Kamala Harris LIED About Her Black Grandparents | Candace Ep 71

Right away, expect the left-wing to troll in this topic. They don’t care about Harris outright lying about being black. Expect them to get nasty too like they usually do probably attacking Candace Owens or something like that. Expect the left to say “who cares about race” when race is a major plank of the left wing today.

This is absolutely huge. Why because Harris is claiming that a picture of her with an older a black woman is one with her black grandmother …

Pictured above is suppose to be the paternal grandmother of Harris…”Beryl”

But there’s just one problem. The paternal grandmother of Harris died before Harris was born..

Harris told a lie? Well, knock me over with a feather!
You have to be kidding. You are bringing up lying in a discussion that includes Donald Trump. You are not dealing in the real world. That is why you look like a fool in the real world.

President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false.
Take care of your own lies. Joe was installed and he was pushed out. We were lied to from before the 2020 election. And anyone that questioned it was met with threats of destruction. The 95% Prog media/entertainment propagandists sold the lie until they were told to not sell it anymore. It is obvious that Kamla is not Presidential. You can sell it of course. And she may end up installed. We already know another great screwing is coming if so. And the division will get worse and worse.
I dont know why she lied about her grandmother but her father is obviously a mullato or light skin black man do you believe he is her father? I saw some claiming her father is a white irish man only a retarded dumb amerimutt could believe he is fully irish i do believe harris is what she claims to be
Damn Jackson, you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this codswallop. How fucking petty can you get First off, o you even know that that picture or what Kamila Harris says about is real ? I can’t find anything on it to verify what Owens claims and Owens is well known for her smear tactics. Secondly, the bottom line is that Kamila Harris’ father is black. You can’t dispute that

Lastly, why the hell would Kamila Harris do something like that deliberately. It makes no fucking sense at all. The fact that she has always identified as mixed race and black is well documented. Is your life so empty and miserable that you have to resort to trying to pin a senseless lie on her, that in the end does not matter and no one cares about?

The trail of tears continues

I guess this photo was taken before her dad left his family. Wonderful leftwing values there.
Right away, expect the left-wing to troll in this topic. They don’t care about Harris outright lying about being black. Expect them to get nasty too like they usually do probably attacking Candace Owens or something like that. Expect the left to say “who cares about race” when race is a major plank of the left wing today.

This is absolutely huge. Why because Harris is claiming that a picture of her with an older a black woman is one with her black grandmother …

Pictured above is suppose to be the paternal grandmother of Harris…”Beryl”

But there’s just one problem. The paternal grandmother of Harris died before Harris was born..

Hey Jackson, here's an idea. Since you seem to have too much time on your hands, why don't you start a thread about how Harris lied about working at McDonald's Ya never know, It could swing the election.
Take care of your own lies. Joe was installed and he was pushed out. We were lied to from before the 2020 election. And anyone that questioned it was met with threats of destruction. The 95% Prog media/entertainment propagandists sold the lie until they were told to not sell it anymore. It is obvious that Kamla is not Presidential. You can sell it of course. And she may end up installed. We already know another great screwing is coming if so. And the division will get worse and worse.
You said, "anyone questioning the 2020 election was threatened?" You have to be kidding.
The various claims of evidence alleging a stolen 2020 election have been exhaustively investigated and litigated. Judges heard claims of illegal voting and found they were without merit. Over 60 law suits over seen by judges appointed by conservative Presidents and liberal Presidents.
A review of results by his allies in the Arizona Republican Party has reaffirmed the vote was correct.

You all are bat shit crazy.
Hey Jackson, here's an idea. Since you seem to have too much time on your hands, why don't you start a thread about how Harris lied about working at McDonald's Ya never know, It could swing the election.
she most probably did. She's not stated the location of said mcd's she worked at to get corroboration. Seems the demofk press is afraid to ask her. Knowing it is a lie.
You said, "anyone questioning the 2020 election was threatened?" You have to be kidding.
The various claims of evidence alleging a stolen 2020 election have been exhaustively investigated and litigated. Judges heard claims of illegal voting and found they were without merit. Over 60 law suits over seen by judges appointed by conservative Presidents and liberal Presidents.
A review of results by his allies in the Arizona Republican Party has reaffirmed the vote was correct.

You all are bat shit crazy.
not one of those 60's was allowed to go to trial due to standing. An election with a criminal element had no standing. wow. Just shut up, you don't your ass from a hole in the ground.
Say, u guys notice the lefts defense to the fact kamala is a racism loving fraud are

A. Tds
B. The right r racist

Gee, what a surprise huh? Here's some material for them, I think they need a "b" branded on their foreheads noting what little bitches they R
not one of those 60's was allowed to go to trial due to standing. An election with a criminal element had no standing. wow. Just shut up, you don't your ass from a hole in the ground.
How can you MAGA minions blatantly lie to try and make Trump's lie the truth. MAGA lives on lies.
The majority od the suits were dismissed because they lacked merit. Republican and Democrat judges looked at the evidence and determined there was not enough evidence to warrant a trial. Many ofhose determinations were appealed. They were sent to appeals courts, some even going to the state supreme court. All concluded there was not enough evidence to move forward
Right away, expect the left-wing to troll in this topic. They don’t care about Harris outright lying about being black. Expect them to get nasty too like they usually do probably attacking Candace Owens or something like that. Expect the left to say “who cares about race” when race is a major plank of the left wing today.

This is absolutely huge. Why because Harris is claiming that a picture of her with an older a black woman is one with her black grandmother …

Pictured above is suppose to be the paternal grandmother of Harris…”Beryl”

But there’s just one problem. The paternal grandmother of Harris died before Harris was born..

Her Great great great grandmother was a slave for the very wealthy Irish plantation owner and establisher and creator of Brownstown. He raped her....she got pregnant, and as with all slave women bearing their plantation owners children, did NOT BECOME A PART OF THE SLAVE OWNER'S FAMILY....or ever benefited from the rapist's wealth.

Just stop spreading these ridiculous lies of Trumpers...
Her Great great great grandmother was a slave for the very wealthy Irish plantation owner and establisher and creator of Brownstown. He raped her....she got pregnant, and as with all slave women bearing their plantation owners children, did NOT BECOME A PART OF THE SLAVE OWNER'S FAMILY....or ever benefited from the rapist's wealth.

Just stop spreading these ridiculous lies of Trumpers...
How do u know he raped her?
How can you MAGA minions blatantly lie to try and make Trump's lie the truth. MAGA lives on lies.
The majority od the suits were dismissed because they lacked merit. Republican and Democrat judges looked at the evidence and determined there was not enough evidence to warrant a trial. Many ofhose determinations were appealed. They were sent to appeals courts, some even going to the state supreme court. All concluded there was not enough evidence to move forward
well it is a fact that they were dismissed due to standing. What is it you think i lied about now? That's all you parrots ever say, lie, lie polly lie polly lie

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