Justin Trudeau's Office Writes Me Asking For Donation, My Response:

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Justin Trudeau's Office Writes Me Asking For Donation, My Response:

Forcing lies and deceptions through legislation and calling it Canadian values is pathetic and seriously offencive. Succumbing to the globalist agenda betrays Canadians. Charging bogus carbon tax to fund globalist agenda is infuriating. What is there to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman?!! Promoting a religion of hate crimes against non muslims is infuriating of which these hate crimes are deemed acceptable in islam and all muslims follow islam which proves that there is no such islamaphobe or a xenophobe when it comes to muslims because a rational concern for the lives of fellow citizens is not a phobia. Not firing and deporting a muslim minister who gave false information for citizenship is breaking Canadian law. Wanting to give people citizenship after only a year makes a mockery of what it means to be a Canadian citizen. Lobbyist dictatorship is not a democracy. Destroying the country economically and socially is not something an easy majority Canadians value. Making policies to try and deny the public from raising awareness to liberal lies and deceptions is infuriating. Regressing Canada is not progress.

You have shamed Canada. Don't be surprised come a day you are charged with treason and all your little muslim buddies are deported.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
(what I got from Justin Trudeau's office minus the donation list can be found below)

From: Justin Trudeau
To: David Spetch
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2016 11:16 AM
Subject: I'm asking, David


David --
Before we took office November 4, 2015, there was no gender-balanced cabinet.
No long form census. No Senate-appointment reform. A signature on the Paris Climate Change Agreement seemed unlikely. And no sitting Prime Minister had ever marched in a Pride Parade.
Just over a year later, we have brought real change to all of these areas -- and real progress for Canada's middle class.
Almost 300,000 children are being lifted out of poverty by our new Canada Child Benefit, which ensures that 9 out of 10 families get more money each month. Our middle class tax cut means that nine million Canadians will pay lower taxes for 2016, while the wealthiest 1% will contribute a little more. And we brought all the provinces together to strengthen the Canada Pension Plan.
Meanwhile, historic investments in infrastructure and ocean protection are creating good middle class jobs, and helping to build a better Canada for future generations.
Our achievements belong to you, David, and everyone in our movement. Your support, your dollars, your volunteer hours, and your votes made all of this possible.
But in 2019, it could all disappear on election night -- if we take anything at all for granted.
Our opponents are already hard at work preparing to take us on in 2019. Whoever they rally behind, with enough money and resources, we know that anything can happen on election night.
They are already attempting to divide Canadians by bringing up old fears and anxieties. You know as well as I do, David, fear has never fed a single family nor created a single job. If they succeed -- and it's possible -- they will undo all the progress that we have made together, and we'll all wish then that we did a little more when we could.
That's why I'm calling on all Canadians who believe in our movement to become champions for real change by raising $1-million dollars together by midnight, December 15, so we can start 2017 strong.
It's time to get serious about building our next campaign. Can you chip in $5, or any amount you can, right now to help?
And as a special thank you we have some terrific gifts lined up so you can show your Liberal pride this winter, including a toque -- designed by you -- for everyone who donates $99, or more. A scarf, if you give $199, or more. And the full set if you give $299, or more!
Remember, after your tax credit, that's as low as $24.75 for the toque, $49.75 for the scarf, or $74.75 for both.
Let's get right to work. The next election campaign starts now.
(then there was a donation list and a link for making donations, as if!)
Thank you.
Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau
Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Are you sure it was an individual letter sent expressly to you?

Well it does have my name on it, but the same letter is likely being sent to everyone Canadian addressed to their name with an email they got their grubby hands on.

I shared a copy of the above (my response including what he sent me) with all feds including senate on my contact lists as well all provinces and territories will soon have a copy also.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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