Kyiv recruiting mercenaries world wide as it has run out of men .


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
Here is most of todays Ministry of Defence statement as it reports on Kyiv and its desperate need for front line troops . Russia has already obliterated the first two US-Ukey Nazi armies and is well on its way to pulverising the third which is now suffering so badly in the so called Summer Offensive . A "Summer Sacrifice "of monumental size would be a more realistic description .This disastrous attempted offensive has failed to cross Security Zones anywhere , which means that the Russian Defence Lines -- up to five deep in selected areas -- have had "nothing" to do.It will be interesting to note what gobbledygook and lies the Midget War Criminal will present to the Vilnius meeting over the next couple of days .In one of his latest pure lunatic broadcasts he down graded the offensive to a temporary holding action which could be speeded up any time to a major push into mainland Russia -- "Bordering on the insane , my Lord . Bed and isolation for the human wreck ".

10.07.2023 (14:35)

Statement of Russian Ministry of Defence​

Against the background of the disruption of the next wave of mobilisation in Ukraine and in order to conceal the catastrophic losses of military personnel in the AFU, the Kiev regime has stepped up recruitment work in Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern countries to attract foreign mercenaries.

In total, since 24 February 2022, 11675 foreign mercenaries from 84 countries have officially arrived in Ukraine to participate in the combat operations on the side of the AFU. The largest number of mercenaries came to Ukraine in March-April 2022, but after the first losses were suffered, the dynamics of their arrival has sharply decreased. The most numerous groups came from Poland (over 2,600 people), the USA and Canada (900 or more people), Georgia (over 800 people), the UK and Romania (700 or more people each), Croatia (over 300 people), as well as from France and the Turkish-controlled part of Syria (200 or more people each).

As of 30 June, 4,845 foreign mercenaries, the vast majority from the United States, Canada and European countries, have been reliably confirmed killed in the fighting. Another 4,801 foreign fighters escaped from the territory of Ukraine after dealing with the attitude of the Kiev regime towards them. Today, 2,029 mercenaries continue to operate in the ranks of the AFU.

According to the information obtained during interrogations of captured Ukrainian servicemen, the commanders of AFU units operating on the line of contact are not held accountable for losses among foreign mercenaries. The Ukrainian command treat the foreign mercenaries as cannon fodder, sending them at Russian positions in the first place. The evacuation of wounded mercenaries is organised on a residual principle, only after Ukrainian servicemen are removed.

Due to the high losses of personnel, the Kiev regime has reportedly launched the recruitment of foreign mercenaries in Argentina, Brazil, Afghanistan, Iraq and in the American-controlled areas of Syria over the past month. In connection with the multiple drop in interest in dying ‘for the Kiev regime’ in Poland, the United Kingdom and other European countries, recruitment activities have been stepped up in the United States of America and Canada. This work is being carried out on the basis of Ukrainian foreign institutions with the assistance of Western intelligence services, primarily the CIA and private military companies under its control (Academi, Cubic and Dean Corporation ).
etc etc
This war will go down in history sadly as the most avoidable conflict in world history... but because Biden and the Swamp wanted the war to start we didn't even try to prevent it... and the History books will show this... all these people dead... for what?... why?....
Here is most of todays Ministry of Defence statement as it reports on Kyiv and its desperate need for front line troops . Russia has already obliterated the first two US-Ukey Nazi armies and is well on its way to pulverising the third which is now suffering so badly in the so called Summer Offensive . A "Summer Sacrifice "of monumental size would be a more realistic description .This disastrous attempted offensive has failed to cross Security Zones anywhere , which means that the Russian Defence Lines -- up to five deep in selected areas -- have had "nothing" to do.It will be interesting to note what gobbledygook and lies the Midget War Criminal will present to the Vilnius meeting over the next couple of days .In one of his latest pure lunatic broadcasts he down graded the offensive to a temporary holding action which could be speeded up any time to a major push into mainland Russia -- "Bordering on the insane , my Lord . Bed and isolation for the human wreck ".

10.07.2023 (14:35)

Statement of Russian Ministry of Defence​

Against the background of the disruption of the next wave of mobilisation in Ukraine and in order to conceal the catastrophic losses of military personnel in the AFU, the Kiev regime has stepped up recruitment work in Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern countries to attract foreign mercenaries.

In total, since 24 February 2022, 11675 foreign mercenaries from 84 countries have officially arrived in Ukraine to participate in the combat operations on the side of the AFU. The largest number of mercenaries came to Ukraine in March-April 2022, but after the first losses were suffered, the dynamics of their arrival has sharply decreased. The most numerous groups came from Poland (over 2,600 people), the USA and Canada (900 or more people), Georgia (over 800 people), the UK and Romania (700 or more people each), Croatia (over 300 people), as well as from France and the Turkish-controlled part of Syria (200 or more people each).

As of 30 June, 4,845 foreign mercenaries, the vast majority from the United States, Canada and European countries, have been reliably confirmed killed in the fighting. Another 4,801 foreign fighters escaped from the territory of Ukraine after dealing with the attitude of the Kiev regime towards them. Today, 2,029 mercenaries continue to operate in the ranks of the AFU.

According to the information obtained during interrogations of captured Ukrainian servicemen, the commanders of AFU units operating on the line of contact are not held accountable for losses among foreign mercenaries. The Ukrainian command treat the foreign mercenaries as cannon fodder, sending them at Russian positions in the first place. The evacuation of wounded mercenaries is organised on a residual principle, only after Ukrainian servicemen are removed.

