Just a theory, Trump is looking for Putin to work with America to take on China


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Anyone else see this as a tactic?

I think Trump has to be given some leeway as he comes into office, he clearly wants to decrease foreign policy costs and rebuild American infrastructure and drive the economy with job creation.

This being considered, he realizes the economic threat is China, not Russia. He also realizes that Russia is in a better position to lean on China, even if ever slightly. Russia and China are close allies, but Russia can't feel comfortable with China's rise.

Ultimately, if Trump can change Russias course of action of aggression against America, it will be a good thing. We saw Reagan and Gorbachev work together during the height of the Cold War, so it is possible. I would say it's a longshot though. If Russia and China continue to go at America as they have, the U.S has to counter hard and M.A.D will be in play in a more broader context.

Every president since Clinton have tried to present China and Russia as nations with the potential to reform and it's never happened. Hopefully Trump is fully aware of this. With his choices of cabinet, he isn't surrounding himself with patsies, these guys will tell him how they feel and how they view Putin and his agenda. That being said, I have to believe he wants to isolate China, which in my opinion is a very wise move.
Or maybe Putin needs some assurances since he is whole lot closer to them and knows full well the probability of systemic failure of communist systems
Wait, doesn't Trump first have to pull all of the manufacturing of his and Ivanka's shit first? LMAO! Can anyone be this stupid?

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China
Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China

Ivanka Trump's China-sewn line turns profit at a political cost

Ivanka Trump's China-sewn line turns profit at a political cost
Surely you must understand by now that they don't care how much of a hypocrite he is. drumph can do no wrong in their eyes.
Anyone else see this as a tactic?

I think Trump has to be given some leeway as he comes into office, he clearly wants to decrease foreign policy costs and rebuild American infrastructure and drive the economy with job creation.

This being considered, he realizes the economic threat is China, not Russia. He also realizes that Russia is in a better position to lean on China, even if ever slightly. Russia and China are close allies, but Russia can't feel comfortable with China's rise.

Ultimately, if Trump can change Russias course of action of aggression against America, it will be a good thing. We saw Reagan and Gorbachev work together during the height of the Cold War, so it is possible. I would say it's a longshot though. If Russia and China continue to go at America as they have, the U.S has to counter hard and M.A.D will be in play in a more broader context.

Every president since Clinton have tried to present China and Russia as nations with the potential to reform and it's never happened. Hopefully Trump is fully aware of this. With his choices of cabinet, he isn't surrounding himself with patsies, these guys will tell him how they feel and how they view Putin and his agenda. That being said, I have to believe he wants to isolate China, which in my opinion is a very wise move.

Bullshit--he has conflicts of interest in both countries.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Putin wanted all U.S. Sanctions lifted--Trump has been kissing his ass since the beginning of this campaign, even encouraging a cyber attack on the United States to find more emails. Putin intervened into this election by hacking into DNC databases, then he puts out tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to help him win. It didn't help the disguise when the Kremlin broke out the champagne bottles on the announcement of his win.
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News


Right now there are investigative reporters looking for the Pulitzer prize working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, looking for collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. They may already have something, which is why Obama in a BI-PARTISAN action kicked out all Russian diplomats along with their families. Republicans are already promising more sanctions. Here is the article and it may have legs. If they can prove collusion it will be considered TREASON.
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There is no allegation by the two political parties or the intelligence agencies that Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election. Domestic and foreign hackers have been around since the internet was established. Why would Obama lash out against Russia in his last month in office when he would have and should have known that the Russian government was allegedly behind the attempted hacking of the election and why not deal with it in a diplomatic way if it is true? The timing is interesting and it seems that the issue is nothing but a smokescreen and an attempt to make things harder for the incoming administration. It's ironic that the Hussein administration has treated Islamic enemies with kid gloves for his entire two terms but without even offering any evidence he is willing to turn Russia into an antagonist. Trump is showing more statesmanship than the sniveling former community agitator ever had and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.
I think Trump is much smarter than some people think. I saw that when he first decided to run for the presidency.

Trump is someone who could outsmart Putin. Everything he's said/done has been carefully thought out and calculated.

