 'protected' from honest discussion by the powers that be.

Your thread was moved to Race Relations/Racism it was not closed down nor is the one in the clean debate Zone.

There is a small fraction of racists in the Tea Party, not a significant one, just like any other movements in this nation.
You lie when you claim the TP is racist. There are all kinds of people in the TP. What is your message to black people in the TP?

I claim there is a significant racist faction in the TP. I was offering to have a honest discussion about it...but the mods wouldn't allow it. It is shameful when Teapers have to be 'protected' from honest discussion by the powers that be.

Your thread was moved to Race Relations/Racism it was not closed down nor is the one in the clean debate Zone.

There is a small fraction of racists in the Tea Party, not a significant one, just like any other movements in this nation.
Yes, it was moved to prevent honedt discussion...to allow Teapers to spew nonsense and not have to abide by CDZ rules. Pretty pathetic if you ask me...they knew the teapers would flame and fume, so they moved it so they could instead of having an honest discussion.

I guess Teapers can't stand on their own two feet...they need a helping hand to defend their hate.
For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:


How do you explain the Blacks who are part of the tea party?
How about the Dem's and independents who are also in the tea party?
It's easier to get more elected in the Republican party than in the Democrat party because more Repubs are still for our Constitution. Unlike the vast majority of Dems who hate it and want to get rid of it.
If you find yourself wondering why the Land of the Free has more prison inmates in 2014 that any other country on the planet, and that a staggering disproportion of today's inmates are the descendants of slaves, Dr Gerald Horne might help you understand why:

"GERALD HORNE: We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a counterrevolution.

"That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th, 1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition.

"This perception was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772 which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.

"That’s the short answer."

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

The long answer extends to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and beyond.
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.

Legal incarceration and due process is part of the freedoms we enjoy. When the government decides to execute US citizens by drone without due process it's a sign of tyranny. When democrats promote the idea that Black people are unable to function in society and even obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. it's a sign of the new plantation mentality inherent in the socialist democrat party.

What accounts for the spike in prison population since 1970, too many "Socialists" in government or "Free" Trade Capitalism?

That spike looks like it happened along with the "War on Drugs".
If you find yourself wondering why the Land of the Free has more prison inmates in 2014 that any other country on the planet, and that a staggering disproportion of today's inmates are the descendants of slaves, Dr Gerald Horne might help you understand why:

"GERALD HORNE: We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a counterrevolution.

"That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th, 1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition.

"This perception was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772 which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.

"That’s the short answer."

"Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? | Democracy Now!

The long answer extends to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and beyond.
America was built on genocide and slavery, and until we shake that PTSD (post tramatic slave syndrome) we're destined to live in Fear.

The reason a larger percentage of Blacks are in jail is because a larger percentage of Blacks are caught committing crimes.

It didn't used to be that way.. Only since the Leftists in the Country convinced so many that living off of the Government teat was better than working and staying together as families was.

So... the ones that are living off the government teat are the same ones that are filling the prisons?
Legal incarceration and due process is part of the freedoms we enjoy. When the government decides to execute US citizens by drone without due process it's a sign of tyranny. When democrats promote the idea that Black people are unable to function in society and even obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. it's a sign of the new plantation mentality inherent in the socialist democrat party.

What accounts for the spike in prison population since 1970, too many "Socialists" in government or "Free" Trade Capitalism?

That spike looks like it happened along with the "War on Drugs".

Yep...a black person gets caught with a gram of weed...they go to jail. A white person gets caught...they don't even get a ticket. Crack...how many years? Cocaine...no prison time.

White murderers do less time than blacks arrested for non-violent drug offenses.
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For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:


How do you explain the Blacks who are part of the tea party?
How about the Dem's and independents who are also in the tea party?
It's easier to get more elected in the Republican party than in the Democrat party because more Repubs are still for our Constitution. Unlike the vast majority of Dems who hate it and want to get rid of it.
How do I explain dupes believing the GOP's Teabagger bullshit? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public." - HL Mencken

It's the same reason that FOX is the most-watched "news" channel.

Conservative Republicans love the Constitution, right? So explain the USAPATRIOT Act. Explain the war on drugs which was started by a lying criminal Conservative Republican after his own special committee told him to legalize marijuana. Explain the Land of the Free having more prisoners than Communist China. Explain endless war against whoever for money over lies. Explain your unwavering devotion to torturers, liars and mass murderers.
For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:


You forgot to mention that the fact that the democrat congress and Obama began spending like nothing we've ever seen. Bush was nothing compared to this. There are many blacks in the TP.

Why don't you call this man a racist to his face.
Tea Party in Beverly Hills (best audio) Rev. Wayn…:
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For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:


You forgot to mention that the fact that the democrat congress and Obama began spending like nothing we've ever seen. Bush was nothing compared to this. There are many blacks in the TP.
Republicans supported those bailouts. Do you not remember the economic crash of 2007? The economy tanked before Obama took office. That spending was supposed to counter the downward spiral that we were in. Whether or not that was actually true, those bailouts were among the biggest cash giveaways in history, from the public treasury straight into the bank accounts of the super-filthy-rich.

Plenty of Republican money-whores voted for that.
For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:


You forgot to mention that the fact that the democrat congress and Obama began spending like nothing we've ever seen. Bush was nothing compared to this. There are many blacks in the TP.

Why don't you call this man a racist to his face.
Tea Party in Beverly Hills (best audio) Rev. Wayn…: [ame=http://youtu.be/fRE36Fxxx1w]Tea Party in Beverly Hills (best audio) Rev. Wayne Perryman "Blacks, Whites & Racist Democrats"(3/8) - YouTube[/ame]

They call them uncle Toms. No really, they do. Like when Clarence Thomas called him Uncle Tom.

