Just need to spew a racist thought real quick


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Was at the gym today, and a crew of Hispanic males walked in. Looked 18 years old or a bit older.

All three had shaved heads, tattoos on neck, face, etc. Solid white tee shirts, baggy shorts, a "FUCK YOU" snarl on their faces.

Couldn't help but think "Those fucking Mexican gang bangers, get the fuck out of my gym".

They did nothing but hang at the front desk talking to a girl who works there. Looked like trash, and probably were.
If you were a real man, you would have expressed your feeling to them directly instead of through the safety of the internet.


What a retard.

Who talks shit when out numbered?


Aside from that, the OP shoulda kept this bit of ignorance to himself.
Years ago I was in Virginia City, NV with my wife and kids, eating lunch in a Saloon/Restaurant when three guys came in wearing sidearms and dressed in the garb of 19th century gold/silver miners. They were dirty, loud and profane and created quite a stir. One of them saw me looking at them and my expression caused one of them to come over.
He apologized to my wife and to me, and said he and the others were university professors enjoying a vacation and had gotten caught up in their fantasy. Not at first noticing my wife and kids they played a role which was not an accurate portrail of their character. He returned to his friends and they all waved to us and ordered their lunch.
Don't judge the character of a person by how they appear, you might be wrong; it never hurts to treat everyone with respect.
The only good thing about mexican gangs is that they hate black gangs. Hopefully they will kill each other off.


If they really take care of the entire problem, I'll grant them citizenship.

Now that's a charming little idea; import illegal immigrants of an ethnic group you hate, in the hope they'll destroy your fellow Americans of another ethnic group you hate. That's a new low, even for you.
Don't judge the character of a person by how they appear, you might be wrong; it never hurts to treat everyone with respect.

Nice story, bro. Too bad you fail to see the most glarring obvious difference between the stories. The guys in your story are CIVILIZIED WHITE HUMANS the others were not.
The only good thing about mexican gangs is that they hate black gangs. Hopefully they will kill each other off.


If they really take care of the entire problem, I'll grant them citizenship.

Now that's a charming little idea; import illegal immigrants of an ethnic group you hate, in the hope they'll destroy your fellow Americans of another ethnic group you hate. That's a new low, even for you.

That's the proof of their insane hatred. They wish to hurt others so much that they are willing to be hurt themselves to accomplish it.

And that's insane.
Now that's a charming little idea; import illegal immigrants of an ethnic group you hate, in the hope they'll destroy your fellow Americans of another ethnic group you hate. That's a new low, even for you.

I don't hate blacks or mexicans, I hate the idea that criminal savage animals are allowed to walk side by side with us humans under the false pretense that we are all the same.

You like pickles?

Just wondering cuz it was more than likely picked by and jarred by mexicans.

they got all thier dirty mexicanishness all over your food.
Now that's a charming little idea; import illegal immigrants of an ethnic group you hate, in the hope they'll destroy your fellow Americans of another ethnic group you hate. That's a new low, even for you.

I don't hate blacks or mexicans, I hate the idea that criminal savage animals are allowed to walk side by side with us humans under the false pretense that we are all the same.
No, what you hate is that people who don't look just like you are allowed to even exist in America, much less have equal rights and be entitled to due process like the rest of us. It's not crime you hate, it's color; the criminality of some is just a way for you to rationalize hating them all. When I run across someone like you, I always wonder, "Where did he/she learn to hate like that?" What's your excuse, Stanley? Were you raised on it from childhood? Did you lose a job to a minority? Did you have one bad experience with someone of another race? Or did you simply fall in with the rest of the losers who can't find any other way to excuse their own failures in life? I don't know whether to loathe you or pity you, you miserable cretin, vicious and pathetic at once!
Now that's a charming little idea; import illegal immigrants of an ethnic group you hate, in the hope they'll destroy your fellow Americans of another ethnic group you hate. That's a new low, even for you.

I don't hate blacks or mexicans, I hate the idea that criminal savage animals are allowed to walk side by side with us humans under the false pretense that we are all the same.
No, what you hate is that people who don't look just like you are allowed to even exist in America, much less have equal rights and be entitled to due process like the rest of us. It's not crime you hate, it's color; the criminality of some is just a way for you to rationalize hating them all. When I run across someone like you, I always wonder, "Where did he/she learn to hate like that?" What's your excuse, Stanley? Were you raised on it from childhood? Did you lose a job to a minority? Did you have one bad experience with someone of another race? Or did you simply fall in with the rest of the losers who can't find any other way to excuse their own failures in life? I don't know whether to loathe you or pity you, you miserable cretin, vicious and pathetic at once!

