Kamala Harris LIED About Her Black Grandparents | Candace Ep 71

well it is a fact that they were dismissed due to standing. What is it you think i lied about now? That's all you parrots ever say, lie, lie polly lie polly lie
NO, NOT AT ALL. A few were but not having standing is different than not having merit. Not having meriit was the prevelent decison.
Educate yourself.
They were all no standing
You will stay dumb unless you eductate yourself. Read the attached article and it will help you understand reasons for the many rulings against Trump disputing the results of the 2020 election.

You will stay dumb unless you eductate yourself. Read the attached article and it will help you understand reasons for the many rulings against Trump disputing the results of the 2020 election.


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