Kamala Harris Holds Georgia Rally in Small Ballroom

That's a cute little ballroom for Kamala to speak in. Trump on the other hand draws tens of thousands to see him speak in stadiums.
Kamala has nothing to offer but word salad and radical Obama style policies.

Harriis is speaking to crowds, large and small. This event was only booked a couple of weeks ago, in the wake of the release of the report on the "preventable deaths" of these two women which was released on September 10,th. A large venue event needs much more planning and staffing than a smaller venue.

This was a serious speech from a serious candidate on a serious issue, not some "entertainment for the masses".

Why isn't your candidate or his campaign addressing the issue of the number of young women dying needlessly because of Trump's abortion bans????

Once again, Americans are dying and Donald Trump is responsible for these deaths, and Trump is pretending that it's not happening, and it's not his fault. Just like covid.

That's a cute little ballroom for Kamala to speak in. Trump on the other hand draws tens of thousands to see him speak in stadiums.
Kamala has nothing to offer but word salad and radical Obama style policies.

Good old BANKRUPT GATEWAY FUCKNUTS. Lies, Lies and fucking LIES!!!

That's a cute little ballroom for Kamala to speak in. Trump on the other hand draws tens of thousands to see him speak in stadiums.
Kamala has nothing to offer but word salad and radical Obama style policies.

Damn, half the room is taken by the stage and buffer area. They'd be lucky to get 150 people in there. I guess kneepads wants to limit the damage when she starts cutting her word salads.

Harriis is speaking to crowds, large and small. This event was only booked a couple of weeks ago, in the wake of the release of the report on the "preventable deaths" of these two women which was released on September 10,th. A large venue event needs much more planning and staffing than a smaller venue.

This was a serious speech from a serious candidate on a serious issue, not some "entertainment for the masses".

Why isn't your candidate or his campaign addressing the issue of the number of young women dying needlessly because of Trump's abortion bans????

Once again, Americans are dying and Donald Trump is responsible for these deaths, and Trump is pretending that it's not happening, and it's not his fault. Just like covid.
There is no abortion ban in the US, liar.
That crap is old. Get a new angle
Hes right. What's old is you guys and this crowd size shit. She spoke in Wisconsin yesterday to over 10,000. Trump isn't drawing that. You guys stay 2 years behind. You.'re still talking about 9 percent inflation when it's now under 3 percent. You tak about high prices when prices are going down. You blame Biden for inflation caused by COVID but you excuse Trump for his mishandling of that pandemic which led to the supply shortages. You run your mouuths about Harris and the border, when Trump stopped a bill that would have done something about it. You scum need to get the new angle.

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