Jury convicts DeLay in money-laundering case

So much glee with a politician that got caught...and on appeal.


Delay is a real piece of shit. If you know anything about his and Abermoffs actvities in the Marrianas Islands with child prostitution no decent American would not be "Gleefull" at his getting caught.

Fuck Delay. I hope he goes to population and gets a big black sex offender as a celly.

Sweet dreams Tommy!
So much glee with a politician that got caught...and on appeal.


Delay is a real piece of shit. If you know anything about his and Abermoffs actvities in the Marrianas Islands with child prostitution no decent American would not be "Gleefull" at his getting caught.

Fuck Delay. I hope he goes to population and gets a big black sex offender as a celly.

Sweet dreams Tommy!

And I can name several that need the same treatment...but are ignored on both sides.

And so what? Get your prioities straight. And Happy Thanksgiving Huggy. :)
So much glee with a politician that got caught...and on appeal.


Delay is a real piece of shit. If you know anything about his and Abermoffs actvities in the Marrianas Islands with child prostitution no decent American would not be "Gleefull" at his getting caught.

Fuck Delay. I hope he goes to population and gets a big black sex offender as a celly.

Sweet dreams Tommy!

And I can name several that need the same treatment...but are ignored on both sides.

And so what? Get your prioities straight. And Happy Thanksgiving Huggy. :)

Delay has been instrumental in transforming what used to be a proud political party into the fundimentalist phoney conservative rat nest it is today. I'll take my victories where I can. If Ike or Barry were alive today they would spit on Delay ..or beat him to death.:eek::lol:

Thanks. I hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday!
AUSTIN, Texas -- Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay -- once one of the most powerful and feared Republicans in Congress -- was convicted Wednesday on charges he illegally funneled corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002.

Jurors deliberated for 19 hours before returning guilty verdicts against DeLay on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. He faces up to life in prison on the money laundering charge.

After the verdicts were read, DeLay hugged his daughter, Danielle, and his wife, Christine. His lead attorney, Dick DeGuerin, said they planned to appeal the verdict.

"This is an abuse of power. It's a miscarriage of justice, and I still maintain that I am innocent. The criminalization of politics undermines our very system and I'm very disappointed in the outcome," DeLay told reporters outside the courtroom. He remains free on bond, and his sentencing was tentatively set to begin on Dec. 20.

Prosecutors said DeLay, who once held the No. 2 job in the House of Representatives and whose heavy-handed style earned him the nickname "the Hammer," used his political action committee to illegally channel $190,000 in corporate donations into 2002 Texas legislative races through a money swap.

DeLay and his attorneys maintained the former Houston-area congressman did nothing wrong as no corporate funds went to Texas candidates and the money swap was legal.

Tom DeLay Guilty: Jury Convicts Tom DeLay in Money Laundering Trial - ktla.com
I like how, in typical CON$ervative fashion, he blames the STUPIDITY of the American people for his conviction. If only Americans were not too stupid to understand the law. CON$ have nothing but contempt for the American people!!!

"This is an abuse of power; it is a miscarriage of justice. I am very disappointed. But it is what it is … and we will carry on. Hopefully we can get this before people who understand the law,"

On disputed evidence and claim.

The evidence met the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, otherwise the jury would not have convicted Delay.
That's a fact, to argue otherwise, especially when you were not in the jury box and heard all of the testimony, is at the very best disingenuous.

But get used to it. The right wing, like Delay, do not want juries deciding anything. They want to push their agenda and ideology on everyone from the moral police to the jury system. Same with "tort reform". To hell with a jury. When things do not go their way they cry like sissies and run from the facts like a monkey on fire stating that it was a "kangaroo court" and all other such hissy fits.
The Democrats also have a bus load of the same left wing mind sets but they sit on the other side of the aisle. Rangel and Maxine Waters come to mind recently.
Us Goldwater conservatives are sick of all of these clowns.
The Right Wing considers the American people to be too stupid to sit in judgment of superior people like DeLay!
We know better than to ask you for links, Skippy. :lol:
Yeah....before you know it....you'd run-into the LOCALS, raisin' Hell.

Wow. Progressives don't like Boehner. Gasp. :cuckoo:
Gee....I wonder why?


"Following Tom DeLay's resignation as Majority Leader in 2006 after DeLay was indicted on conspiracy charges, John Boehner returned to the GOP leadership and was elected to replace DeLay. From the outset, Boehner pledged to support Republican plans to privatize Social Security, worked against a bipartisan immigration reform bill, and vigorously fought stronger ethics laws."
Yeah....before you know it....you'd run-into the LOCALS, raisin' Hell.

Wow. Progressives don't like Boehner. Gasp. :cuckoo:
Gee....I wonder why?


