KESC determine to CONDUCT un-schedule / un-planned LOAD SHEDDING in entire Karachi?


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
KESC determine to CONDUCT un-schedule / un-planned LOAD SHEDDING in entire city of KARACHI

I want to share KESC never success or sincere to conduct pre-schedule load shedding area wise in entire Karachi, Pakistan. But observe doing load shedding according to staff wishes but never do as per schedule. Always give trouble and problems for consumers.

I don’t understand why KESC doing such carelessness and do not follow the load shedding time according to each area wise which help all consumers to do their job or work before the load shedding will conduct.

I am much regret and dis-appoint even higher authority do not take any action or notice why load shedding time not followed and make changes than how the consumers knows what time our area power will off by the mercy of KESC.

Due to non-cooperative attitude of KESC administration frequently supply of power badly affected. Sometimes claim due to fault consumer please suffer or some time single phase not coming. But why their qualified engineer does not overcome the problem on timely basis than what a need to hire such people services?

Last 2 months KESC billing system also badly affected in which consumers only suffer. More interesting to share KESC now begins to sending METER NOT READ high side billing to consumers? And claim due to the problem and disturbance we force to do this practice. All those units which over charged during last 2 months such are credit in current month bills so the consumers get rebate?

Karachi is the city of light couple of year’s backs but now present owner and management convert into a city of darkness. Make a probe how oil purchased and usage by the KESC so that you people know the comparatives figures of oil purchases and usage before and after the privations of the KESC.

It is the duty and responsibility of Governor of Sind a President to take immediate notice why and what reasons un-necessary load shedding not less than 6 to 8 hours in any part of Karachi city. Perhaps you got information for excess hours load shedding but the shameless and corrupt KESC management always remain silent and never realized those who are force to stay in hot whether those who have no GENERATOR or UPS how their family members (elderly persons, women’s, specially children’s and kids and patient) stay for load shedding single time hours not less than 1.30 Hrs or 2 Hrs.

Thanking You.

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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