Just some random thoughts-


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I left Facebook a few years ago. It was sad to watch so many of my former classmates, who were once good friends, become bitter enemies, all over something as stupid as politics.

I've recently rediscovered the joy I felt before I started watching TV news, sitting alone with a cup of tea, and interesting chess tactics problem on my board, and some soft jazz playing in the background. I think a bit more of this, and less politics will be in my future.... :)
People who would turn their backs on each other over politics were never worth being friends with to begin with. Practically all my friends are conservative types but I must have chosen well because none of them totally lost their minds when Trump came along. We're still the same people we can call up when we need help moving a fridge or broke down in the middle of nowhere.
People who would turn their backs on each other over politics were never worth being friends with to begin with. Practically all my friends are conservative types but I must have chosen well because none of them totally lost their minds when Trump came along. We're still the same people we can call up when we need help moving a fridge or broke down in the middle of nowhere.
I fared well in the schism. Because of my former profession, I had a lot of acquaintances who were liberal democrats, whom I should actually have lost touch with when I retired from that work. They were never actually friends, just clients with whom I had maintained relationships. When I started wanting to have actual conversations with them about Trump, they all started shunning me because it was obvious that I didn't hate him enough to suit them. This worked out well for me, as I dumped a lot of social dead weight. A lot fewer Christmas cards to send.
I left Facebook a few years ago. It was sad to watch so many of my former classmates, who were once good friends, become bitter enemies, all over something as stupid as politics.

I've recently rediscovered the joy I felt before I started watching TV news, sitting alone with a cup of tea, and interesting chess tactics problem on my board, and some soft jazz playing in the background. I think a bit more of this, and less politics will be in my future.... :)
You saying that you have left Face Book brings me to this question, does anyone still do My Space anymore these days?

God bless you always!!!

I fared well in the schism. Because of my former profession, I had a lot of acquaintances who were liberal democrats, whom I should actually have lost touch with when I retired from that work. They were never actually friends, just clients with whom I had maintained relationships. When I started wanting to have actual conversations with them about Trump, they all started shunning me because it was obvious that I didn't hate him enough to suit them. This worked out well for me, as I dumped a lot of social dead weight. A lot fewer Christmas cards to send.
I live in a very small town. Most of the people I know I've known them for twenty years or more. They know I'm a liberal but they also know I have never done them wrong or disrespected them. My reputation is extremely important to me and I carry myself with dignity and treat people as I would be treated.
I left Facebook a few years ago. It was sad to watch so many of my former classmates, who were once good friends, become bitter enemies, all over something as stupid as politics.

I've recently rediscovered the joy I felt before I started watching TV news, sitting alone with a cup of tea, and interesting chess tactics problem on my board, and some soft jazz playing in the background. I think a bit more of this, and less politics will be in my future.... :)
To me, heavy FB users have no other way on Earth to give their feelings out Most people probably hate them in real life. They are unpopular Libturds who spew hate 24/7

It is obvious these people have such miserable lives, hate is all they have

That is what libturds are and FB was able to magnify their hatred 100 fold. FB and libturds are a bad combo
I fared well in the schism. Because of my former profession, I had a lot of acquaintances who were liberal democrats, whom I should actually have lost touch with when I retired from that work. They were never actually friends, just clients with whom I had maintained relationships. When I started wanting to have actual conversations with them about Trump, they all started shunning me because it was obvious that I didn't hate him enough to suit them. This worked out well for me, as I dumped a lot of social dead weight. A lot fewer Christmas cards to send.
I don't talk politics in the 'real world'. There are millions of other topics to speak about. However, I do let them rant on and on if they choose. If they ask my opinion, I change the subject, they get the hint, and we remain on pleasant terms.
I don't talk politics in the 'real world'. There are millions of other topics to speak about. However, I do let them rant on and on if they choose. If they ask my opinion, I change the subject, they get the hint, and we remain on pleasant terms.
That's the intelligent, adult way to handle the situation. And avoidance works, if they just get too damn pushy.
That's the intelligent, adult way to handle the situation. And avoidance works, if they just get too damn pushy.

My sister and her hubby are big Dems. They love to talk politics, but they are also vain, so they love to talk about themselves, and their shit, even more.

So I deflect.

"Oh he is huh? Man, that is crazy, is that a real Warhol?"

My brother in law once asked me, flustered.

"Do you have any opinions?"

I replied.

"This is some great wine man."

I think he gets frustrated with me at times because he wants to make some type of connection. That is fairly pointless IMO.

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