Jury convicts DeLay in money-laundering case

Like I always say, wingnuts don't have the courage to defend themselves. When challenged, they run away screaming like little girls, and they blame others for their cowardice in order to save face
When you can find a conservative fighting "on the side of dirty air and dirty water", then you'll have a point. Until then, all you have is a strawman.

Thank you, daveman, for giving a perfect example of a straw-man argument.
Yes. I did indeed point one out.
Like I always say, wingnuts don't have the courage to defend themselves. When challenged, they run away screaming like little girls, and they blame others for their cowardice in order to save face
When you can find a conservative fighting "on the side of dirty air and dirty water", then you'll have a point. Until then, all you have is a strawman.


Keep running away, little girl. We're all having a good laugh at you
Who's running? Meanwhile, are you ever going to get around to proving your ridiculous assertion?


Well, then.
Like I always say, wingnuts don't have the courage to defend themselves. When challenged, they run away screaming like little girls, and they blame others for their cowardice in order to save face
When you can find a conservative fighting "on the side of dirty air and dirty water", then you'll have a point. Until then, all you have is a strawman.


Really? Wanna talk about the hydraulic fracturing type drilling that is being used for natural gas in the NE United States?

People's wells are being contaminated, and their water literally burns. And yes, there are many GOP types in support of that.
Good thing the Democrats in charge of Congress the past 4 years outlawed it, huh?

Oh, wait...
When you can find a conservative fighting "on the side of dirty air and dirty water", then you'll have a point. Until then, all you have is a strawman.


A company controlled by the billionaire Koch brothers, who have bankrolled numerous right-wing causes, donated $1 million to the campaign to pass Proposition 23, the California ballot initiative that would suspend the state's global-warming law.

Ah, do you and the echo chamber giving thanks to your post believe the Koch boys are liberals?

I look forward to the spin, or at least an ad hominem attack.
You think opposing CA's job-killing global-warming law is "fighting for dirty air and dirty water"? :rofl: AB32 regulated greenhouse gases, not pollutants. And if you think CO2 is a pollutant, you have a duty to stop exhaling. It's the only responsible thing to do.

CA's economy is already in the shitter. The Left wants to cripple it even further based on junk science and leftist feel-goodism.

You should be thankful Prop 23 was passed.

Thanks for sharing daveman. Sadly you're too stupid to realize how stupid you truly are.
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I'm very uncomfortable with the risks associated with this technology. I am posting this because for better or worse, it does shed light on the issue.

What's in the Fluids?
Even though sand and water typically comprise more than 99.5 percent of the fluid system used in fracturing, getting that fluid to formations thousands of feet underground requires advanced chemistry and engineering to do things like:

•Fight the growth and buildup of bacteria in the fluid and the wellbore
•Ensure the sand (or proppant) is properly suspended, enabling it to be delivered into the fracture
•Reduce the surface tension of the water in contact with the reservoir to improve production
So what kind of additives are we talking about here? And what are some of their other common household and industrial uses?

Halliburton - Fluids Disclosure
A company controlled by the billionaire Koch brothers, who have bankrolled numerous right-wing causes, donated $1 million to the campaign to pass Proposition 23, the California ballot initiative that would suspend the state's global-warming law.

Ah, do you and the echo chamber giving thanks to your post believe the Koch boys are liberals?

I look forward to the spin, or at least an ad hominem attack.
You think opposing CA's job-killing global-warming law is "fighting for dirty air and dirty water"? :rofl: AB32 regulated greenhouse gases, not pollutants. And if you think CO2 is a pollutant, you have a duty to stop exhaling. It's the only responsible thing to do.

CA's economy is already in the shitter. The Left wants to cripple it even further based on junk science and leftist feel-goodism.

You should be thankful Prop 23 was passed.

Thanks for sharing daveman. Sadly you're too stupid to realize how stupid you truly are.
Yes, that's right. Anyone who disagrees with you must be stupid. Right? Is that it?

Your precious little worldview is terribly fragile, isn't it? Perhaps USMB isn't the place for you. You're likely to run into scary icky conservatives speaking unapproved and dangerous thoughts. :lol:
Like I always say, wingnuts don't have the courage to defend themselves. When challenged, they run away screaming like little girls, and they blame others for their cowardice in order to save face
When you can find a conservative fighting "on the side of dirty air and dirty water", then you'll have a point. Until then, all you have is a strawman.


Really? Wanna talk about the hydraulic fracturing type drilling that is being used for natural gas in the NE United States?

People's wells are being contaminated, and their water literally burns. And yes, there are many GOP types in support of that.

i'd like to see the "burning water"... it sounds so biblical
When you can find a conservative fighting "on the side of dirty air and dirty water", then you'll have a point. Until then, all you have is a strawman.

I don't think the right ever says they are "fighting 'on the side of dirty air and dirty water'."

They just fight against controls and agencies that protect the air and water with the claim "the free market" will somehow work all that out.

well, maybe after the water and air are all screwed up, the "free market" would resolve it... but not before a lot of people's air and water are trashed and maybe killing them.

but what are a few toxins among friends? :eusa_whistle:
Yes, you are, daveman: you are projecting again.

My goodness, Jake, but you're just not very bright. I was mocking Wry's "Ooooh, I scared off the conservative!" little banty rooster act. :lol:

It's going to be interesting to watch him insist he's not a hypocrite...again. But you, of course, will put on your cowboy hat and ride to his defense, obedient and slavish as always.

You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.
When you can find a conservative fighting "on the side of dirty air and dirty water", then you'll have a point. Until then, all you have is a strawman.

I don't think the right ever says they are "fighting 'on the side of dirty air and dirty water'."

They just fight against controls and agencies that protect the air and water with the claim "the free market" will somehow work all that out.

well, maybe after the water and air are all screwed up, the "free market" would resolve it... but not before a lot of people's air and water are trashed and maybe killing them.

but what are a few toxins among friends? :eusa_whistle:
You're not seeing people fighting for the right to pollute...you're seeing people fighting against overwhelming and burdensome government regulation.

No responsible business owner wants to dump toxins in the river. Yes, there are irresponsible business owners...just as there are irresponsible leftists who torch SUVs and release more pollution with that act than the SUVs would have emitted in their entire lifetime.

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