Kamala keeps repeating herself, nothing new or original...never answering the questions...

What is really going on here? This reminds me of Biden, no matter what you tell the Democrats they said he was just fine. The same with Kamala, Democrats are sweet on her but she is NUTS!
This video has 300,000 views in 2 days. I can only hope that America sees this shit show and realizes Kamala is toast! This video has almost 7,000 comments and none are good for Kamala!
The Democrats are trying to see just how well their Psy-Ops Gaslighting strategy works. They are running a human pull-toy for President and are doing quite well among non-thinking reactionary Americans. We'll see how their experiment turns out on November 5th.
Of course, her mantra about "growing up in a middle class family" is a lie. They were an upper crust family of highly paid academics. SInce her father was a devout Marxist, I doubt that the man would accept the "middle class" or bourgeois label that his daughter would attach to him.
Come on the democrat cult will vote for her no matter the fact she is an airhead.
You really have to wonder whether they actually think. This idiot lied to them for years about Biden.
She can answer no questions, she just rambles in the hope that people get tired of her and let her go.
Come on the democrat cult will vote for her no matter the fact she is an airhead.
You really have to wonder whether they actually think. This idiot lied to them for years about Biden.
She can answer no questions, she just rambles in the hope that people get tired of her and let her go.

Of course, her mantra about "growing up in a middle class family" is a lie. They were an upper crust family of highly paid academics. SInce her father was a devout Marxist, I doubt that the man would accept the "middle class" or bourgeois label that his daughter would attach to him.
Just like when Joe said his son died in Iraq. Just like when Joe blamed the truck driver for killing his first wife and used that speech many times. Truth was his WIFE caused the accident but the trucker suffered for years over the deadly crash. Joe has LIED so many times. I can't think of all of them but he LIES to make himself feel better. Now Kamala is following Joes LIES and doing them herself...
Just like when Joe said his son died in Iraq. Just like when Joe blamed the truck driver for killing his first wife and used that speech many times. Truth was his WIFE caused the accident but the trucker suffered for years over the deadly crash. Joe has LIED so many times. I can't think of all of them but he LIES to make himself feel better. Now Kamala is following Joes LIES and doing them herself...
Another retard.
The announcer says this was a real disaster. The guy on this video is shaking his head, she keeps repeating herself for each speech. She really struggles here.....Kamala is scary. How the heck is she going to run the country??

You don't answer the questions. Someone asks a question about the economy, if you answer their question, you look WEAK. You control the question, you make it your own. That's how you look like someone WHO IS IN CHARGE.

Trump couldn't even deal with this.
You don't answer the questions. Someone asks a question about the economy, if you answer their question, you look WEAK. You control the question, you make it your own. That's how you look like someone WHO IS IN CHARGE.

Trump couldn't even deal with this.
Yeahhhhhh.....um... that's not what's happening though.

There's a cognitive issue there.
Not sure what it is...but it's there.
Yeahhhhhh.....um... that's not what's happening though.

There's a cognitive issue there.
Not sure what it is...but it's there.

You don't know what's there, but you know what it is. And this is a cognitive issue....????

Sounds to me like the cognitive issue is people saying "I believe this because I want to believe this. I have no facts, I have no evidence. I don't need evidence. I'm a genius, I know everything. I can decide people are eating dogs and suddenly it becomes true"
You don't know what's there, but you know what it is. And this is a cognitive issue....????

Sounds to me like the cognitive issue is people saying "I believe this because I want to believe this. I have no facts, I have no evidence. I don't need evidence. I'm a genius, I know everything. I can decide people are eating dogs and suddenly it becomes true"
Dude I'm trying to be polite about it. I don't hate the woman but come on....theres a problem and it's not subtle. For more legitimacy I have never once said this about Hillary or Michelle because it didn't apply.

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