Trent Lott was ran out of office, this guy is still in office.
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"There are many blacks in the Teabagger party". Of course there are, because they don't know any better. The Southern Confederate Republican Dixiecrat KKK slave states are still very racist. They call it part of their "cultural heritage", as if starting and losing a war is something to be proud of. "Remember the Alamo"?

So there you have it. You can find Jews who helped Nazis, blacks who sold slaves, humans of all walks of life turning on each other for superficial momentary gain. It's a condition that repeats generation after generation.

The Teabagger party doesn't stand for anything except "We hate Obama". You fucking imbeciles actually try to call Obama a "socialist". Rich people are even richer now with Obama than when Bush was President. Suddenly, with a black President, rich people getting richer is "socialism". It's NEVER been considered "socialism" when the richest of the rich get even richer. Those ultra-rich people are job creators. When they make more money, they can create more jobs which will spur the economy...... right?

Why are rich people richer than ever and unemployment is still high? How much more of the world's wealth do rich people need before they can hire all of these unemployed people everywhere?
For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:


How do you explain the Blacks who are part of the tea party?
How about the Dem's and independents who are also in the tea party?
It's easier to get more elected in the Republican party than in the Democrat party because more Repubs are still for our Constitution. Unlike the vast majority of Dems who hate it and want to get rid of it.
How do I explain dupes believing the GOP's Teabagger bullshit? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public." - HL Mencken

It's the same reason that FOX is the most-watched "news" channel.

Conservative Republicans love the Constitution, right? So explain the USAPATRIOT Act. Explain the war on drugs which was started by a lying criminal Conservative Republican after his own special committee told him to legalize marijuana. Explain the Land of the Free having more prisoners than Communist China. Explain endless war against whoever for money over lies. Explain your unwavering devotion to torturers, liars and mass murderers.

The Patriot Act was for terrorists. This administration made it for all Americans.

I was against Nixon's war on drugs.
I'm against any of our Presidents who goes along with any of the U.N.'s polices. We should get out of the U.N.
I think that we should release all prisoners who in jail for having small amounts of marijuana and I always thought it was ridiculous that our government is against the use of hemp.
Our wars have been mostly for freedom for people.
This one is a little to detailed to go into and maybe should be a thread in and of it's self.
Any don't have any devotion to any of those things.
My devotion is to having our government adhere to our constitution and for them to stop passing bills that gives too much power to the Courts.
Madison, a slave owner, changed his views over time:

"We have seen the mere distinction of color made in the most enlightened period of time, a ground of the most oppressive dominion ever exercised by man over man."
-- James Madison, speech at the Constitutional Convention, June 6, 1787

-- James Madison, Letter to General La Fayette, February 1, 1830.
f slavery, as a national evil, is to be abolished, and it be just that it be done at the national expense, the amount of the expense is not a paramount consideration.
-- James Madison, Letter to Robert J. Evans
In contemplating the pecuniary resources needed for the removal of such a number to so great a distance [freed slaves to Africa], my thoughts and hopes have long been turned to the rich fund presented in the western lands of the nation . . ."
-- James Madison, Letter to R. R. Gurley, December 28, 1831.
"[The Convention] thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men."

"I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil."
-- Patrick Henry, letter to Robert Pleasants, January 18, 1773
For one, the racist Teabagger party didn't exist while Bush was spending like a drunken whore on shore leave on his catastro-fuck in Iraq over lies to try to win his daddy's respect. It was only when a black man was elected that the GOP establishment unleashed the most rabidly racist, dogmatic, hate-filled, useless flock of assholes onto the public under the title of "Teabagger Party of America" or whatever you call yourselves.

The Teabagger party is the racist right-wing fringe of the Republican party. Hasn't anyone noticed how every Teabagger candidate has an (R) for Republican after their names on the ballots?

If Americans want to cripple the police state, this is it:


You forgot to mention that the fact that the democrat congress and Obama began spending like nothing we've ever seen. Bush was nothing compared to this. There are many blacks in the TP.
Republicans supported those bailouts. Do you not remember the economic crash of 2007? The economy tanked before Obama took office. That spending was supposed to counter the downward spiral that we were in. Whether or not that was actually true, those bailouts were among the biggest cash giveaways in history, from the public treasury straight into the bank accounts of the super-filthy-rich.

Plenty of Republican money-whores voted for that.

Nope. The crash was right before the election in 2008. How can you so easily forget the biggest spending bill in our history and not one republican voted for it. That's what got the ball rolling. C'mon, you're not that stupid and neither am I. Obama and democrats created the TP because of one party spending. Time to get real.
"There are many blacks in the Teabagger party". Of course there are, because they don't know any better. The Southern Confederate Republican Dixiecrat KKK slave states are still very racist. They call it part of their "cultural heritage", as if starting and losing a war is something to be proud of. "Remember the Alamo"?

So there you have it. You can find Jews who helped Nazis, blacks who sold slaves, humans of all walks of life turning on each other for superficial momentary gain. It's a condition that repeats generation after generation.

The Teabagger party doesn't stand for anything except "We hate Obama". You fucking imbeciles actually try to call Obama a "socialist". Rich people are even richer now with Obama than when Bush was President. Suddenly, with a black President, rich people getting richer is "socialism". It's NEVER been considered "socialism" when the richest of the rich get even richer. Those ultra-rich people are job creators. When they make more money, they can create more jobs which will spur the economy...... right?

Why are rich people richer than ever and unemployment is still high? How much more of the world's wealth do rich people need before they can hire all of these unemployed people everywhere?

The Tea Party is not going away after Obama gets out of office.
The rich are sitting on their money because of all the instability in this country.
If Obama would quit delaying parts of the Health Care Bill, companies would be able to figure their costs and then would be able to start things moving again.

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