Kamala Harris LIED About Her Black Grandparents | Candace Ep 71

This is maybe not stunning considering it’s people like you.

Do you not understand that in her own book Harris claims she is taking a picture with a woman who is her paternal grandmother. Yet Her paternal grandmother died before Harris was even born. You probably didn’t even read the post did you.

Honestly, you need help.
You have to be kidding. You are bringing up lying in a discussion that includes Donald Trump. You are not dealing in the real world. That is why you look like a fool in the real world.

President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.
Wait. Kamala posts something lying about her own family, and u r going to twist it to mean maga on the subject r idiots?

No wonder u r democracked, u r cracked
President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.[131]
President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.[131]

Wrong thread
Candace is absolutely crushing it. She has one of the top three podcasts in all of America. Her video in the op has nearly reached 1,000,000 views.

She is absolutely crushing the mainstream media. And YouTube doesn’t like it. YouTube an obvious left-wing political platform has given Candace Owens a strike for no good reason. And now YouTube has “age restricted” Owens for “violating the policy on graphic violence and nudity” … a complete fabrication by YouTube

View attachment 1017783

Where is the nudity in the picture above? Where is the graphic violence? Wow typical for the left wing being the totalitarian crybabies that they are.

What we do know is that that woman pictured above is not the grandmother of Harris..
That's called "The Help" around the house.
They have their marching orders
MAGA tries to make Trump a truth teller but he is the biggest liar in the history of US politics

President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.[131]
^ address Harris lying about being pictured with with her black grandmother… maybe she wasn’t lying…. Maybe she was not lying on LCD?

If you can’t read, here’s a 30 second clip

Is this a thing with Democrats? Do you folks not read original posts?

They both worked at McDonalds during 1 summer lol.
MAGA tries to make Trump a truth teller but he is the biggest liar in the history of US politics

President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.[131]

Wrong thread. I'm not playing
You have to be kidding. You are bringing up lying in a discussion that includes Donald Trump. You are not dealing in the real world. That is why you look like a fool in the real world.

President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.
Nothing about the OP. As usual your trolling

Say something about Harris lying about her paternal grandmother.
MAGA tries to make Trump a truth teller but he is the biggest liar in the history of US politics

President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.[131]
Still nothing about the OP. Want to talk about Trump? Do it in the dozens of threads on him.

Pictured above is suppose to be the paternal grandmother of Harris…”Beryl” ….in her own book Harris said that woman pictured above is her paternal grandmother.

But there’s just one problem. The paternal grandmother of Harris died before Harris was born..

Say something about this situation.

She black.

She is Indian.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

How many times must I repeat this for you?
Harris tries way too hard to be black. Especially in front of a majority Blanca audience where develops that goofy black affect’ / accent.
MAGA tries to make Trump a truth teller but he is the biggest liar in the history of US politics

President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.[131]
Don't u ever wonder why democrats always appear weak, sheepish and or mentally handicapped? Just look at this board, would u say any of your fellow posters are envious on any level??
Still nothing about the OP. Want to talk about Trump? Do it in the dozens of threads on him.

Pictured above is suppose to be the paternal grandmother of Harris…”Beryl” ….in her own book Harris said that woman pictured above is her paternal grandmother.

But there’s just one problem. The paternal grandmother of Harris died before Harris was born..

Say something about this situation.

Cannot tell the truth
Don't u ever wonder why democrats always appear weak, sheepish and or mentally handicapped? Just look at this board, would u say any of your fellow posters are envious on any level??
People are not what they appear.
Some of the biggest, loud, assertive talkers are the weakest among us. They put on a tough guy front hoping no one will find out how weak they are.
Right away, expect the left-wing to troll in this topic. They don’t care about Harris outright lying about being black. Expect them to get nasty too like they usually do probably attacking Candace Owens or something like that. Expect the left to say “who cares about race” when race is a major plank of the left wing today.

This is absolutely huge. Why because Harris is claiming that a picture of her with an older a black woman is one with her black grandmother …

Pictured above is suppose to be the paternal grandmother of Harris…”Beryl”

But there’s just one problem. The paternal grandmother of Harris died before Harris was born..

Damn Jackson, you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this codswallop. How fucking petty can you get First off, o you even know that that picture or what Kamila Harris says about is real ? I can’t find anything on it to verify what Owens claims and Owens is well known for her smear tactics. Secondly, the bottom line is that Kamila Harris’ father is black. You can’t dispute that

Lastly, why the hell would Kamila Harris do something like that deliberately. It makes no fucking sense at all. The fact that she has always identified as mixed race and black is well documented. Is your life so empty and miserable that you have to resort to trying to pin a senseless lie on her, that in the end does not matter and no one cares about?

The trail of tears continues

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