You certainly assume plenty. What a perfect little target you are. Do you honestly assume that only whites hate other races. I lived in a hispanic neighborhood in Denver for 7 years, the shops signage in that neighborhood was all in spanish. The people that lived in the large house in front of mine were the Garcia family, 4 generations. They semi adopted me to their family because they could hear Santana music from my home so they thought I was an "alright white boy". These people hated everyone. I've lived in the deepest southern region of Louisiana and rarely heard the word ******, it was a common term for them. So was wetbacks and chinks. They hated illegals, really hated black people and weren't to happy with anglos. Eventually I heard gunshots most nights until I finally moved to Texas, now I see the same type of prejudging constantly at work. The blacks tend to stick together, the hispanics stay together and converse in spanish, the filipinos take care of each other and the other islanders, the Indians and Pakistanis also stay with each other, it's an amazing study in societal interaction. Most groups segregate themselves when given a chance and don't trust other groups....... that is the reality. All groups have a free pass to hate people with whiter skin than theirs.
I don't hate blacks or mexicans, I hate the idea that criminal savage animals are allowed to walk side by side with us humans under the false pretense that we are all the same.
No, what you hate is that people who don't look just like you are allowed to even exist in America, much less have equal rights and be entitled to due process like the rest of us. It's not crime you hate, it's color; the criminality of some is just a way for you to rationalize hating them all. When I run across someone like you, I always wonder, "Where did he/she learn to hate like that?" What's your excuse, Stanley? Were you raised on it from childhood? Did you lose a job to a minority? Did you have one bad experience with someone of another race? Or did you simply fall in with the rest of the losers who can't find any other way to excuse their own failures in life? I don't know whether to loathe you or pity you, you miserable cretin, vicious and pathetic at once!

You certainly assume plenty. What a perfect little target you are. Do you honestly assume that only whites hate other races. I lived in a hispanic neighborhood in Denver for 7 years, the shops signage in that neighborhood was all in spanish. The people that lived in the large house in front of mine were the Garcia family, 4 generations. They semi adopted me to their family because they could hear Santana music from my home so they thought I was an "alright white boy". These people hated everyone. I've lived in the deepest southern region of Louisiana and rarely heard the word ******, it was a common term for them. So was wetbacks and chinks. They hated illegals, really hated black people and weren't to happy with anglos. Eventually I heard gunshots most nights until I finally moved to Texas, now I see the same type of prejudging constantly at work. The blacks tend to stick together, the hispanics stay together and converse in spanish, the filipinos take care of each other and the other islanders, the Indians and Pakistanis also stay with each other, it's an amazing study in societal interaction. Most groups segregate themselves when given a chance and don't trust other groups....... that is the reality. All groups have a free pass to hate people with whiter skin than theirs.
The only thing I assume, is that it's both wrong and stupid to judge another human being solely on the basis of his/her race or ethnic background; I've never assumed that any one ethnic group has a monopoly on the practice. Bigotry and ignorance comes in all colors, unfortunately. As for the last part, people naturally tend to be more comfortable with people who they perceive as like them-common appearance, culture, language, and so on. That's not racism or prejudice; it's a natural human instinct. The prejudice comes in when one assumes the worst about every member of another ethnic group, without even attempting to get to know any of them as individuals.
The prejudice comes in when one assumes the worst about every member of another ethnic group, without even attempting to get to know any of them as individuals.

Yeah. I dare you to walk up to the Hispanic gangbangers in the gym and say "hey, fellas, I'm not prejudiced. Let's all go out for tacos and talk about diversity!"
If you were a real man, you would have expressed your feeling to them directly instead of through the safety of the internet.


Sure, 'cause how would it have gone down? If they'd not liked their white middle-aged challenger, they'd have attacked him. And, let's assume the white guy is actually an ex-SEAL who kicks all their asses. NOW white guy will be charged with 19 hate crimes and the feds will string his ass up.

Ever think about that, punk?
The prejudice comes in when one assumes the worst about every member of another ethnic group, without even attempting to get to know any of them as individuals.

Yeah. I dare you to walk up to the Hispanic gangbangers in the gym and say "hey, fellas, I'm not prejudiced. Let's all go out for tacos and talk about diversity!"

You know, WJ, I usually greet anyone with a smile and a friendly greeting. Many respond in kind, a few ignore it, but I've yet to have anyone (of any ethnicity) react with aggression.
Was at the gym today, and a crew of Hispanic males walked in. Looked 18 years old or a bit older.