"Following Tom DeLay's resignation as Majority Leader in 2006 after DeLay was indicted on conspiracy charges, John Boehner returned to the GOP leadership and was elected to replace DeLay. From the outset, Boehner pledged to support Republican plans to privatize Social Security, worked against a bipartisan immigration reform bill, and vigorously fought stronger ethics laws."
And Democrats wanted stronger ethics laws so they could ignore them. :lol:
Wow. Progressives don't like Boehner. Gasp. :cuckoo:
Gee....I wonder why?​


"Following Tom DeLay's resignation as Majority Leader in 2006 after DeLay was indicted on conspiracy charges, John Boehner returned to the GOP leadership and was elected to replace DeLay. From the outset, Boehner pledged to support Republican plans to privatize Social Security, worked against a bipartisan immigration reform bill, and vigorously fought stronger ethics laws."
And Democrats wanted stronger ethics laws so they could ignore them. :lol:

So Ms. Pelosi gives up two tokens in her effort to Drain The Swamp. :lol:
Unsurprisingly, only one of those links -- Redstate -- says anything about abolishing the EPA. The others call for it to be scaled back. And the Redstate piece is by an anonymous blogger, so I think we can safely ignore that one as being representative of all Republicans.

So perhaps you need to edit your statement to "Why does a Republican want to abolish the EPA?" Then you will have provided backup for it.

If you can scale it back far enough, then you don't need to abolish it.

But you didn't answer the question. Why does the right fight on the side of dirty air and dirty water? How "dirty" is "not too dirty"? The right doesn't even study science. They leave it to the left to protect them. As far as they are concerned, if they can see through the water, they can drink it.
If you can scale it back far enough, then you don't need to abolish it.
And yet...you still fail in your claim.
But you didn't answer the question. Why does the right fight on the side of dirty air and dirty water? How "dirty" is "not too dirty"? The right doesn't even study science. They leave it to the left to protect them. As far as they are concerned, if they can see through the water, they can drink it.
I have no obligation to defend against the nonsense your irrational hatred of conservatives tells you is true.
Delay is a real piece of shit. If you know anything about his and Abermoffs actvities in the Marrianas Islands with child prostitution no decent American would not be "Gleefull" at his getting caught.

Fuck Delay. I hope he goes to population and gets a big black sex offender as a celly.

Sweet dreams Tommy!

And I can name several that need the same treatment...but are ignored on both sides.

And so what? Get your prioities straight. And Happy Thanksgiving Huggy. :)

Delay has been instrumental in transforming what used to be a proud political party into the fundimentalist phoney conservative rat nest it is today. I'll take my victories where I can. If Ike or Barry were alive today they would spit on Delay ..or beat him to death.:eek::lol:

Thanks. I hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday!
And if WJ Bryan and Humphrey were alive today, they'd run the likes of Geithner, Frank, Rangel and Waters out of town on a rail.

A shame the democrats can't keep their own backyard cleaned up, while they hoot and howl about republican ethical transgressions.
And I can name several that need the same treatment...but are ignored on both sides.

And so what? Get your prioities straight. And Happy Thanksgiving Huggy. :)

Delay has been instrumental in transforming what used to be a proud political party into the fundimentalist phoney conservative rat nest it is today. I'll take my victories where I can. If Ike or Barry were alive today they would spit on Delay ..or beat him to death.:eek::lol:

Thanks. I hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday!
And if WJ Bryan and Humphrey were alive today, they'd run the likes of Geithner, Frank, Rangel and Waters out of town on a rail.

A shame the democrats can't keep their own backyard cleaned up, while they hoot and howl about republican ethical transgressions.

Humphrey??? :lol: :lol: :lol: That was pretty funny. Scoop Jackson for sure.. He was one of the few Dems I really had respect for.
Delay has been instrumental in transforming what used to be a proud political party into the fundimentalist phoney conservative rat nest it is today. I'll take my victories where I can. If Ike or Barry were alive today they would spit on Delay ..or beat him to death.:eek::lol:

Thanks. I hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday!
And if WJ Bryan and Humphrey were alive today, they'd run the likes of Geithner, Frank, Rangel and Waters out of town on a rail.

A shame the democrats can't keep their own backyard cleaned up, while they hoot and howl about republican ethical transgressions.

Humphrey??? :lol: :lol: :lol: That was pretty funny. Scoop Jackson for sure.. He was one of the few Dems I really had respect for.

Ole Henry was from a strong union state which had military contracts. A hybrid Democrat with Boeing in his hip pocket.
I also respected him as he knew how to keep the northeast liberals at bay and could negotiate with the Republicans.
Of course it's not illegal. It's unethical. I have to admit, I never met a Republican bothered by ethics. Seriously, the first thing they ask is, "Is it illegal", then they say, "Well, OK then". As if anything not illegal is OK.
I don't think you've ever met a Republican.

