Kamala Spokesperson Asked How She Would Lower Prices....But She Instead Tosses Word Salad And Then Whines About Being Interrupted


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
The big question everyone wants to ask Kamala is what specifically will she do to lower costs.

Instead she talks about how she feels our pain. Her spokespeople aren't any better at explaining it.

This is pretty pathetic.

I guess Kamala people aren't used to them getting the Trump Treatment.

Two things she will admit she plans on doing is institute a ban on price gouging. Massive socialism.

The other thing is taxing on wealth instead of income, which will destroy the economy. They call it an unrealized gains tax.
The big question everyone wants to ask Kamala is what specifically will she do to lower costs.

Instead she talks about how she feels our pain. Her spokespeople aren't any better at explaining it.

This is pretty pathetic.

I guess Kamala people aren't used to them getting the Trump Treatment.

Her plan is to lower the cost for all the illegals by giving them everything for free.
Excuse me, a kid who grew up in the middle class with nicely mowed lawns, was talking about the opportunity economy!
The big question everyone wants to ask Kamala is what specifically will she do to lower costs.

I would have thought the far bigger question is what has stopped her from implementing her plans these past four years? What is she waiting for? Worse, does Kamala know she is running on fixing a problem that occurred during her time in office, not someone else's, all due to her own policies which are non-different from Biden's? So electing her is at best no better than another four years of the same?

But Lakota thinks the video is fake news--- I guess what he is saying is the video was made up, never happened, or that Kammy's team is so weak, they cannot even beat fake news Fox.

No wonder the Word Salad Wonder fears debating on their network: real journalism and real questions.

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