Justice must be blind.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
17-year-old sexual assault victim could face charges for tweeting names of attackers | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

She will probably go to jail for telling everyone who attacked her. The DA made a deal without even consulting the victim. What happened to all those sexual offender bulletin boards and announcements? Shouldn't their names be included?

Of course I have a hard time feeling real sorry for a person so stupid they would get blind pass out drunk at a mixed party of strangers and then wonder why they got assaulted. BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.
Of course I have a hard time feeling real sorry for a person so stupid they would get blind pass out drunk at a mixed party of strangers and then wonder why they got assaulted. BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.
Correct. Because as everyone knows when you pass out from drinking too much, you lose all yer Constitutional Rights. Believe me it's in there, a couple paragraphs down.

Sounds like there's a Movie in there somewhere. What's Jody Foster doin' nowadays?
Of course I have a hard time feeling real sorry for a person so stupid they would get blind pass out drunk at a mixed party of strangers and then wonder why they got assaulted. BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.
Correct. Because as everyone knows when you pass out from drinking too much, you lose all yer Constitutional Rights. Believe me it's in there, a couple paragraphs down.

Sounds like there's a Movie in there somewhere. What's Jody Foster doin' nowadays?

She got her day in court and the two will be punished. Doesn't change the fact she was bone numbingly stupid and brought part of what happened on herself. You chose to take idiotic risks for no good reason bad things happen. You chose to put your self at risk you own some of the responsibility for what happens.

But then you know that as well as I do. All the rights in the world do not prevent crimes from being committed and taking steps to put yourself at risk for said crimes is ignorant.
17-year-old sexual assault victim could face charges for tweeting names of attackers | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

She will probably go to jail for telling everyone who attacked her. The DA made a deal without even consulting the victim. What happened to all those sexual offender bulletin boards and announcements? Shouldn't their names be included?

Of course I have a hard time feeling real sorry for a person so stupid they would get blind pass out drunk at a mixed party of strangers and then wonder why they got assaulted. BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.

The names get disclosed AFTER they are convicted; IF they are convicted.

Last I checked, they're innocent until a jury says they're guilty
She will probably go to jail for telling everyone who attacked her. The DA made a deal without even consulting the victim. What happened to all those sexual offender bulletin boards and announcements? Shouldn't their names be included?

Of course I have a hard time feeling real sorry for a person so stupid they would get blind pass out drunk at a mixed party of strangers and then wonder why they got assaulted. BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.


She disobeyed the judge’s order:

Savannah Dietrich, the 17-year-old victim, was frustrated by a plea deal reached late last month by the two boys who assaulted her, and took to Twitter to expose them--violating a court order to keep their names confidential.
17-year-old sexual assault victim could face charges for tweeting names of attackers | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

She will probably go to jail for telling everyone who attacked her. The DA made a deal without even consulting the victim. What happened to all those sexual offender bulletin boards and announcements? Shouldn't their names be included?

Of course I have a hard time feeling real sorry for a person so stupid they would get blind pass out drunk at a mixed party of strangers and then wonder why they got assaulted. BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.

The names get disclosed AFTER they are convicted; IF they are convicted.

Last I checked, they're innocent until a jury says they're guilty

Someone that claims to be a lawyer did not bother to read the story. They plead out. All that remains is the sentencing. But then you are not to big on facts are you Jillian?
She will probably go to jail for telling everyone who attacked her. The DA made a deal without even consulting the victim. What happened to all those sexual offender bulletin boards and announcements? Shouldn't their names be included?

Of course I have a hard time feeling real sorry for a person so stupid they would get blind pass out drunk at a mixed party of strangers and then wonder why they got assaulted. BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.


She disobeyed the judge’s order:

Savannah Dietrich, the 17-year-old victim, was frustrated by a plea deal reached late last month by the two boys who assaulted her, and took to Twitter to expose them--violating a court order to keep their names confidential.

That is the whole point, these two RAPED her, filmed it and passed it around. And they got protected by the Court system. Or did you miss that part?
BUT she is in the right on this, she has every right to tell the community who attacked her and shame on the Court for hiding them.

No, she doesn't have the right to "tell the community" about the juvenile defendants, because she (and everyone else connected with the case) was under a court order not to make their names public. She violated that order.

And stop taking cheap shots at Jillian.
What exactly did she do wrong?

The Judge ordered her not to say the names of her convicted attackers. And it seems the left is fine with that.

Juvenile offenders are treated differently than adult offenders, and for good reason. Children or young adults (under 18) are not held to the same standard as adults. And that is as it should be. Children act more impulsively than adults and have significantly less experience in life to give them a mature sense of judgment. Hence, they are punished differently for the crimes they commit and their identities are protected at all stages of the proceedings and after they are over.

The idea is that a juvenile offender should not have an offense he/she commits, haunt them for the rest of their lives because, presumably, that offense was committed as the result of a juvenile lack of judgment rather than mature reflection, as in the case of an adult.

You may have a problem with this, but I don't - and neither do most thinking people.
The victim is a juvenile also, that should be taken into account; yes, the idea of charges was DROPPED, as it should have been.

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