LA Times faults GOP for problems in Dem-controlled one-party state of California


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
The Los Angeles Times is admitting that California has now turned into a third-world cesspool thanks to Democrat rule but is incredibly "blaming Republicans for the one-party state’s ills."

National attention is going to inevitably be focused on the Golden State’s failed experiment with unfettered leftist government now that Kamala Harris is looking to Californicate the entire nation if she gets elected and the media will have its work cut out for it to somehow shift the blame for the debacle on the left coast.

In a possible preview of the gaslighting to come, the Times acknowledged that Democrats are at fault for the crime, squalor and homelessness, but that the neutered and powerless California GOP is somehow complicit for not doing more to prevent the state’s slide into the abyss.

Why do you Prog Trogs try this so often? You and Gavin own this.
The Los Angeles Times is admitting that California has now turned into a third-world cesspool thanks to Democrat rule but is incredibly "blaming Republicans for the one-party state’s ills."

National attention is going to inevitably be focused on the Golden State’s failed experiment with unfettered leftist government now that Kamala Harris is looking to Californicate the entire nation if she gets elected and the media will have its work cut out for it to somehow shift the blame for the debacle on the left coast.

In a possible preview of the gaslighting to come, the Times acknowledged that Democrats are at fault for the crime, squalor and homelessness, but that the neutered and powerless California GOP is somehow complicit for not doing more to prevent the state’s slide into the abyss.

Why do you Prog Trogs try this so often? You and Gavin own this.

This has been applied at the federal level with the blaming of Trump for 12 of the last 16 years of federal rule so why would California be any different?

To be honest, it was Trump that ruined California, everyone knows that!
This has been applied at the federal level with the blaming of Trump for 12 of the last 16 years of federal rule so why would California be any different?

To be honest, it was Trump that ruined California, everyone knows that!

You made me laugh, thank you.
The Los Angeles Times is admitting that California has now turned into a third-world cesspool thanks to Democrat rule but is incredibly "blaming Republicans for the one-party state’s ills."

National attention is going to inevitably be focused on the Golden State’s failed experiment with unfettered leftist government now that Kamala Harris is looking to Californicate the entire nation if she gets elected and the media will have its work cut out for it to somehow shift the blame for the debacle on the left coast.

In a possible preview of the gaslighting to come, the Times acknowledged that Democrats are at fault for the crime, squalor and homelessness, but that the neutered and powerless California GOP is somehow complicit for not doing more to prevent the state’s slide into the abyss.

Why do you Prog Trogs try this so often? You and Gavin own this.
1st, 3dr, and 5th house districts are republican held
The Los Angeles Times is admitting that California has now turned into a third-world cesspool thanks to Democrat rule but is incredibly "blaming Republicans for the one-party state’s ills."

National attention is going to inevitably be focused on the Golden State’s failed experiment with unfettered leftist government now that Kamala Harris is looking to Californicate the entire nation if she gets elected and the media will have its work cut out for it to somehow shift the blame for the debacle on the left coast.

In a possible preview of the gaslighting to come, the Times acknowledged that Democrats are at fault for the crime, squalor and homelessness, but that the neutered and powerless California GOP is somehow complicit for not doing more to prevent the state’s slide into the abyss.

Why do you Prog Trogs try this so often? You and Gavin own this.
This is not something new for the LA Times.
Every time that I read something from the LA Times it reeks of far-left psycho hate garbage.
The real issue that drives the far left LA Times hate machine is their radical hatred for White people.
When the columnist Steve Lopez blames "republicans" he means White people.
He means that there are still too many evil White people in California for the Crazy Democrat Cult to achieve their marxist utopia.
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1st, 3dr, and 5th house districts are republican held
So out of 52 House seats, 2 Senate seats, a governorship, a super majority of Democrats in the California assembly 93-26 and have had the majority for all but two or three years in the 70’s, definitely a Democratic Party run state.

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