Zone1 Kratom Tea


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Anyone drink Kratom tea?...............anyhow the other day I was out biking on thr pinnellas trail up in Palm Harbor Fl. just north of Dunedin Fl. the hometown of the rising star in the Republican Party....alas I digress.

Anyhow.....I saw this coffee I go in....intending to get a coffee but I see this sign.....'We have Botanicals' I have been known to take a botanical or two I ax the Barista......beautiful young girl.....what kind of botanicals do you have? This was a very upscale place more like a bar than a coffee shop.

She said we have Kratom Tea.....So I asked what kind of Kratom do you have. She said they served red, green and white I sometimes deink Red Kratom at night as it helps me sleep.....thus I axed her what effect does white kratom have on one.

She said it will give you lots of energy.

So I told her.....give me one of those...........she brought me a tall cold glass of White Kratom was a hot day and I was thirsty....and drank it down fast.....I axed her how much....she said 8 bucks....i tried to hide my surprise since she was young, nice and pretty.....I wanted to be a cool I did not blink a eye ....gave her the 8 dollars and want across the street to a Asian restaurant when suddenly.............I got the effects of the Krartom......I thought I was dying...........terribly sick, nauseous dizzy and struggling to stay I sat there in the Restaurant hoping it would all pass if I gave it time....but it seemed like a long while and I was getting no better......I axed a girl there to call me an ambulance....I could talk but in a very slow measured and very precise seemed my voice was coming from somewhere else.

The girl was very nice and sat with me till the ambulance came.

The ambulance came and they took me to the hospital....all my vitals were good but they kept me overnight for observation.

I think the barrista just gave me toooooooooo much and I drank it tooo quickly.
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