Justice League: Contours of Sanity


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a fun Coronavirus-time inspirational comic book fan-fiction about the famed and awesome team of superheroes known simply as the Justice League of America (JLA). Thanks so much for reading (and God bless!),



The proudmembers of the Justice League of America assembled to declare their confident intention to defend the democratic principles that enabled the USA to be the world's Big Brother in the serious defense against anti-globalization terrorism which threatened bastions of world traffic such as New York City and Vatican City. The Justice League of America (JLA) were committed to the ideals of human teamwork and understanding so as to facilitate improved political understandings in troubled conflict groups such as Israel-Palestine. This was a war over the hearts and the imaginations of humanity itself. The JLA were unusual but also commandeering...and quite handsome and attractive!


There were numerous members of the JLA, including Superman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Hawkgirl. These heroes and heroines had to contend with the vile and sinister Legion of Doom, headquartered in a secret underwater lair beneath the cliffs of California in the Pacific. The Legion of Doom wanted nothing more but to see the JLA become outcasts and considered heretics of human values and social sanity. The Legion of Doom therefore despised modern media depictions of the JLA as costumed crusaders defending basic civil liberties catering to dialogic sanities on Earth.


The Legion of Doom released a terrible spore in Washington that devastated the city. The JLA flashed to the scene but was too late. The spores had infected countless humans, turning them into wall-crawling flesh-eating zombies. This was called World War Z by the Post and the media in general. There was nothing redeemable about this sort of Earth calamity. Now, the JLA fully understood why the terrible Legion of Doom was considered the ultimate adversary of sanity on this planet. This World War Z now threatened to consume all of our species' vital consciousness. It was downright ugly, man!


Fortunately, the JLA sped to the scenes of evidence and tracked down the evildoers comprising the Legion of Doom, including Lex Luthor and Cheetah. The JLA found their underwater lair and destroyed it, and then they incarcerated the captured Doom members in a maximum security cell labyrinth that not even a telepath with super-vision could crumble or corrupt. Once again, the JLA was considered the right choice for Earth defense, and the Post declared that this team of crusaders had effectively and successfully swept away the ashes created by World War Z.


THE POST: "Sure, the Justice League of America is comprised of rather unusual individuals, both men and women. Sure, we're not sure if they're solely devoted to the principles and ideals of worldly nations and institutions such as Wall Street or the Vatican itself. However, they've proven that they can dispel any terrible Apocalypse brought by the corrupting minds of the frightening and thankfully incarcerated Legion of Doom. That's why many Americans feel this Justice League team is simply the right group for modern planetary diaries."


The Justice League took the reward-money they received from U.S. President Donald Trump and donated it to charities and to the children's welfare organization UNICEF, which had become a world-respected institution for the protection and benefits of challenged youngsters on Earth. The JLA considered this outreach to UNICEF reflective of the success of dismantling the awful stigma of World War Z and looked towards the future as an opportunity to celebrate basic human sanity...and daylight.


UNICEF: We're simply thankful for how this new level of support boosts our endeavors worldwide and reaches kids and youngsters who so desperately seek our adult assistance in this time of great complication, economic complexity, and worldwide terrorism, which is why we consider the Justice League our friends.


So, that's the real full story of the Justice League of America (JLA). Who am I? I'm a reporter for the Daily Gazette in Miami (Florida). I've been covering stories about the Justice League ever since they were discovered. It's no embarassment for me to tell you that this modern world requires the sort of devotion that the JLA seems to offer to us human beings in times of awful tribulation. In fact, this kind of youthful journalism has made me feel like a true democrat! I feel so cool, man!


The JLA attended a commemorative NFL Super Bowl game between the exciting NY Jets and the New England Patriots in post-Coronavirus 2022. The Jets managed to defeat the post-Brady era Patriots by a tight-score of 24-19, and the Jets cheerleaders reminded us why sports encourages peace and anti-terrorism imagination in America! I was honored to cover the event and take photos. Wonder Woman was cheering on the beautiful Jets cheerleaders. Yay!


We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon (FDR).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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Jets and Patriots would never be in a Super Bowl together - both AFC teams

But I like the cheerleaders

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