Kamala Harris's approach to the economy. Make housing with a holistic approach.

What about the guy who moved to another state sold his first home but is now trying to get another home? Does he qualify and should his taxes be given to someone who hasnt proved that they can pay their mortgages on time? Socialism is what Kamala is pandering.
Who knows. She is, of course, just saying that to get votes. She does, of course, use slick legalese like up to 25k. The average rube doesn't even know what that means. If she gets in (from cheating), then she will have no intention of giving out that money. Except for favors.
Thats for first time homeowners who are not already getting a deduction on their taxes for mortgage interest.

So consider this. You have 2 people making the same amount both paying $2,000 per month to live in a place. One has a mortgage the other pays rent. The renter doesnt get thousands of dollars back for their rent payments so they are not on an even footing when trying to buy a home.
$25,000. Consider that.

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