His tweet about Putin being smart was brilliant! lol
Not only was it smack to Obama for doing what he did, he kept the door open to repair the damage Obama has caused.
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I think that Trump is trying to head off an anti-American alliance spanning form the Phillipenes, China, Russia, Iran, Turkey along with the traditional enemies. Fertile ground for it can be found in Latin America and much of the Muslim world. Obama's weak foreign policy with no small contribution from the Beast has been the precursor.

America needs to improve relations with a great many countries, including traditional allies, Israel and Britain.
There is no allegation by the two political parties or the intelligence agencies that Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election. Domestic and foreign hackers have been around since the internet was established. Why would Obama lash out against Russia in his last month in office when he would have and should have known that the Russian government was allegedly behind the attempted hacking of the election and why not deal with it in a diplomatic way if it is true? The timing is interesting and it seems that the issue is nothing but a smokescreen and an attempt to make things harder for the incoming administration. It's ironic that the Hussein administration has treated Islamic enemies with kid gloves for his entire two terms but without even offering any evidence he is willing to turn Russia into an antagonist. Trump is showing more statesmanship than the sniveling former community agitator ever had and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Since america has been intervening in the elections and taking out govts of other nations for decades, I find this all rather amusing.
Anyone else see this as a tactic?

I think Trump has to be given some leeway as he comes into office, he clearly wants to decrease foreign policy costs and rebuild American infrastructure and drive the economy with job creation.

This being considered, he realizes the economic threat is China, not Russia. He also realizes that Russia is in a better position to lean on China, even if ever slightly. Russia and China are close allies, but Russia can't feel comfortable with China's rise.

Ultimately, if Trump can change Russias course of action of aggression against America, it will be a good thing. We saw Reagan and Gorbachev work together during the height of the Cold War, so it is possible. I would say it's a longshot though. If Russia and China continue to go at America as they have, the U.S has to counter hard and M.A.D will be in play in a more broader context.

Every president since Clinton have tried to present China and Russia as nations with the potential to reform and it's never happened. Hopefully Trump is fully aware of this. With his choices of cabinet, he isn't surrounding himself with patsies, these guys will tell him how they feel and how they view Putin and his agenda. That being said, I have to believe he wants to isolate China, which in my opinion is a very wise move.

Bullshit--he has conflicts of interest in both countries.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Putin wanted all U.S. Sanctions lifted--Trump has been kissing his ass since the beginning of this campaign, even encouraging a cyber attack on the United States to find more emails. Putin intervened into this election by hacking into DNC databases, then he puts out tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to help him win. It didn't help the disguise when the Kremlin broke out the champagne bottles on the announcement of his win.
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News


Right now there are investigative reporters looking for the Pulitzer prize working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, looking for collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. They may already have something, which is why Obama in a BI-PARTISAN action kicked out all Russian diplomats along with their families. Republicans are already promising more sanctions. Here is the article and it may have legs. If they can prove collusion it will be considered TREASON.
Since america has been intervening in the elections and taking out govts of other nations for decades, I find this all rather amusing.
Then why couldn't Obama take out governments in places like NK, Russia, Philippines, Venezuela and Iran?

That's right, because he's a pussy.
Since america has been intervening in the elections and taking out govts of other nations for decades, I find this all rather amusing.
Then why couldn't Obama take out governments in places like NK, Russia, Philippines, Venezuela and Iran?

That's right, because he's a pussy.

Good lord son, look. The US sold nuclear reactors to N Korea a mere two years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Sold to them by a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US tax payer funding to help complete the deal. And the plan was initiated under Clinton. Utterly bipartisan. And we've been meddling in S. America for ages. You should really consider turning your television off, you're quite confused.
There is no allegation by the two political parties or the intelligence agencies that Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election. Domestic and foreign hackers have been around since the internet was established. Why would Obama lash out against Russia in his last month in office when he would have and should have known that the Russian government was allegedly behind the attempted hacking of the election and why not deal with it in a diplomatic way if it is true? The timing is interesting and it seems that the issue is nothing but a smokescreen and an attempt to make things harder for the incoming administration. It's ironic that the Hussein administration has treated Islamic enemies with kid gloves for his entire two terms but without even offering any evidence he is willing to turn Russia into an antagonist. Trump is showing more statesmanship than the sniveling former community agitator ever had and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.
No allegation??? Where have you been? Every intelligence agency we have has back up the narrative that there is proof of Russian interference in our election. I haven't seen one that disputes that... Can you post a link to back up your claim?
I think Trump is much smarter than some people think. I saw that when he first decided to run for the presidency.

