Larry Elder attacked in California

I'm not exactly cheering it on, but I don't feel sorry for Elder. He's a piece of shit who has sold out the black community and has adopted and promoted ideas that have harmed blacks in America.
But no matter him being a sell out, it's still wrong to attack anyone physically.... Yell, scream, protest, and most importantly VOTE, is how it should be done.

death threats, though not physical like an egg thrower, are even more dangerous than some civil disobedience acts....!!! Imho
A black man says slave owners deserve reparations and you cheer him on. Shut the fuck up.
Why the need for wearing a gorilla mask?

That white woman isn’t racist?

You think Larry Elder is going to pay families of white farmers?

There were no plantations with black slaves in California. There’s no families of those farmers that ever existed. He’s trolling the idea of reparations, because it’s a dumbass idea 150 yrs later
What's with right wing extremists storming the capital, or driving a truck filled with explosives to the library of congress? You right wingers seem to have amnesia pertaining to the shit you do.

nope, memory is strong as ever.

nope, memory is strong as ever.
Apparently your memory failed because 1-6 was the first time the capital had been stormed since the 1800's.
Yea...I SHOULD be using American flags attached to flap poles and be throwing them like spears at cops...right?

Ya you fuckers did in the Capitol Insurrection.
Throughout 2020, when you people weren’t burning and looting livelihoods in US cities, you were pulling innocent drivers from their cars and beating the shit out of them as a form of protest.
Throughout 2020, when you people weren’t burning and looting livelihoods in US cities, you were pulling innocent drivers from their cars and beating the shit out of them as a form of protest.
They forget so quickly, when they want to.
Throughout 2020, when you people weren’t burning and looting livelihoods in US cities, you were pulling innocent drivers from their cars and beating the shit out of them as a form of protest.
Guys, I don't think that Larruh has a snowball's chance in hell of winning, not even dog catcher.
This thread is not about Elder's chances of winning, it is about the attack on him by the intolerant left. Why did you change the topic?
Wow. A gorilla mask.
Why isnt the left screeching about "da waycism?"
Oh yeah!
Several people in this thread bitch about racism CONSTANTLY. They dont say a word about this because his opinions differ from theirs.
Just goes to show IM2 and Asclepias are disingenuous AS FUCK.
They dont care about racism. They dont even care about blacks. They only care about the party that has been lying and oppressing them for GENERATIONS.
THAT is a true "sell-out"
Black lives don't matter to Larry Elder so why are a bunch of whites asking why BLM isn't showing up for his sellout ass?

Oh I forgot, white racists love Uncle Toms because Uncle Toms help them.

Black Lives don't matter to race whores like you. If they did you would do something about the black on black crime that does more damage than whitey ever did.
Several people in this thread bitch about racism CONSTANTLY. They dont say a word about this because his opinions differ from theirs.
Just goes to show IM2 and Asclepias are disingenuous AS FUCK.
They dont care about racism. They dont even care about blacks. They only care about the party that has been lying and oppressing them for GENERATIONS.
THAT is a true "sell-out"

Yup. They are the ultimate, bootlicking race whores out there.
Why the need for wearing a gorilla mask?

That white woman isn’t racist?

You think Larry Elder is going to pay families of white farmers?

There were no plantations with black slaves in California. There’s no families of those farmers that ever existed. He’s trolling the idea of reparations, because it’s a dumbass idea 150 yrs later

That's not a mask ,IM2 really looks like that. One has to wonder at the vitriol and hated spewed by these people 24/7.
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Fuck that Uncle Tom. He's been attacking blacks for years and his bullshit is why things stay continually fucked up for black people. People who stormed the capital for nothing ad/or who support the claim that caused it don't have shit to say about violence. Elder had this coming, he's lucky it was not something worse.
You’ll be pulling that D lever for the next 20 years and blacks will have the same or worse problems. Just like you did for the last 20 years. Racial Jungle *Joe will fix it you betcha!
The best part is I get to laugh at people who think like you for another 20 years.

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