Kamala's Genealogy - It's Not What You Think

I knew you were a Harris supporter
Yes, I am. She is a better choice than 4 years of Trump chaos, destruction of rule of law (as we know it) parts of the constitution, the destruction of Ukrain, being given to Russia and increasing the threat to Europe and NATO, making it more likely we would be drawn into a war there, to support NATO, unless Donny, once again walked away from even supporting our European allies in favor of his support of Putin. Not to forget the effects of his planned trade wars that would be carried by the middle and lower income portion of America, which would include me and mine.
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Yes, I am. She is a better choice than 4 years of Trump chaos, destruction of rule of law (as we know it) parts of the constitution, the destruction of Ukrain, being given to Russia and increasing the threat to Europe and NATO, making it more likely we would be drawn into a war there, to support NATO, unless Donny, once again walked away from even supporting our European allies in favor of his support of Putin.

That's your choice I suppose. I don't really care but stop pretending you're some moderate or Libertarian, everybody knows better and you've damaged your credibility
Birther shit all over again.
Get the fuck outta here.
No let them stay. It's actually pretty funny if you think about it. They spend so much time worrying about some far left dictator who's going to take away the white man's right to speak his mind but who needs to? These cuckolds seem unaware they've already been influenced to the point that they start from the liberal premise and pretend that they're the real liberals. They're the ones concerned about racism and preserving black culture. That's the game they have to play just to not be dismissed out of hand because that real white shit wouldn't fly. These threads are actually their admission of submission.
Blacks have strong opinions and behavioral patterns regarding "half breeds"

Why make it a "white" issue when it isn't?
Do "they". That's a weird fucking way to put that guy. People have opinions about lots of things, even people who's genealogy is from Sub Sahara Africa. That's kind of how people work. Doesn't mean "they" all share the same opinion.
Yes, I am. She is a better choice than 4 years of Trump chaos, destruction of rule of law (as we know it) parts of the constitution, the destruction of Ukrain, being given to Russia and increasing the threat to Europe and NATO, making it more likely we would be drawn into a war there, to support NATO, unless Donny, once again walked away from even supporting our European allies in favor of his support of Putin. Not to forget the effects of his planned trade wars that would be carried by the middle and lower income portion of America, which would include me and mine.

Like Dick Cheney you are 100% opposed to reopening the 911 investigation
Trump has a lot more credibility than Kamala and Dick Cheney and W and Walz summed together.
He never has before. You show yourself, a Trumper who will swallow anything. Is this you?
Who cares about Kamala's genealogy, and why should we?
Most people don't care, but the black mamas seem to. They also like that Kamala washes collard greens in her bathtub and can talk black: "Ya betta thank a union memba". They saying "She jus' like us"
Most people don't care, but the black mamas seem to. They also like that Kamala washes collard greens in her bathtub and that can talk black: "Ya betta thank a union memba".
Why do you cuckolds spend so much time pretending you know what other people are thinking rather than just be proud to tell us what you really think? Why are all of you such big bitches? :dunno:
Most people don't care, but the black mamas seem to. They also like that Kamala washes collard greens in her bathtub and can talk black: "Ya betta thank a union memba". They saying "She jus' like us"
You think anybody buys that crap about her washing collard greens in a bathtub?

I have nothing against Union Members. They are largely responsible for building the middle class.

I was in a union for a year or two, back in the 70s. They got the union voted in (well before I was hired) due to inequities in the work place. Young women that would fk a supervisor did very well, while regular workers ignored. Better pay and more equitable treatment were achieved. Of course, that did not correct management moves, to rape the company of assets, committement to projects and supply contracts, they could not possibly fill. Nor did it prevent management from taking bankruptcy on a Friday, announcing and shutting the plant doors that Friday afternoon, owing the workers large sums of money as unsecured creditors, including huge medical bills, due to workers having deduction for insurance, by management not making the payments with those deducted funds, so insurance not paying, not to mention final paycheck bouncing. I was doing stock and savings bonds through the company, the stock becoming worthless and bonds (a quarter behind) not given, as the money for them, going into the corporate president's pocket. When he phoned in the plant closing that Friday, he disappeared out the country (to the south) while instructing his private personal secretary to meet him in Chicago, to shake the authorities off his trail.
Any false claims these candidates have made about themselves, Kamala about her genealogy and Trump's self-made man boastings, is trivial in comparison to their political differences.
Why is it that half breeds seem to be the biggest racist instigators and agitators on the planet? Just as Obama wasn't who he said he was, Kamala is following in his fraudulent genealogical footsteps.

In America, nobody gives a shit about anyone's genealogy.

Only Nazis care about people's genealogy.

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