Due to the high losses of personnel, the Kiev regime has reportedly launched the recruitment of foreign mercenaries in Argentina, Brazil, Afghanistan, Iraq and in the American-controlled areas of Syria over the past month. In connection with the multiple drop in interest in dying ‘for the Kiev regime’ in Poland, the United Kingdom and other European countries, recruitment activities have been stepped up in the United States of America and Canada. This work is being carried out on the basis of Ukrainian foreign institutions with the assistance of Western intelligence services, primarily the CIA and private military companies under its control (Academi, Cubic and Dean Corporation ).
etc etc
I would see this in a different perspective. How is America and other Nato countries dealing with the dead who are coming home in body bags?

How long can it be carried out in the dead of night and how long will loved ones be willing to keep it all out of the media's spotlight.

Indeed, how long will the media be willing to keep it out of their spotlight?
Here is most of todays Ministry of Defence statement as it reports on Kyiv and its desperate need for front line troops . Russia has already obliterated the first two US-Ukey Nazi armies and is well on its way to pulverising the third which is now suffering so badly in the so called Summer Offensive . A "Summer Sacrifice "of monumental size would be a more realistic description .This disastrous attempted offensive has failed to cross Security Zones anywhere , which means that the Russian Defence Lines -- up to five deep in selected areas -- have had "nothing" to do.It will be interesting to note what gobbledygook and lies the Midget War Criminal will present to the Vilnius meeting over the next couple of days .In one of his latest pure lunatic broadcasts he down graded the offensive to a temporary holding action which could be speeded up any time to a major push into mainland Russia -- "Bordering on the insane , my Lord . Bed and isolation for the human wreck ".

10.07.2023 (14:35)

Statement of Russian Ministry of Defence​

Against the background of the disruption of the next wave of mobilisation in Ukraine and in order to conceal the catastrophic losses of military personnel in the AFU, the Kiev regime has stepped up recruitment work in Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern countries to attract foreign mercenaries.

In total, since 24 February 2022, 11675 foreign mercenaries from 84 countries have officially arrived in Ukraine to participate in the combat operations on the side of the AFU. The largest number of mercenaries came to Ukraine in March-April 2022, but after the first losses were suffered, the dynamics of their arrival has sharply decreased. The most numerous groups came from Poland (over 2,600 people), the USA and Canada (900 or more people), Georgia (over 800 people), the UK and Romania (700 or more people each), Croatia (over 300 people), as well as from France and the Turkish-controlled part of Syria (200 or more people each).

As of 30 June, 4,845 foreign mercenaries, the vast majority from the United States, Canada and European countries, have been reliably confirmed killed in the fighting. Another 4,801 foreign fighters escaped from the territory of Ukraine after dealing with the attitude of the Kiev regime towards them. Today, 2,029 mercenaries continue to operate in the ranks of the AFU.

According to the information obtained during interrogations of captured Ukrainian servicemen, the commanders of AFU units operating on the line of contact are not held accountable for losses among foreign mercenaries. The Ukrainian command treat the foreign mercenaries as cannon fodder, sending them at Russian positions in the first place. The evacuation of wounded mercenaries is organised on a residual principle, only after Ukrainian servicemen are removed.

Due to the high losses of personnel, the Kiev regime has reportedly launched the recruitment of foreign mercenaries in Argentina, Brazil, Afghanistan, Iraq and in the American-controlled areas of Syria over the past month. In connection with the multiple drop in interest in dying ‘for the Kiev regime’ in Poland, the United Kingdom and other European countries, recruitment activities have been stepped up in the United States of America and Canada. This work is being carried out on the basis of Ukrainian foreign institutions with the assistance of Western intelligence services, primarily the CIA and private military companies under its control (Academi, Cubic and Dean Corporation ).
etc etc
No wonder they are desperate for those cluster bombs.

Soon they will be asking for nukes.

I guess Litwin never joined up to show them Nazi Muslim dik-suckers what’s up?
Ukraine is fighting a losing battle.

If the hardcore supporters like JimH52, Donald H, Magnus, and others really want Biden to win this war, they're gonna need a nifty advertising campaign to whip up patriotic and financial support. I suggest something like this...

I would see this in a different perspective. How is America and other Nato countries dealing with the dead who are coming home in body bags?

How long can it be carried out in the dead of night and how long will loved ones be willing to keep it all out of the media's spotlight.

Indeed, how long will the media be willing to keep it out of their spotlight?
I have been surprised not to hear from investigating reporters covering this general area within Ukraine and Russia -- as distinct from dead mecenaries from other countries being returned to their respective homelands . Usually one hears of special cooler/freezer vehicles and even special trains being spotted and reported . But nothing that I have heard about. However , with regard to mercenaries , I suspect the numbers have not been high enough from NATO countries . Apart from officialdom demanding complete secrecy , consider repatriation of 5000 dead Americans over 70 weeks , for example . This equates to about 70 a week but spread over the total of the US . Easy to hide, particularly if officialdom follows obvious protocols of concealment . imo.
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Can't wait until that Western-infiltrated infested zombie state crumbles so Russia can put it's can of Raid away. The Russians don't want to be there, but having foreign countries install their operatives in neighboring countries to turn them against you is unacceptable and intolerable.

Russia's estimate on the numbers.
Clearly stated in OP . And consider that the incentives for providing something close to the facts are surely greater for a country that is overwhelming its enemy . Although not conclusive , my tracking of a number of reported matters, and on a daily basis, shows no anomalies in terms of a dozen different areas or after trend analysis . And frankly if you absurdly lowered Russian reporting by 50% the Ukey losses would still be awful.

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