Kill the Deniers!!!

How many times are you going to show us that table before people start wondering what it has to do with the policies of this nation and the rest of the world? Cause, last time I checked, we signed the Paris accords dipshit. Hillary is going to obliterate the Republican Party (you actually might want to start thinking of a name for your new one(s) and she accepts global warming as valid and requiring action. So will our new democratic congress. And as the icing on the very pinnacle of that cake of pleasure will be the pleasure of watching you eat it till it makes you puke.
well where exactly is your poll with your numbers to oppose the chart? Why is it you are uncomfortable with that graph, when you never prove it wrong? Until then, it has as much meaning as the first post with it. Come no stevie, post up the graph with the numbers that make us minuscule.
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Kill the Deniers.....hell of a name for a government sponsored "fantasy play", but there it is. Such is life when you support a failed pseudoscientific hypothesis. Here in the US, there is talk of trying skeptics in court...down under the government is sponsoring "fantasy plays" where deniers are murdered....and to make it all the more interesting, they are now publishing the play as an E-book.

Not so far off from cricks quote some time ago...(see my sig line) Clearly being one of them, he knows where they must go as reality continues to deny the AGW hypothesis.

The left is defending into the old style totalitarian propaganda mode very quickly...they apparently need guns, hostages, brute force and threats since it becomes more clear every day that they don't have any actual observational evidence that man is altering the global climate.
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?

but nobody is caring about the science club consensus..........not in the real world. When the "consensus science" starts having any impact on western nation energy policies, all it amounts to is...........:oops8:

Nobody cares about the 97%:springbed:

We see this hysterical shit from progressives all the time......getting giddy about slogans, protests and banners that don't mean all the giddy related to the NFL players kneeling or the gun grabbing protests last week. These meatheads take these huge bows on symbolism but what do they gain in the end?

They gain...........DICK!!!

Been hearing about the 97% for 2 decades now and meanwhile, Trump is blowing the shit out of the EPA as we speak. Because he can.......because nobody gives a shit.

Hey.....but you meatheads have the 97% banner!!!:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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Funny how 97% of scientists whose job it is to say there is global warming, say there's global warming. Who would have thought? :rolleyes:

They wouldn't happen to have, you know, a personal stake in the matter or anything, would they?
Funny how 97% of scientists whose job it is to say there is global warming, say there's global warming. Who would have thought? :rolleyes:

They wouldn't happen to have, you know, a personal stake in the matter or anything, would they?
yes sure its a conspiracy of thousands of scientist across International lines ....I personally do not look at the National Hurricane Center corrupt misinformation when a Hurricane threatens instead go to Alex Jones Infowar....for the straight weather info...LOL
Zone 2 threads have topics. Every post needs to respect that topic. This is not a free-for-all..

If it doesn't address the title and the SPECIFIC topic --- don't hit "Reply".. Six posts deleted.
It doesn't do anything about warming directly. Might help a vote down the road, but you folks are such a microscopic minority that the effect is bound to be utterly trivial. And, of course, it's gotten to the point that even the unwashed masses can tell you're all complete whack jobs, so you speaking out against AGW is nothing but a win-win for us.

A "microscopic minority"........... :iyfyus.jpg:

"utterly trivial" :abgg2q.jpg:

"win-win for us":whatsign:'ve been away for a spell. Did something hit you in the head again?
Kill the Deniers.....hell of a name for a government sponsored "fantasy play", but there it is. Such is life when you support a failed pseudoscientific hypothesis. Here in the US, there is talk of trying skeptics in court...down under the government is sponsoring "fantasy plays" where deniers are murdered....and to make it all the more interesting, they are now publishing the play as an E-book.

Not so far off from cricks quote some time ago...(see my sig line) Clearly being one of them, he knows where they must go as reality continues to deny the AGW hypothesis.

The left is defending into the old style totalitarian propaganda mode very quickly...they apparently need guns, hostages, brute force and threats since it becomes more clear every day that they don't have any actual observational evidence that man is altering the global climate.
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?
The Shell answer man says it's all hokum.
Kill the Deniers.....hell of a name for a government sponsored "fantasy play", but there it is. Such is life when you support a failed pseudoscientific hypothesis. Here in the US, there is talk of trying skeptics in court...down under the government is sponsoring "fantasy plays" where deniers are murdered....and to make it all the more interesting, they are now publishing the play as an E-book.

Not so far off from cricks quote some time ago...(see my sig line) Clearly being one of them, he knows where they must go as reality continues to deny the AGW hypothesis.

The left is defending into the old style totalitarian propaganda mode very quickly...they apparently need guns, hostages, brute force and threats since it becomes more clear every day that they don't have any actual observational evidence that man is altering the global climate.
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?

"Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?"

If he isn't I certainly am. And the burden of proof lies on those who claim that such a thing exists to any significant extent and after decades of hopping around claiming the sky is falling they have come nowhere close to doing so. The dire predictions failed to materialize. It was all just more play to gain money and power for the wannabe elite.
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