Trump is someone who could outsmart Putin. Everything he's said/done has been carefully thought out and calculated.

His tweet about Putin being smart was brilliant! lol
Not only was it smack to Obama for doing what he did, he kept the door open to repair the damage Obama has caused.
I worry that Trump cares more about "Smacking Obama" than objectively dealing with world problems. His entire political identity has been based on disparaging our leaders. It will be interesting to see what he does after taking office, when he has nobody but himself to blame. I imagine he will point a heavy finger at congress and other world leaders but I don't think that will fly for very long.
Since america has been intervening in the elections and taking out govts of other nations for decades, I find this all rather amusing.
Then why couldn't Obama take out governments in places like NK, Russia, Philippines, Venezuela and Iran?

That's right, because he's a pussy.

Good lord son, look. The US sold nuclear reactors to N Korea a mere two years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Sold to them by a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US tax payer funding to help complete the deal. And the plan was initiated under Clinton. Utterly bipartisan. And we've been meddling in S. America for ages. You should really consider turning your television off, you're quite confused.
That never happened. You're over your head kid. Don't delve into things of which you haven't an inkling:

USATODAY.com - N. Korea demands compensation for reactors
Anyone else see this as a tactic?

I think Trump has to be given some leeway as he comes into office, he clearly wants to decrease foreign policy costs and rebuild American infrastructure and drive the economy with job creation.

This being considered, he realizes the economic threat is China, not Russia. He also realizes that Russia is in a better position to lean on China, even if ever slightly. Russia and China are close allies, but Russia can't feel comfortable with China's rise.

Ultimately, if Trump can change Russias course of action of aggression against America, it will be a good thing. We saw Reagan and Gorbachev work together during the height of the Cold War, so it is possible. I would say it's a longshot though. If Russia and China continue to go at America as they have, the U.S has to counter hard and M.A.D will be in play in a more broader context.

Every president since Clinton have tried to present China and Russia as nations with the potential to reform and it's never happened. Hopefully Trump is fully aware of this. With his choices of cabinet, he isn't surrounding himself with patsies, these guys will tell him how they feel and how they view Putin and his agenda. That being said, I have to believe he wants to isolate China, which in my opinion is a very wise move.

Bullshit--he has conflicts of interest in both countries.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Putin wanted all U.S. Sanctions lifted--Trump has been kissing his ass since the beginning of this campaign, even encouraging a cyber attack on the United States to find more emails. Putin intervened into this election by hacking into DNC databases, then he puts out tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to help him win. It didn't help the disguise when the Kremlin broke out the champagne bottles on the announcement of his win.
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News


Right now there are investigative reporters looking for the Pulitzer prize working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, looking for collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. They may already have something, which is why Obama in a BI-PARTISAN action kicked out all Russian diplomats along with their families. Republicans are already promising more sanctions. Here is the article and it may have legs. If they can prove collusion it will be considered TREASON.

You pic is doctored mine aren't.
Do you guys ever listen to yourselves?

Since america has been intervening in the elections and taking out govts of other nations for decades, I find this all rather amusing.
Then why couldn't Obama take out governments in places like NK, Russia, Philippines, Venezuela and Iran?

That's right, because he's a pussy.

Good lord son, look. The US sold nuclear reactors to N Korea a mere two years before we placed them on an "axis of evil" list. Sold to them by a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. And Bush ponied up US tax payer funding to help complete the deal. And the plan was initiated under Clinton. Utterly bipartisan. And we've been meddling in S. America for ages. You should really consider turning your television off, you're quite confused.
That never happened. You're over your head kid. Don't delve into things of which you haven't an inkling:

USATODAY.com - N. Korea demands compensation for reactors

Keep digging and reading son, go past the link you wish to find. What, you believe the media now? Sheesh.

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