Kennedy: Barred from Communion

um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.
Yes, but if you went to the press to say that, I doubt it would get into print.

Kennedy's saying it ensures it's in print and that more know about it than the parishioners. Plus it removes speculation as to why he is not taking communion - probably a good idea considering good ol' partying Patrick.
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um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.
Yes, but if you went to the press to say that, I doubt it would get into print.

Kennedy's saying it ensures it's in print and that more know about it than the parishioners.
IMO, the entire thing is pretty silly. One of the purposes of excommunicating people is to keep the flock in if he really were excommunicated it would be in the Church's best interest to broadcast it. But apparently he was only told he shouldn't take communion. So while I can agree that Kennedy is using this in a political was the Bishop in telling him to avoid communion.

Half measures are the hallmark of cowards.
um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.
Yes, but if you went to the press to say that, I doubt it would get into print.

Kennedy's saying it ensures it's in print and that more know about it than the parishioners.
IMO, the entire thing is pretty silly. One of the purposes of excommunicating people is to keep the flock in if he really were excommunicated it would be in the Church's best interest to broadcast it. But apparently he was only told he shouldn't take communion. So while I can agree that Kennedy is using this in a political was the Bishop in telling him to avoid communion.

Half measures are the hallmark of cowards.
Yeah, he's not excommunicated and it is a half-measure, now that you mention it.
um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.
Yes, but if you went to the press to say that, I doubt it would get into print.

Kennedy's saying it ensures it's in print and that more know about it than the parishioners. Plus it removes speculation as to why he is not taking communion - probably a good idea considering good ol' partying Patrick.

Right, so why should he refrain from just speaking the truth publicly? :confused:
um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.
Yes, but if you went to the press to say that, I doubt it would get into print.

Kennedy's saying it ensures it's in print and that more know about it than the parishioners. Plus it removes speculation as to why he is not taking communion - probably a good idea considering good ol' partying Patrick.

Right, so why should he refrain from just speaking the truth publicly? :confused:
Because, like most of that clan, he is self-serving, first and foremost. Family tradition.
um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.

you don't even know that kennedy goes to church, or the same church every sunday, or the same time at the same church every sunday. he brought this on himself solely and completely.

no one knew, and even fewer cared, that the bishop told him not to take communion privately. the runt of the kennedy litter chose to go public with it now for his own reasons. end of story.

or maybe he's had an epiphany after three fucking years. :rofl:

“I am disappointed that the Congressman would make public my pastoral and confidential request of nearly three years ago that sought to provide solely for his spiritual well-being,” said Bishop Thomas Tobin in a strongly worded statement. “I have no desire to continue the discussion of Congressman Kennedy’s spiritual life in public.”

Patrick Kennedy, R.I. bishop trade jabs over communion ban -

spin away. :lol:
Read the {fucking} letter from the Bishop, {dumbass.}

It's all there.

{Or would you like me to send a copy of Hooked on Phonics to you for the holidays?



Why don't you just paste - right here - the part of the Pope's letter that answers to the point Anguille is making?

How was Patrick supposed to keep the public act of not going to communion private?

nobody knew about it until he opened his yap for whatever bizarre, drug abuse fuelled reason he has.

how is NOT doing something a public act? do you really think that there's someone checking up on this dipshit's church attendance and how often he takes communion?

really? c'mon.

No one could care less about when you, or even Officer Crowley, take communion but a prominent Catholic politician. Yes.

Why don't you just paste - right here - the part of the Pope's letter that answers to the point Anguille is making?

How was Patrick supposed to keep the public act of not going to communion private?

nobody knew about it until he opened his yap for whatever bizarre, drug abuse fuelled reason he has.

how is NOT doing something a public act? do you really think that there's someone checking up on this dipshit's church attendance and how often he takes communion?

really? c'mon.

No one could care less about when you, or even Officer Crowley, take communion but a prominent Catholic politician. Yes.

try again.
Personally, I think the Church is way out of line here.

You're kidding. It's the CATHOLIC church.
I'm not kidding. If a bishop or priest decides to deny a parishioner communion because they are a politician who can effect policy on abortion, that seems to be in line with the Pope's specific orders on this particular tenet. However, this decision is between the priest and that parishioner, only. It is a private matter. By making it public, the bishop has politicized Catholicism and I think that is way out of line. I'm a Roman Catholic, but it does not mean I defend the Church when I think it is out of line.

Actually, my understanding of the Catholic Church is that it's NOT "just between the priest and the parishioner". The Catholic heirarchy is set up so that higher officials DO have a say in how the priests administer their duties, including Communion. The Catholic Church throughout its history has always been concerned about and involved in the conduct of everyday political affairs and how they should be approached from a religious view. It's actually sort of amusing, the idea that so many people have that religion should be something totally divorced from one's actions and behavior.