And in case you didn't know it, there are plenty of Democrats with ethics problems. I know you think that's impossible, but you're wrong.

Meanwhile, I guess you missed the part where I said I don't agree with the action.
This is why Republicans are the party of "Deregulation". So that anything becomes "legal".
Unsurprisingly, wrong. Deregulation gets the government out of areas it has no business. This will come as sacrilege to you, but that's a good thing.
I was watching an old movie the other night staring Bette Davis called, "Little Foxes". One Character said there were people that eats up the whole earth and not give anything back. Their entire lives are just to take. That's how I see the Republicans leadership. To transfer wealth from the middle class. Their goal is to take every penny they can. Nothing but greed. And most of the base agrees. Why? Because they dream of taking that last penny just like the leadership.

This is where the "every man for himself" mentality kicks in. The call it "socialism". But communist Russia was socialism. China is socialism. Republicans have turned helping other Americans into dirty words. Some Republicans try to soothe their conscience by saying, "See how much we give?". But look at what they give, charity. Cans of old creamed corn in the back of the pantry no one wants.

I could never belong to such an awful political party. The party of "greed". The base knows it. They applaud it.
Okay, your first problem is you're seeing fiction and treating it as reality. Your second problem is your irrational hatred of conservatives.

Conservatives believe in helping people, and do so individually. Liberals believe in the government forcing people to be charitable...which means it's no longer an act of good will. But you feel good about yourself for "helping", when in fact you have done nothing to help anyone but help point the government gun at other people to make them help.

Liberals are very generous. They'll give you the shirt off someone else's back.

I believe most of that but disagree that all liberals are for forcing people to be charitable just like not all right wing conservatives are for the government making abortion a crime, fight gay rights and such. You can't lump everyone in the same boat.

But your post is well stated.
Of course it's not illegal. It's unethical. I have to admit, I never met a Republican bothered by ethics. Seriously, the first thing they ask is, "Is it illegal", then they say, "Well, OK then". As if anything not illegal is OK.
I don't think you've ever met a Republican.

And in case you didn't know it, there are plenty of Democrats with ethics problems. I know you think that's impossible, but you're wrong.

Meanwhile, I guess you missed the part where I said I don't agree with the action.

Unsurprisingly, wrong. Deregulation gets the government out of areas it has no business. This will come as sacrilege to you, but that's a good thing.
I was watching an old movie the other night staring Bette Davis called, "Little Foxes". One Character said there were people that eats up the whole earth and not give anything back. Their entire lives are just to take. That's how I see the Republicans leadership. To transfer wealth from the middle class. Their goal is to take every penny they can. Nothing but greed. And most of the base agrees. Why? Because they dream of taking that last penny just like the leadership.

This is where the "every man for himself" mentality kicks in. The call it "socialism". But communist Russia was socialism. China is socialism. Republicans have turned helping other Americans into dirty words. Some Republicans try to soothe their conscience by saying, "See how much we give?". But look at what they give, charity. Cans of old creamed corn in the back of the pantry no one wants.

I could never belong to such an awful political party. The party of "greed". The base knows it. They applaud it.
Okay, your first problem is you're seeing fiction and treating it as reality. Your second problem is your irrational hatred of conservatives.

Conservatives believe in helping people, and do so individually. Liberals believe in the government forcing people to be charitable...which means it's no longer an act of good will. But you feel good about yourself for "helping", when in fact you have done nothing to help anyone but help point the government gun at other people to make them help.

Liberals are very generous. They'll give you the shirt off someone else's back.

I believe most of that but disagree that all liberals are for forcing people to be charitable just like not all right wing conservatives are for the government making abortion a crime, fight gay rights and such. You can't lump everyone in the same boat.

But your post is well stated.
Thank you, but by "forcing people to be charitable" I mean supporting taxpayer-funded programs that take money from those who earned it and give it to those who didn't. So if you support those programs, you are indeed forcing people to be charitable.
Delay has been instrumental in transforming what used to be a proud political party into the fundimentalist phoney conservative rat nest it is today. I'll take my victories where I can. If Ike or Barry were alive today they would spit on Delay ..or beat him to death.:eek::lol:

Thanks. I hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday!
And if WJ Bryan and Humphrey were alive today, they'd run the likes of Geithner, Frank, Rangel and Waters out of town on a rail.

A shame the democrats can't keep their own backyard cleaned up, while they hoot and howl about republican ethical transgressions.

Humphrey??? :lol: :lol: :lol: That was pretty funny. Scoop Jackson for sure.. He was one of the few Dems I really had respect for.

I still respect Leon Panetta.
My question is: will the recent Citizen's United decision by the SCOTUS have any effect on Delay's appeal?

if thats what it comes down to, I don't think it should......I am not down with retroactive forgiveness unless its something fantastically bad or egregious ( the law)....he apparently broke the law as it was set up then.

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