All three had shaved heads, tattoos on neck, face, etc. Solid white tee shirts, baggy shorts, a "FUCK YOU" snarl on their faces.

Care to explain what exactly a "Fuck You" snarl is? Just so I know to recognize it when I see it. Okay, so shaved heads, tattoos, white tee shirts, and baggy shorts. I'm sorry, but I see these characteristics and traits all of the time from different races. It's called a trend. Besides, I would be bothered more if a group of 3 males came in with 'Tight' shorts and a Fuck you snarl. Besides, it's a gym, were you expecting someone to come in wearing jeans and a polo shirt?

Couldn't help but think "Those fucking Mexican gang bangers, get the fuck out of my gym".

You thought it, but didn't say it to them. So, do you only get tough in your head? Or do you actually have the courage to actually speak to people in real life? This qualifies you as a coward.

They did nothing but hang at the front desk talking to a girl who works there. Looked like trash, and probably were.

So guys were hanging out talking to a girl? Yea, that's definitely trouble because that's not what guys do. They were obviously up to no good by doing so. Looked like trash? Again, we're at a gym, not a club. Next time though, I would encourage you to strike up a casual conversation with someone who intimidates you. You might be surprised.
Was at the gym today, and a crew of Hispanic males walked in. Looked 18 years old or a bit older.

All three had shaved heads, tattoos on neck, face, etc. Solid white tee shirts, baggy shorts, a "FUCK YOU" snarl on their faces.

Care to explain what exactly a "Fuck You" snarl is? Just so I know to recognize it when I see it. Okay, so I'm sorry, but I see these characteristics and traits all of the time from different races. It's called a trend. Besides, I would be bothered more if a group of 3 males came in with 'Tight' shorts and a Fuck you snarl. Besides, it's a gym, were you expecting someone to come in wearing jeans and a polo shirt?

Couldn't help but think "Those fucking Mexican gang bangers, get the fuck out of my gym".

You thought it, but didn't say it to them. So, do you only get tough in your head? Or do you actually have the courage to actually speak to people in real life? This qualifies you as a coward.

They did nothing but hang at the front desk talking to a girl who works there. Looked like trash, and probably were.

So guys were hanging out talking to a girl? Yea, that's definitely trouble because that's not what guys do. They were obviously up to no good by doing so. Looked like trash? Again, we're at a gym, not a club. Next time though, I would encourage you to strike up a casual conversation with someone who intimidates you. You might be surprised.


Someone is a bit touchy about race.....

I know what a "fuck you snarl" looks like. If you dont, then you are purposely looking for a reason to pick at the OP.

I live in a heavily hispanic area, and you know as well as I do, that shaved heads, tattoos, white tee shirts, and baggy shorts on 99.9% of them means gangbanger.

Im sorry, but I have lost friends to guys that fit that very profile.... over something as simple as a spilled beer on a shoe. So NO... Im not walking up and striking up a conversation. They are putting a message out by dressing that way.

That message is "Stay the fuck out of my way".
Chances are, if you're getting such a snarl directed at you, you very likely didn't give them a look of approval when you looked at them.

I live in a heavily hispanic area, and you know as well as I do, that shaved heads, tattoos, white tee shirts, and baggy shorts on 99.9% of them means gangbanger.

Not really. I live in a heavily White area. I got friends of all races that have shaved heads, tattoos, white tee shirts, and baggy shorts. Hell, I often have a shaved head, wear white tshirts, and wear baggy short (does anybody wear tight shorts). You perceive them that way because of stereotypes.

This is the typical style of young minority culture. It doesn't exactly scream that they are business men, but it also doesn't automatically mean you're about to get robbed or killed by them.
Chances are, if you're getting such a snarl directed at you, you very likely didn't give them a look of approval when you looked at them.

I live in a heavily hispanic area, and you know as well as I do, that shaved heads, tattoos, white tee shirts, and baggy shorts on 99.9% of them means gangbanger.

Not really. I live in a heavily White area. I got friends of all races that have shaved heads, tattoos, white tee shirts, and baggy shorts. Hell, I often have a shaved head, wear white tshirts, and wear baggy short (does anybody wear tight shorts). You perceive them that way because of stereotypes.

This is the typical style of young minority culture. It doesn't exactly scream that they are business men, but it also doesn't automatically mean you're about to get robbed or killed by them.

You go say "hi" to them.... Im not






You are either naive, or you are just being antagonistic.... either way, you obviously dont live in my world, so consider yourself lucky.... just watch your back out there. There are alot of bad folks.... white, brown, black, oriental, or whatever floats your boat.

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