Kamala Admits Her Policies Don't Work

Even Tim Walz admits they can't afford 4 more years of Kamala Harris' policies. Seriously, Kamala and Walz seem to forget Kamala and Democrats have been in control the past 4 years. This is why Kamala says she's going to start fixing everything on day 1. FIX WHAT??? She's in control NOW. smh

Even Tim Walz admits they can't afford 4 more years of Kamala Harris' policies. Seriously, Kamala and Walz seem to forget Kamala and Democrats have been in control the past 4 years. This is why Kamala says she's going to start fixing everything on day 1. FIX WHAT??? She's in control NOW. smh

"When I am President, it will be a day one priority to bring down prices." - Kamala Harris

Kamala is well aware the policies of the past 4 years have not worked which are HER policies.
Kamala Harris: "We just need to move past the failed policies that we have proven don't work."

Glad she's seeing the light.

Fantastic! Is that the first time she told the truth, albeit accidentally.

Why doesn’t her admin fix it NOW???? Why wait until the end of January?
Kamala's latest word salad is making its rounds in the internet. How anyone can think this woman is qualified to run a lemonade stand is beyond me.

Its sort of amusing how Kamala and the D's are running a campaign pretending that they are the opposition and agents of change, instead of the incumbents pushing the status quo
Let's listen to more of her failed policies. This is a longer video of her.

Let's listen to more of her failed policies. This is a longer video of her.

"We need to move past the failed policies that we have proven don't work" - Kamala Harris

The polices of the past 4 years with record inflation, high has prices and an open border have been catastrophic for America. Vote Trump!!!
Kamala Harris: "We just need to move past the failed policies that we have proven don't work."

Glad she's seeing the light.

If she really wants to claim a new direction from Biden then she should criticize everything Biden and the left have done for the past 3 1/2 years. She fully supports it all.

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