If you support abortion, whether as a private citizen or as a politician, you are not a good Catholic and not eligible for Communion in that church. End of story.
um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.

you don't even know that kennedy goes to church, or the same church every sunday, or the same time at the same church every sunday. he brought this on himself solely and completely.

no one knew, and even fewer cared, that the bishop told him not to take communion privately. the runt of the kennedy litter chose to go public with it now for his own reasons. end of story.

or maybe he's had an epiphany after three fucking years. :rofl:

“I am disappointed that the Congressman would make public my pastoral and confidential request of nearly three years ago that sought to provide solely for his spiritual well-being,” said Bishop Thomas Tobin in a strongly worded statement. “I have no desire to continue the discussion of Congressman Kennedy’s spiritual life in public.”

Patrick Kennedy, R.I. bishop trade jabs over communion ban -

spin away. :lol:

We'll leave the spin to you, del, the spin master.

Does anyone know if Kennedy did stop taking communion per the bishop's sneaky behind the scenes attempted manipulation?

I'm glad Kennedy went public with this and I believe he did so in the best interest of the public. Voters want to know if the people they vote for are going to actually represent them or or if they are going to kow tow to grand Poobahs lording over small feudal holdouts in Southern Europe.
If you support abortion, whether as a private citizen or as a politician, you are not a good Catholic and not eligible for Communion in that church. End of story.
Well apparently that's not the end of story. It only applies to politicians. Parishioners get a free pass.
Well as I find this comical because it shows what hypocrites the Kennedy's are, I also chuckle because the church waited until Teddy was gone!

In spite of it exposing a Kennedy, as a Christian I don't agree with it in general. I feel that they will have to deal with God on this, when their day comes. I don't see it as mans place. But, they chose to be a part of the Catholic Church, hence, either stand by what you claim to hold dear or be rejected.

The church is within it's rights, as it is clear what church doctrine is!

Funny though, funny indeed.


Of course it is man's place to tell his putative Christian brothers when he perceives them in error. Luke 17:3 - “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. The Catholic Church would be in sin itself if it just shrugged and said, "Not our place to tell him. Let God deal with this after he dies."
No one could care less about when you, or even Officer Crowley, take communion but a prominent Catholic politician. Yes.

try again.
"try again"
del automatic come back #47

or maybe you're miffed no one cares when you go to church? :lol:

i'm not miffed at anything.

you're continuing attempts at being a contrarian are pretty funny, though.
well, mildly amusing. sort of.
You're kidding. It's the CATHOLIC church.
I'm not kidding. If a bishop or priest decides to deny a parishioner communion because they are a politician who can effect policy on abortion, that seems to be in line with the Pope's specific orders on this particular tenet. However, this decision is between the priest and that parishioner, only. It is a private matter. By making it public, the bishop has politicized Catholicism and I think that is way out of line. I'm a Roman Catholic, but it does not mean I defend the Church when I think it is out of line.

Actually, my understanding of the Catholic Church is that it's NOT "just between the priest and the parishioner". The Catholic heirarchy is set up so that higher officials DO have a say in how the priests administer their duties, including Communion. The Catholic Church throughout its history has always been concerned about and involved in the conduct of everyday political affairs and how they should be approached from a religious view. It's actually sort of amusing, the idea that so many people have that religion should be something totally divorced from one's actions and behavior.

If you support abortion, whether as a private citizen or as a politician, you are not a good Catholic and not eligible for Communion in that church. End of story.
LOL. The Church itself has stated that the issue IS between those two. And, read the rest of the thread for information about what the Church says about voters and politicians.

Your catching up should prevent additional foolishness.
um...if I were in church every Sunday with Kennedy I'd notice him sitting out communion...and so would everyone else.

you don't even know that kennedy goes to church, or the same church every sunday, or the same time at the same church every sunday. he brought this on himself solely and completely.

no one knew, and even fewer cared, that the bishop told him not to take communion privately. the runt of the kennedy litter chose to go public with it now for his own reasons. end of story.

or maybe he's had an epiphany after three fucking years. :rofl:

“I am disappointed that the Congressman would make public my pastoral and confidential request of nearly three years ago that sought to provide solely for his spiritual well-being,” said Bishop Thomas Tobin in a strongly worded statement. “I have no desire to continue the discussion of Congressman Kennedy’s spiritual life in public.”

Patrick Kennedy, R.I. bishop trade jabs over communion ban -

spin away. :lol:

I don't understand your point.

He recently brought it public, so it's his "fault" the news has gone beyond his Parish who so far, as far as we know, had not leaked it to the public. what? :confused:

The Bishop brought the private request to Patrick, and Patrick has decided to make it public, since he is a public figure and the Bishop's reasoning had to do with his stance on public policy, it amounts to publicly questioning his faith in the Catholic Church, good for him!

I don't blame Patrick Kennedy for telling the truth. Why shouldn't he?
For those who approve of this decision, how would you feel if a priest refused communion to a politician because of his support for the death penalty or his opposition to universal health care?

If the Catholic Church had a specific doctrinal position in conflict with support for those issues, then obviously we would feel that the Church was correct in requiring its parishioners to fall in line with doctrine in order to remain in good standing.

Doesn't mean I would agree with the Catholic Church's doctrine.

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