Lanny Davis reveals his accusations against Trump are false

Semi-related: R's need to grow some balls and fight back, fight for their culture's right to exist, fight the stupid left's. How about you dipshits get Christianity registered as "protected class" status and stop letting the regressive left fucking steam roll you pussies all over the place? Bah. Whats the point. R's in general are pathetic and worthless. Bastards have everything and can't do shit despite it. Where's our fucking wall you bastards?!? Where's the removal of fucking ACA?!? Useless RNC cowards...

If "Trump" types, folks willing to put a boot in the bureaucracy's ass, take over the R party, or start a new one, I'll vote them. As it stands, the only fucking reason I might vote RNC 2018, 2020, and beyond is 1) Trump, or 2) to slow down the rise of fucking communism and socialism - which ain't great cause the R party half supports the red tide.

Despite your somewhat rancid tone, I agree with your sentiments. Patriotic Americans Left and Right must make a stand, quick time, against the radical Leftist ideology besieging every aspect of our traditional American way of life, or lose it forever. We must stop APOLOGIZING for being patriotic Americans, responsible individuals, Christians, warriors, policemen, lovers of freedom and our Constitution, and all the the rest; or in giving one damn inch to the radical American revolutionary ideologues, we will give a complete and hasty and lasting victory: the end of free America.

It's true, I am nearly as irritated with the failures of the right to "follow through", as I am with the left's adoration of socialism.
Lanny Davis has always been an “Incapable of Connecting the Dots” Liberal moron.

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